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This Charter sets out the standards of service which the University aims to provide in terms of corporate library, IT and reprographic services.

The University is committed to aiming for the highest quality possible and this Charter is one way of outlining that commitment to you.

What this charter does

  • Most of the rights included in this Charter have been developed as a means of ensuring that we achieve and maintain the highest standards of provision. This is a statement of intent and is not a legal document and there may be occasions when the University or students are prevented or delayed from meeting the expectations outlined in this Charter through circumstances or delays beyond their control.
  • This Charter also sets out what we expect of you. The quality of the service that we believe you are entitled to expect is, therefore, balanced with responsibilities placed on you as a student: both are intended to ensure that you gain maximum benefit from your time with us.

The University aims to provide equality of opportunity for all regardless of gender, marital status, religious belief, political belief, race, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or responsibility for dependants. We expect that you will help to create and maintain an environment which encourages equality of treatment and is free from harassment and discrimination.

Digital Services is a major University administrative department with responsibilities covering library, academic and administrative computing, digital communications, audio-visual services and reprographic services.

This charter was developed in consultation with a representative range of students and staff from the University. The charter was produced in conjunction with the Charter Review Group and has been approved by the Senate and Council of the University.

Consultation with Users

Our main opportunity to meet students is at our Student Liaison Meetings that occur at least twice a year, with each campus hosting at least one meeting per year. These meetings are usually attended by elected representatives of the Students’ Union but are open to all students within the University. These meetings provide students with the opportunity to raise issues of concern relating to our services and facilities. Minutes of these meetings are available.

Digital Services also has representation on many University committees and working groups containing student representatives and addressing issues important to all students.

The University is the awarding body for a number of courses delivered by other institutions. In recognition of the variety of facilities and methods of provision available at other Institutions, the University does not require partner institutions to implement this Charter.


The role of the library is the provision of materials, study areas and services which meet the needs of all students in accordance with the University's overall aims and objectives.

A team of subject librarians liaises with teaching staff and relevant committees in each faculty to ensure that the library services are planned to meet students’ requirements.

Quality services are provided by well-trained staff who are responsive to user demands and proactive in the development of services and in the use of new technology.

What you can expect from library services:

  • A helpful and courteous service from staff at all times.
  • A library environment that is suitable for study.
  • Access to the library materials needed to successfully undertake their course of student or research.
  • Support in their use of library resources through, user guides, classes and one-to-one help.
  • The library will provide additional resources and support for client groups with extra demands; these groups include students with disabilities, part-time students and distance learning students.

What we expect of you

  • Adhere to the published library code of conduct.
  • Adhere to published rules and regulations of library.
  • Make appropriate use of your University email account. This will be the primary method of contacting you and should be checked regularly.

We measure our performance against many standards including these:

  • Skilled library staff will be available to support a quality library & information service to our users during opening hours. Library staff will be appropriately trained and will provide a courteous and helpful service to users.
  • Library staff will provide induction sessions, subject classes and one-to-one support to provide students with the skills they need to make effective and efficient use of the library resources for their course.
  • The library will provide effective access to the books, journals and online resources needed by students to complete their course of study.
  • Library staff will respond within three working days to all submitted Subject Enquiries, requests for enhanced services for disabled students and submitted Comments / Suggestions about Library service.
  • The library will produce regularly updated printed and online guides to the library service, with tailored guides for each subject studies at the university.

You can view our latest performances and a full guide to our services.

ICT Customer Services

ICT Customer Services offers teaching and learning support to staff and students through the services it delivers.

These include the provision of ICT and media facilities and services, development of the student desktop environment, and a University-wide IT Service Desk team.

For students with extra demands (such as students with disabilities), we work closely with the relevant University department to obtain an appropriate level of service.

Our division is organised as three sections; a central Service Desk, a Services Improvement Team and four campus-based ICT service teams.

What you can expect from ICT services:

  • A media technology, network and server infrastructure to support teaching and learning within the University
  • Your personal University email address and access to a range of standard software applications, the internet, and printing facilities from all our corporate PCs
  • Staff on our Service Desk will be available during normal working hours to provide help, information and advice. We will also maintain a wide range of online training materials on our website, covering many of the common desktop applications.

What we expect of you

  • Adherence to the Ulster University's Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Observance of Digital Services general policies relating to ICT matters.
  • Compliance with the University’s policies and procedures.
  • Appropriate use of your student email account. This will be the primary method of contacting you and should be checked regularly.

We measure our performance against many standards including

  • A University IT account and email address within 5 working days of completing the enrolment process.
  • Networked and server services: 99.5% availability.
  • 95% availability of functional desktops, delivering software profile in each laboratory, provided the disruption is not due to a hardware fault.
  • Service Desk staff available at least 95% of working day.

Please feel free to read a full guide to our services and view our latest reports.


The reprographic division of Digital Services provides a commercial standard print service to students, offering value for money printing, copying and binding.

We continually explore changes in print and copy technologies so that the equipment used is both functional and reliable.

Monitoring usage and student requirements to ensure that requested services are offered.

What you can expect from Reprographic Services

  • A high standard of service in all areas of production.
  • Professional and helpful staff.
  • Advice for all areas of print/copy/binding.

What we expect of you

  • A reasonable deadline for production of work (we do know that this is not always possible)
  • Work to be presented in a usable format (speak to a member of reprographic staff if unsure)
  • To deal with Reprographic staff in a polite and courteous manner

We measure our performance against commercial printing standards.

If things go wrong

We hope you will find little to complain about our services but if you do bring concerns to our attention you can be sure that they will be treated seriously and that every effort will be made to resolve them.

Most problems can be resolved by contacting our staff at the Library Information Points on each campus or ICT Service Desk.

If you are not satisfied with our service, you may complete a Comments & Suggestions form, available at our Information Points or online.

We publish the results and actions taken annually. These can be found at the above address. We regard this as a valuable source of feedback and we respond to each comment individually (if requested).

The University also has a student complaints procedure for dealing with most complaints about any aspect of the academic or other services provided by the University.

There are a number of types of complaint which are not dealt with under this procedure, such as where the complaint relates to academic decisions or to sexual, racial or religious harassment or discrimination, for which separate procedures exist. Details of all procedures are outlined within the student complaints leaflet. Copies of the Student Complaints leaflet are available from University Libraries, Student Support Offices, the Students' Union or from the University website. If you would like advice on the University’s procedures, you should contact the Student Complaints Liaison Officer. The Students’ Union can also assist with providing advice and support to students.

No student will be disadvantaged because he or she has made a complaint in good faith.

Disciplinary procedures for students

In addition, you should note that there are disciplinary procedures for students who break University regulations or fail to comply with instructions regarding conduct. Details are provided in the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations.


If you wish to contact our department about this charter or any issue relating to our services, please contact one of the following:

Charter Contacts
Library Frank Reynolds  Arts-Sub Librarian 028 70324540
ICT Customer Services Keith Livingston 028 90368470
Reprographics Mark Millar 028 70324116

In this section

Student Liaison Meetings

Student Liaison Meetings

Student Charter Reports

A series of reports (which include data on Library, ICT and Reprographics services) are available as pdf documents.