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The doctoral landscape has changed considerably over the last 5-10 year. There is an increasing need to embed aspects such as EDI principles in recruitment, support for international students, students with caring responsibilities and disability; and supporting students mental health and wellbeing [UKRI, 2022, Ryan et al, 2022, Smith McCloin & Wynne, 2022; Schmidt and Hansson 2018]. There is also the need to enhance support for PhD supervisors.
It can be argued that PhD supervision is a pedagogical/ andragogical practice, and to be optimally effective to facilitate student learning, it is important to consider the role of pedagogy/andragogy in creating generative learning environments for students as well as for supervisors. Pedagogy seeks to acknowledge the PGR student as an active learner, whilst recognising that ‘being supervised’ implies systematic approaches that need explored, implemented and developed (Stevens -Long et al, 2012; Jackson et al, 2021).
The aim of this workshop is to:
- facilitate discussion around pedagogical approaches for doctoral education
- enable reflection on your current practice and pedagogic approach for doctoral education
- develop strategies for enhancing your approach to doctoral education.