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Self Awareness can be described as how well you know and understand yourself. Your level and depth of self awareness is like your foundation. If it's not where it should be it is hard to get momentum in your career. If you continually work on and maintain your self awareness then you are always moving forward with your development and career.

Your self awareness impacts on everything you do in your career. Your confidence, self development and career decision making are all built on the foundations laid by your self awareness.

If you feel you need help to start improving your self awareness and confidence we can work with you through our advice service. As you start to develop your self awareness, you can make clearer and more assertive career decisions, you can start to develop new skills and you can improve your self confidence.

Getting started with your self awareness

Accelerated Self Management
A self awareness journey

Learning resources

Knowing your strengths- Online self assessment

Understanding your skills and strengths is key to your career development.

Being able to categorise your abilities can help you to more clearly define your working role and your career direction, to celebrate what you are good at, accept the things you are not and appreciate others for their strengths in your areas of weakness.

The purpose of this simple assessment is to allow you to easily assess your own strengths from a broad selection of skills using three dimensions: enjoyment, proficiency and importance (to your current or potential role) and to group them into five categories: prime strengths, untapped strengths, necessary skills, underdeveloped skills and weaknesses:

Strengths Assessment

You can also access a range of other career assessments that will support the development of your self awareness.