PhD Supervisor Development Programme 2024-25

The Doctoral College is pleased to share details of forthcoming workshops as part of the PhD Supervisor Development Programme at Ulster. These workshops have been put in place to support supervisors in their role, to share good practice and provide relevant updates from the Doctoral College.

The workshops will take place online to maximise accessibility and to encourage cross-campus and cross-disciplinary participation. There will also be opportunities for PhD Supervisors to meet informally on campus as part of new PhD Supervisor Network – a community of practice – to support the practice and development of PhD Supervision at Ulster. The Supervisor Development Programme is available to all academic staff at Ulster. It covers a range of skills for both new and established supervisors.

PhD Supervisor Development Programme 2024-25

PhD Supervisor Development Programme
Workshop Title Date and time Register

Induction for PhD Supervisors at Ulster
Mandatory for New PhD Supervisors
Open to prospective PhD Supervisors
Refresher for current PhD Supervisors

5 Sept, 10am-12pm

Registration now closed.

Supporting International PhD Researchers
Global Team, Compliance Team & Doctoral College

3 Oct, 12pm-1pm

Registration now closed.

Chairing / Examining a PhD Viva
Heads of Doctoral College

22 Oct, 10am-12pm

Registration now closed.

PhD Supervision: Giving Effective Feedback
Hugh Kearns

1 Nov, 10am-12pm

Registration now closed.

Supporting PhD Researcher Wellbeing
Dr Karen Kirby (UU) and Student Wellbeing Team

4 Dec, 10am-12pm

Registration now closed.

Chairing / Examining a Viva
Heads of Doctoral College

13 Feb, 2pm-4pm Register for Chairing/Examining a Viva

Using AI in the PhD
Dr Daniel Soule

5 Mar, 10am-1pm Register for Using AI and the PhD

Ethics: Preparing Your PhD Researcher for Ethics Applications
Professor Ann-Marie Gray

24 Mar, 10am-12pm

Register for preparing for ethics applications

Library Support of the PhD: A Guide for Supervisors
Library Support Team

1 April, 12pm-1pm Register for Library Support of the PhD: A Guide for Supervisors

Induction for PhD Supervisors at Ulster
Mandatory for New PhD Supervisors
Open to prospective PhD Supervisors
Refresher for current PhD Supervisors

11 April, 10am-12pm Register for Induction for PhD Supervisors at Ulster
Recognition and Reward for PhD Supervisors
Professor Sonja McIlfatrick
29 April, 11am-1pm Register for Recognition and Reward for PhD Supervisors

Supervising Practice PhDs
Dr Brian Dixon, Dr Catherine O'Hara, Dr Chris McHugh and Dr Sandra Johnston

7 May, 10am-12pm Register for Supervising Practice PhDs
Pedagogical Approaches for Doctoral Education
Professor Sonja McIlfatrick
26 May, 10.00am-12.00pm Register for Pedagogical Approaches for Doctoral Education

For Further information, please contact Lisa Thompson

PhD Supervisor Network Events

The PhD Supervisor Network is a new community of practice at Ulster which aims to provide informal opportunities for PhD Supervisors to meet on campus to reflect and share experiences on focused themes relevant to PhD Supervision. For further details please contact Professor Alison Gallagher

Upcoming events

PhD Supervisor Network Events

Date and time 


Supporting International PhD Researchers
(Belfast Campus: BD-04-027)

17 Oct, 1pm-2pm

Registration now closed.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the PhD
(Coleraine Campus Room: M102 - Collab Lab and Balcony)

12 Nov, 12:30pm-1:30pm

Registration now closed.

Supporting International PhD Researchers
(Derry~Londonderry Campus: MI022)

12 Dec, 1pm-2pm

Registeration now closed.

Pedagogical Approaches for Doctoral Education
(Belfast Campus: BC-03-115A)

18 Feb, 1pm-2pmRegister for network event in Belfast

Network Event
(Coleraine Campus Room: M102 - Collab Lab and Balcony)

13 Mar, 1pm-2pmRegister for network event in Coleraine

Supporting International PhD Researchers
(Derry~Londonderry Campus: MI022)

15 May, 1pm-2pmRegister for network event in Derry~Londonderry
