Industry-relevant course content

After 23 years away from academic learning, it was time for a refresher! The Ulster Executive MBA appealed to me because of the industry-relevant course content, positive feedback from a colleague who had completed the course, and its alignment with my career aspirations for advancing into general management.

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Greatly improving customer service and value

I found the management project to be very rewarding as it provided an excellent opportunity to apply the learnings from different modules including strategy, organisational culture change, marketing, statistics, and supply chain management. It was very pleasing to use the knowledge in a real-life case study and make a tangible difference in my business by greatly improving customer service and value. The EMBA certainly helped focus the minds and contribute to this positive outcome.

Through lectures, listening to excellent guest speakers and class discussions, I gained a much greater appreciation of the changing external factors and how they influence a business. The course drives you to be more open minded and critical through asking more of the ‘right’ questions based on a better understanding, particularly in finance in my case.

My career has developed further

Since completing the programme my career has developed further gaining new responsibilities within the Huhtamaki business and expanding the supply chain organisation to incorporate quality, safety and compliance.

Should you get the opportunity to do an EMBA, my best advice is to be open minded, disciplined, get organised early, but most of all, enjoy it!