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We regularly measure the effectiveness of our provision through staff and PhD researcher annual reports, PhD researcher surveys and discussion at faculty, Doctoral College and university-level committees.

As a result of consultation, seven key performance indicators have been developed, which will be measured through surveying all PhD researchers via the annual reporting process.

We will report our results annually via the Doctoral College Board.

Key performance indicators

Support and Guidance from the Faculty based support team

It is intended that 85% of PhD researchers surveyed will be satisfied with the timeliness and quality of support provided by the Research Director, Postgraduate Tutor and Faculty based administrative staff.

Support and Guidance from the Doctoral College in relation to PhD researcher administration

It is intended that 85% of PhD researchers  surveyed will be satisfied with the timeliness and quality of support provided by the Doctoral College in relation to PhD researcher administration.

Feedback from Supervisors

It is intended that 95% of PhD researchers surveyed will be satisfied with the timeliness and quality of constructive feedback received from supervisors, following assessments and submission of draft work.

Level of contact with Supervisors

It is intended that 90% of PhD researchers surveyed will be satisfied with the level of contact and number of substantive meetings held with their supervisors.

Resource provision

It is intended that 85% of PhD researchers surveyed will feel that their expectations have been met in terms of provision of resources to support their study.

Research Culture

It is intended that 80% of PhD researchers surveyed will be satisfied with the research environment at Ulster.

Researcher Development Programme

It is intended that 80% of students surveyed will be satisfied with the Researcher Development Programme.