Social Work and Social Policy Research

Ulster University's Social Work and Social Policy Research excels in multiple topic areas, ranging methodologically from the highly abstract to empirical studies and doctrinal analysis.

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Social Work and Social Policy

Ulster University's Social Work and Social Policy Research excels in multiple topic areas, ranging methodologically from the highly abstract to...

Research Ethics and Integrity

We have an Ethics Filter Committee and consider ethical applications from staff, PhD researchers and taught postgraduate or undergraduate students. The Chairs of the School of Applied Social Sciences are Dr Una Convery and Dr Philip McDermott.

The University’s policies and related ethics forms are available online, along with the different categories of research involving human participants.

Research in Category A can be approved by the Ethics Filter Committee. Research in Category B needs to go to the Filter Committee and the University Ethics Committee. Most research in our unit either does not involve human subjects or fits into Category A or B.

Note that before submitting to the Filter Committee, researchers need to secure a peer review of proposed research using form RG2; this peer review should be carried out by a staff member not part of the research team. The Filter Committee can expedite this and conduct the peer review itself a Chair approves.

The Committee considers applications throughout the year, so please do contact a Chair to discuss a submission. Bear in mind also that the Filter Committee may need to refer some applications also to the University Ethics Committee (UREC).

UREC meets about 10 times a year to consider applications. Typically they interview researchers about their proposals; one of the supervisors must attend UREC with the PhD researcher as it is the supervisor who is the PI/Co-I on the submission.

Subject Specific Training

Subject Specific Training

Every semester the Research Director, Postgraduate Tutor and PhD researchers meet to discuss unit level training needs and general PhD activities. This is in addition to more regular informal discussions, and participation in any other meetings.

This process is demand-led based on what PhD researchers articulate as their needs. Typical events include:

  • December: Mock presentations for the initial assessment review in January
  • Spring: a seminar or workshop on research methods and / or research ethics
  • As requested: feedback sessions on ethics documentation
  • Mock viva in preparation for the final viva (ask your supervisors to arrange this)

We have also supported the organisation of PhD-led events such as PhD conferences or workshops. PhD researchers have organised a number of conferences, frequently working with colleagues in Law or in other universities eg TCD, QUB etc. We have supported in-person writing retreats.

With the Law School, PhD researchers in ASPS organise the sessions entitled ‘What’s the Craic?’. Held on a particular day of the week, the informal discussions and talks bring the faculty, researchers, and masters students together to discuss work in progress, reflect on fieldwork, and hear draft conference papers. Traditionally the format of the sessions is ‘brown bag’ (bring your own lunch).

The sessions focus not only on particular research topics, but also on sharing useful tips and insights, such as publishing while writing a PhD or strategies on job searching. The sessions are held in-house, the invitation is restricted to the research community of Ulster University to allow for a comfort of sharing the work in progress and personal reflections in collegial and non-judgmental atmosphere.

Teaching and Demonstrating Opportunities

The Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme includes modules designed to help you develop teaching skills in higher education and to help with accreditation. Please do check the training available on PhD manager.

The School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences regularly have teaching opportunities that suit our PhD researchers. Please contact the relevant Associate Head of School to express any interest in teaching.

It is important to balance any teaching commitments with the priority of progressing the PhD so do discuss the desirability of taking on teaching (including how much and when) with your supervisors.

Thesis Format

The standard social sciences citation method is the author-year (Harvard referencing system).

Please do familiarise yourself with the system you choose early in your project and take note of all you need to use it properly. This will save you time later making sure you do not need to go back and find again all the details.

Whichever system you use you will have to include, where appropriate, precise references to the exact page or paragraph for any citation (‘pinpoint’ referencing).  These pinpoints belong in any footnote or in-text citation.

Reference management system

You may want to use a reference management system to manage your sources, keep notes, produce bibliographies etc.  The University support Refworks for this purpose. Other programmes are available such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero.

Publishing and Your Research Profile

We share the successes of our PhD cohort and recent PhD graduates.

Please do inform the Research Director and Administrative Excellence Executive Assistant of important achievements like publications, conference presentations, prizes, grants so that these can be shared on the website and across the different social media platforms as appropriate.

We are also keen to hear from alumni of our PhD programme so do get in touch when you have major news to share.

Under the PURE system PhD researchers can and should update their personal profile, publications and activities.

For now the standard webpages also remain and PhD researchers should consult with the Research Director as to what is required for these.


Consider registering for ORCID. This provides researchers with a unique identification which enables them to be identified across different platforms despite variations in names (changes in names or use of initials etc).


Register your publications at ALCS and receive payments for copyright use made of your publications

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Fire and safety regulations and emergency procedures are available to be viewed online.

Occupational health- procedures and resources are available concerning health, well-being and stress.  The Occupational Health team are always available to help.

Equality and diversity and dignity at work policies and other helpful information are at also available online.

Student wellbeing offer a wide range of support options including financial advice, counselling, advice on reasonable adjustments, etc. Student support also operate a hardship fund which PhD researchers can access in exceptional circumstances.

Inspire: Confidential support with relationship, addiction, financial, legal, medical and other matters. Advice and counselling is available 24-hour (free phone number 0800 028 5510).

Chaplaincy services are available on all campuses.

PhD researchers should be aware that they can raise issues with their supervisors, Postgraduate Tutor, Research Director, Head of School or the Doctoral College. Staff members will signpost researchers to appropriate help if not in a position to provide any themselves.

Staff are reminded that there are training modules on several of these issues (health and safety, equality and diversity, disability awareness, mental health first aid, as well as research integrity and doctoral supervision).

Ulster University has teamed up with technology firm CriticalArc to provide SafeZone, a free new app for students and staff that connects you to the University security team if you ever need urgent help, first aid or if you have an emergency while on campus.