Edge Award Portal

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Course Rep

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Creative Problem Solver Creative Problem Solver

Responsible Team Player Responsible Team Player

Effective Communicator Effective Communicator

Personal Confidence & Resilience Personal Confidence & Resilience

Read about Graduate Attributes  

Get EDGE accreditation for your role as Course Rep by completing at least 1 training session and relevant documentation.

Outline of Activity

Central to the ongoing development and success of our academic representation structure we have around 800+ students stepping into the Course Rep role each year. As the largest group of student volunteers here at Ulster they ensure the student voice is heard and valued on each course and programme. By actively seeking student opinion Course Reps act as the official, elected voice of their course colleagues.

Learning Outcomes

Collaborating with Course/ Subject directors and their Students’ Union, Course Reps enable and improve communication with the student body, feed into quality assurance processes, and are pro-active in helping to resolve issues relating to the student learning experience.

Within your role as Course Rep you will:

  • Represent the views of all students within your course informally to your Course/ Programme Director and formally through your Staff Student Consultative Committee meeting.
  • Pro-actively find resolutions and improvements to the student learning experience.
  • Promote and communicate your role within UUSU and the University to all students within your course.

Personally you will get a lot from knowing you have made a real difference and have had a positive impact on the learning experience of your course colleagues;

  • Professionally there are a number of transferable skills which our Course Reps report that they have developed, not least Communication, Leadership, Negotiation and Time management skills.
  • Improve your understanding of the University and Students’ Union systems and influencing their direction;
  • Develop stronger links with staff on your course;
  • Meet new people on your course, and making your time more enjoyable;
  • Gain accreditation for your time in the role, it’s an EDGE accredited activity!

Assessment Details

You need to make sure you have registered with us as a Course Rep, attended at least one of our training sessions (either on campus or online) and completed your Volunteering Profile on the UUSU website.

Information that needs included on your Volunteering Profile includes:

  • Your volunteer activity (min 30 hours)
  • Evidence of 7 skills developed
  • Reflection Survey

Level of Commitment

Some periods in the semester will be busier than others, depending on whether you have meetings or training to attend. Taking this into consideration you should probably expect to volunteer an average of one hour per week to the role (around 30 hours over the two semesters).


If you have any questions please email coursereps@uusu.org or contact Paul Frazer by emailing p.frazer@ulster.ac.uk

Graduate Attributes

Creative Problem Solver image

Creative Problem Solver

A student who displays this skill can:

  • identify and select methods to analyse complex problems
  • innovate and experiment to advance knowledge and solve problems
  • be creative with ideas and solutions
Responsible Team Player image

Responsible Team Player

A student who displays this skill can:

  • be a reliable, empathetic and empowering team contributor
  • be open to positive and constructive feedback
  • consistently deliver and exceed on all expectations in a reliable and honest manner
  • be accountable and reliable (responsible)
Effective Communicator image

Effective Communicator

A student who displays this skill can:

  • show effective spoken and written communication skills in multiple forms and with a range of audiences
  • help resolve conflicts which may arise in a group dynamic
  • be an assertive and active listener
Personal Confidence & Resilience image

Personal Confidence & Resilience

A student who displays this skill can:

  • understand individual emotions and triggers
  • manage stress and stay composed in difficult situations
  • be resilient, adaptable and flexible when dealing with change or uncertainty