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Men in Nursing

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Subject Specialist Subject Specialist

Effective Communicator Effective Communicator

Inclusive Citizen Inclusive Citizen

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This activity involves current Male Nursing students supporting the School of Nursing to promote Nursing as a positive career option for males.

Outline of Activity

The Men in Nursing initiative is highly interactive with nursing students from Ulster University demonstrating clinical skills such as hand washing, using a defibrillator, blood pressure pulse, CPR, trauma and wound dressings, mental health and bed giving the young men a practical insight and hands on experience of the profession.

Learning Outcomes

Men represent a small percentage of the nursing workforce and this activity aims to challenge the stigma and inspire males to consider Nursing as a positive career choice.

This project aimed to address the stereotypical view of nursing as a female only profession and in doing increase boy's knowledge and awareness about nursing and to influence perceptions so that they would consider nursing as a viable option in the future.

Participants will demonstrate key nursing skills as part of this initiative including Basic Life Support, Handwahsing and Blood pressure/pulses, trauma and wound dressing and much more.

Assessment Details

Approximately 30 hours commitment across the full initiative

Level of Commitment

Approximately 30 hours commitment across the full initiative

Graduate Attributes

Subject Specialist image

Subject Specialist

A student who displays this skill can:

  • use a breadth and depth of knowledge
  • apply knowledge confidently
Effective Communicator image

Effective Communicator

A student who displays this skill can:

  • show effective spoken and written communication skills in multiple forms and with a range of audiences
  • help resolve conflicts which may arise in a group dynamic
  • be an assertive and active listener
Inclusive Citizen image

Inclusive Citizen

A student who displays this skill can:

  • actively participate in local communities and global society
  • demonstrate inclusive behaviour toward different abilities, backgrounds and beliefs
  • use empathy to encourage inter-cultural respect