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Code of Practice


This policy is aimed at ensuring the integrity of the admissions, training and examining procedures associated with research degree students within the University. It provides important safeguards for University staff and students who are in close personal relationships, with the objectives of ensuring that the admission and progression of the student are managed entirely on a professional basis and protecting staff from potential allegations of favouritism and unfairness.

Any departure from the following principles must be approved by the Doctoral College Board.


The member of staff shall not normally be involved in the consideration of the prospective student’s application, including the interview processes which forms part of the selection process. Where involvement cannot be avoided, due to the specific area of proposed research investigation, then another member of staff from within the broad subject area will be appointed (and without any personal interest, involvement or relationship with the applicant) to the admissions process to ensure its integrity.


The member of staff may be appointed as a member of the Supervisor Team if the conflicted staff member is recognised as having specific research expertise in the topic to be investigated.


If the conflicted member of staff is an appointed supervisor to the student then they shall not be permitted to act in the capacity of Internal Examiner and shall only attend the examination at the request of the student.

All nominated Internal and External Examiners are required to declare personal interest, involvement or relationship with the student at the time of their consideration as examiners for the research degree. If any conflict is declared then alternative potential examiners will be approached