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If you would like to find out more about the av technologies in any of the spaces, or have questions, please contact the Service Desk.

To help you gain confidence in the use of AV technologies, Digital Services offer tailored training which can be arranged for staff on a one-to-one, or group basis, by contacting at any time throughout the year. We also offer regular training events which are often promoted via global mail shot and Twitter @UlsterUniDS

For a general overview of the technology within teaching rooms please refer to the guides below.

Teaching room technology guides

General Classroom Technology Guides

Visualiser Guides

Mersive Solstice

Touch Screen Controller

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between audio amplification microphones and audio capture microphones?

    Audio amplification microphones are connected to amplifiers and speakers within large teaching spaces to amplify the voice of the speaker within the room.

    The type of the microphone may be lectern, boundary, wireless lapel . Due to COVID wireless lapels are not currently in use.

    Audio capture microphones are connected to a teaching room pc so that the software in use on the pc can detect audio from the speaker.

    These microphones do not amplify the level of the speakers voice within the room.

    The type of microphone in use are USB boundary.

    Please note there is a huge range of microphones which are suitable for different room sizes, infrastructure, teaching style and therefore there is no ideal solution, however, Digital Services can provide a USB boundary microphone and working in conjunction with ODL can make recommendations for alternatives where required.

    Please note that a laptop has an inbuilt camera and microphone and therefore will only require software installed to allow for audio and video capture over presentation.

In this section

Solstice Active Learning

Solstice Active Learning is a technology from Mersive, that allows users to control content sharing within an Active learning studio.

Solstice Conference

Information about Solstice at Ulster.

Solstice Wireless Display

A technology from Mersive to allow staff and students to connect wirelessly to display screens and projectors using mobile devices.