Service Description
The Mailing List Service is designed for the central dissemination of information to staff and students of the University via e-mail, known informally as “global mailshots”.
Digital Services control a number of standardised lists that allow messages to be targeted at large groups of staff and students. The current standard mailing lists are shown below:
- All Staff
- All Students (All campuses)
- Staff on a specific campus (Jordanstown, Belfast, Coleraine, Derry~Londonderry)
- Students on a specific campus (Jordanstown, Belfast, Coleraine, Derry~Londonderry, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Global Online Education, Qatar/Doha)
- Students on NI Campuses only (excludes London, Birmingham, Manchester & Qatar/Doha)
Please Note
When targeting a sub set of users within a standard distribution list it is recommended to use one of the above standard lists with an updated subject line containing an FAO message. (i.e. For the attention of International Students only”)
Mailshot Requestors
A staff member can request a mailshot on behalf of their Faculty or Department. The staff member must include written approval for the mailshot from the authorising University Senior Officer when contacting the service desk. This is a Dean, PVC or Head of Department.
Without approval the mailshot cannot be issued. This approval process is designed to ensure that only appropriate and accurate emails relevant to approved University business are distributed.
All mailshot subject headings should reflect the name of the faculty/school or department as appropriate, this must be provided when raising a Mailshot request.
A student may also request a mailshot to be issued ( relation to requests for research participants). This must have clear approval from the relevant Dean and a named sponsoring academic, details of which will be included in the mailshot communications.
Mailshot formatting
The Digital Services mailshot system provides rich-text formatting, so your message can contain text formatting, tables and content such as graphics just like any other email would appear in your staff or student mailbox.
Please Note
If you require content such as a promotional flyer to be included in your mailshot, it is recommended that you upload in PDF format to the relevant section of the University website, and the hyperlink to the content should then be added to the mailshot request.
Business Process
All approved mailshot requests can be submitted via the Self service portal - Self-Service Portal or emailed to the Service Desk at
Information Required
Digital Services can provide a “pre-formatted” Outlook mailshot template upon request.
All mailshot requestors must provide the following information within their request:
- Written approval from their faculty/department senior officer for the use of the mailshot service and the content.
- Confirmation of the mailing list(s) the mailshot is to be issued to (e.g. All staff, All students, All students on NI campuses)
- The subject line of the mailshot, which should include the relevant department/faculty name as applicable. (please keep this as concise as possible)
- The content of the mailshot.
- The title/name of the staff member to be shown in the "email signature" at the bottom of the mailshot.
- The title/name of the approver to be shown under the signature
- If appropriate for Research-related emails sent on behalf of students, the name of the Sponsoring Academic (to be shown on the mailshot as "Sponsored by...")
Failure to include the required information will lead to a delay in submitting the mailshot. Mailshots that have not been approved by a Senior Officer will be rejected.
Please Note
The mailshot requestor and their line management are wholly responsible for the message content.
This includes spelling; grammar; accuracy of embedded links and compliance with all relevant Ulster University regulations, policies and guidelines.
In addition, if emails are required to be sent on a particular date, Digital Services will require 24 hours notice.
Otherwise all requests are entered into a queue system for processing.
How to obtain help
How to contact the Service Desk
You can also Live Chat with a Service Desk team member. When a team member is available you will see a button on the bottom right of this screen. If the button is not visible, you can still contact us via the methods above.
Service Desk Hours
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday – Sunday 1.30pm – 5pm
Extended Closure - Easter and Christmas Holidays
Staff and Students of the University, upon mailshot approved by the relevant Senior Officer.
Service Owner
ICT Infrastructure