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Accredited Carbon Literacy training

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Citizen with Integrity Citizen with Integrity

Inclusive Citizen Inclusive Citizen

Sustainable Citizen Sustainable Citizen

Future Thinker Future Thinker

Read about Graduate Attributes  

Develop and certify your carbon literacy through our accredited online training.

Outline of Activity

Complete this activity to gain accredited certification from the Carbon Literacy Project and get Carbon Literate certified. Completing this EDGE activity signals a professional commitment to tackling climate change. Delivered by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, contact the UU activity co-ordinator for proposed dates.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of each course, students will have explored:

  • the basics of climate change science
  • how climate change has greater impact on vulnerable groups in our communities
  • the impacts and risks of climate change for Northern Ireland and regions across the globe
  • how governments have responded to the climate emergency at a global and local level
  • specific ways that you as an individual and your local community can make changes to reduce carbon emissions and improve the lives of current and future generations
  • resources and networks that connect communities in developing climate action projects

Assessment Details

Dates for upcoming training

Date: Thursday 6th March 2025

Time: 10am to 4.00pm

Date: Monday 24th March 2025

Time: 10am to 4.00pm

Students must complete the questionnaire emailed to them at the end of the course by KNIB. Once completed and returned, students will then receive their Carbon Literacy Certificate.

Once you receive your certificate from KNIB please upload this via this link.

Upload your Carbon Literacy Training Certificate


Please contact Brian Byers for more information.

Brian Byers

Student & Graduate Opportunities Manager

Student and Graduate Opportunities Team



Graduate Attributes

Citizen with Integrity image

Citizen with Integrity

A student who displays this skill can:

  • be critically self-aware - recognising individual strengths and opportunities for development
  • uphold strong moral principles and act with honesty, reliability, and respect for others
  • develop a sense of one's values for ethical choices and actions that will benefit others
  • value different world views and cross-cultural diversity
Inclusive Citizen image

Inclusive Citizen

A student who displays this skill can:

  • actively participate in local communities and global society
  • demonstrate inclusive behaviour toward different abilities, backgrounds and beliefs
  • use empathy to encourage inter-cultural respect
Sustainable Citizen image

Sustainable Citizen

A student who displays this skill can:

  • take responsibility for their actions for sustainability issues
  • adapt a practical approach to solve sustainability challenges
Future Thinker image

Future Thinker

A student who displays this skill can:

  • understand and evaluate possible, probable and desirable futures to create a personal vision of the future
  • understand and contribute towards current and future local and global challenges
  • future gaze to deal with change