All PhD researchers are offered access to a comprehensive programme of induction and training relevant to their studies and their wider needs.
You can expect the University:
- To provide a general and faculty-specific induction covering an introduction to research at the University, the procedures associated with research study, access to training, library and IT resources, welfare and careers information
- To provide access to the Research Studies Handbook and other documentation containing details of the procedures and the various rules and regulations associated with research study
- To provide faculty specific procedural documentation/guides where appropriate
- To facilitate an early assessment of your relevant skills and training needs
- To provide an ongoing programme of core and discipline-specific researcher development opportunities, to be run throughout your period of registration, covering skills consistent with the Vitae Framework
The University expects:
- That you will familiarise yourself with and adhere to the contents of the Research Studies Handbook and other regulations and guidelines relevant to your studies, including those relating to research governance and research conduct
- That you will attend induction and engage with the extensive Researcher Development Programme
- That you maintain an individual record describing the Researcher Development activities that you have undertaken and achieved during your period of study.