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Excel Software Workshop

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Subject Specialist Subject Specialist

Digitally Fluent Professional Digitally Fluent Professional

Growth Mindset Growth Mindset

Read about Graduate Attributes  

The aim of this workshop is to increase the employability prospects of students in the Department of Global Business & Enterprise by giving them practical experience of the use of Excel.

Outline of Activity

The workshop will provide students with training on how Excel software is utilised in practice and industry. Students will work on excel databases and will enter business transactions onto the software packages using prescribed business cases. Students will then use the software to present and analyse the business transactions. This workshop is targeted at students who are in their second and final degree year. The workshop is not suitable for students who have completed BMG259 Academic and Business Analytic Skills.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to use the Excel software package
  • Gain commercial and business awareness
  • Learn how to analyse business data using software
  • Learn how to present business data

Assessment Details

  • Students will be required to perform a number of tasks on the software packages which will incorporate analysing and presenting data on business cases.
  • Students will complete an online quiz and online reflection to demonstrate that they have performed and understand the tasks.

Level of Commitment

20 hours in total.

Commitment Requirements

Recorded and live sessions

18 hours

Online Quiz and reflection

2 hours

Total hours

20 hours


Graduate Attributes

Subject Specialist image

Subject Specialist

A student who displays this skill can:

  • use a breadth and depth of knowledge
  • apply knowledge confidently
Digitally Fluent Professional image

Digitally Fluent Professional

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently use and adapt digital devices, applications and services to suit task requirements
  • explore, evaluate and adapt subject specific and generic ICT solutions to professional tasks  and problems
  • operate safely and ethically in a digital world
Growth Mindset image

Growth Mindset

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently explore new directions and take on new challenges
  • proactively make decisions and take responsibility for actions
  • encourage progress by assessing and taking risks