Your Support Team

Academic Excellence Executive Assistants

Joanne Savage is responsible for authorised expenditure (Nursing and Paramedic Science), booking progress seminars (initial, confirmation, final) and stationery.

Karen Moran is responsible for authorised expenditure (Health Sciences) and submission of research ethics applications.

Head of Research Centres

Associate Postgraduate Tutors (APGT) and members of the Doctoral Education Research Committee

  • Dr Esther Beck: Centre for Caring for People with Complex Needs (CCPCN)
  • Dr Maria Loane: Centre for Maternal, Fetal and Infant Research (CMFIR)
  • Dr Katy Pedlow: Centre for Health and Rehabilitation Technologies (CHaRT)
  • Dr Paul Slater:  Centre for Caring for People with Complex Needs (CCPCN)

PhD Researcher Representatives per Research Centre

  • Geraldine Doherty: Centre for Health and Rehabilitation Technologies
  • Nicole Winters: Centre for Maternal, Fetal and Infant Research
  • Faisal Mahama: Centre for Caring for people with Complex Needs
  • Sharon Neill: INHR staff undertaking a part time PhD
The PhD Journey - key processes

The PhD Journey - key processes

The key administration and academic processes for PhD Researchers and when they happen during your period of study are available on our Key Milestones web page.

You are asked to note, in particular, the processes that occur on an annual basis - re-enrolment and the completion of annual reports.

Please ensure that you respond to the instructions provided through the PhD Manager system. It is absolutely essential that you return your annual report and complete your progress seminars within the specified periods of time. If you do not, your progress will be delayed, suspended or terminated and may have funding implications.

Applications relating to any change in circumstances (such as change from full-time to part-time, leave of absence, extension etc.) must be completed as far in advance of the date of change as possible. A three-month period of time allows time to process information through PhD Manager and make any adjustments to finances.

Research Ethics and Integrity

Obtaining the correct ethics and governance approval is vital for research. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the Doctoral College website in relation to ethical approval. All Researchers will be required to complete their Research Integrity course prior to their initial assessment. For those conducting research in clinical practice there is a requirement to also complete the Good Clinical Practice course. Please contact one of the Research Governance team if you need additional guidance.

All research in Nursing and Health Research is required to be presented to the Nursing and Health Research Governance Filter Committee. This committee is chaired by Dr Paul Slater. Please note that you are required to submit the necessary documents for approval. You may wish to bookmark the link.

Please contact Karen Moran to verify the dates that you are required to meet for your proposal to be considered at the Filter Committee. Depending on the nature of your study you may also have to submit an ethics application to The Office for Research Ethics Northern Ireland (ORECNI) and HSCT governance. Your supervisors will provide direction on this.

Nursing and Health

We conduct internationally excellent and world-leading research across five research centres reflecting diversity across the discipline area.

Nursing and Health image

Nursing and Health

Enhancing the knowledge, expertise and engaged scholarship of nursing, midwifery, public health and allied health professions research....