Sustainable and Green Careers

As we transition to a green economy, Ulster University will help you prepare to thrive in your career whilst recognising the importance of sustainability. Here you will find resources and industry insights to help you identify, develop and articulate your green skills.

There are resources to support your transition from university to the world of work in sustainable and green careers with helpful guidance on developing your professional identity in a green economy.

This website encourages you to develop the Ulster University Graduate Attributes, Active Citizen and Thriving Individual.  It is also aligned with Sustainable Development Goals 4, 8 and 13.

You can learn more about Ulster University's commitment to sustainability initiatives with our staff, students, and external partners across various aspects of teaching, research, professional services operations, and governance.

What do employers say about the skills you need?

“Our staff at Fibrus have a wide range of skills in areas such as engineering, network design, business, GIS, PR marketing and design, which helps to build and support our full fibre green network, using green energy and a sustainable supply chain. As Fibrus works to decarbonise and achieve net zero by 2040, whilst maintaining the ISO 14001 standard, all employees are required to play their part in working more sustainably. Carbon literacy and a sustainability mindset are desirable green skills and qualities we seek in our workforce.”

Rachel Bain

Environmental & Sustainability Specialist, Fibrus

Skills for a Green Economy

Employers are increasingly seeking employees with green credentials as organisations and businesses are required to comply with climate legislation and improved environmental performance.

Green jobs and skills are no longer limited to niche academic areas and roles such as ecology and environmental management.  There are many ways to apply green skills and jobs that support a Green Economy indirectly which are also considered green.

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Sustainability has to be a new way of working

“While many companies are working to reduce their carbon footprint, the focus of sustainability work is moving quickly from reducing environmental impact to mitigating against further climate change. This includes restoring the health of the planet and what has already been lost from nature. Sustainability has to be a new way of working and not just a job that is someone’s responsibility. It has to involve everyone finding better work methods, using less virgin materials, reusing existing resources and creating efficiency through analysis and planning , using digital skills and technology.”

Michael Kerr

Regional Business Development Director (Ireland)

Green Credentials

Labour market reports indicate that green skills in sustainability or sustainable development are highly sought after by employers.  This especially applies to businesses impacted by climate legislation and organisations working to achieve and maintain green standards, such as ISO: 14001 and  B Corps.  Check out the EDGE activities below to demonstrate your nature connectedness, carbon literacy and sustainability knowledge.

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Start with the Ulster EDGE Award

Stand out to employers and develop your sustainable and green skills by completing sustainability related EDGE Award activities including Carbon Literacy training with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful or the Nature Connectedness online course?

Image for Carbon Literacy Training

Green Job Search

There are many job opportunities for graduates of all disciplines to contribute to a Green Economy. Green job search sites have been developed by professional membership organisations IEMA and CIEEM, local green jobs are advertised on NI Environment Link and CommunityNI

Image for Green Job Search Checklist