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Geospatial Programming Skills

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Subject Specialist Subject Specialist

Digitally Fluent Professional Digitally Fluent Professional

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School of Geography and Environmental Science students can develop programming or scripting skills through online courses such as MOOCs or the Esri Virtual Campus.

Outline of Activity

Graduates often embark on careers within the GIS, engineering, geoscience and surveying industries. These industries, and many others, look favourably on graduates with coding/programming skills. This EDGE activity rewards students who develop programming or scripting skills through online courses such as MOOCs or the Esri Virtual Campus. All students within the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences can take web-based Esri Virtual Campus courses for free. Examples of courses include Python Scripting for Geoprocessing Workflows, Python Scripting for Map Automation, Creating Python Scripts for Raster Analysis and Basics of JavaScript Web Apps.

Learning Outcomes

This activity is not restricted to Python but rewards students for developing programming skills such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript or Java. These languages enable students to create websites or applications that can make procedures more efficient or permit students to publish content online.

Examples include:






Assessment Details

Students are required to submit proof of successful course completion.

For instance, Esri Virtual Campus courses provide a certificate after successful completion of an exam.

Students must also submit a 300 word reflection of the activity.

Level of Commitment

Students will need to be able to demonstrate 20 hours. This can be from completing multiple short courses.

Course time 18 hours

300 word self reflection 2 hours


Dr Paul McKenzie

Senior Lecturer

School of Geog & Environmental Scs



Graduate Attributes

Subject Specialist image

Subject Specialist

A student who displays this skill can:

  • use a breadth and depth of knowledge
  • apply knowledge confidently
Digitally Fluent Professional image

Digitally Fluent Professional

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently use and adapt digital devices, applications and services to suit task requirements
  • explore, evaluate and adapt subject specific and generic ICT solutions to professional tasks  and problems
  • operate safely and ethically in a digital world