School of Engineering

The School of Engineering at Ulster University boasts a strong research portfolio covering areas that include biomaterials, healthcare technologies, materials characterization, nanomaterials, photocatalysis, plasma physics, control electronics and advanced composite manufacturing.  A healthy balance of theoretical and applied multidisciplinary activities facilitate successful research impacting highly important global challenge areas and in turn promoting healthy and sustainable futures for all citizens.

Engineering Research at Ulster is administered primarily within the School of Engineering which is based at the University’s Belfast Campus. A further spoke of engineering research activity has been established in the North West of the province at the Magee campus (Derry/Londonderry) - activity at that campus is primarily affiliated with the School of Computing, Engineering and Intelligent Systems.

  • Engineering at Ulster brings together a +120 strong multi-disciplinary group of researchers (academic, contract researchers and PhD Researchers) from a range of disciplines to undertake various forms of advanced engineering research in a number of key challenge areas. This work is undertaken in the School of Engineering using our world class facilities.

PhD Researchers form an integral part of the research environment within the School, currently there are over 60 PhD Researchers working alongside academics and Post-Doctoral Researchers.

Engineering image


Focusing on the development of nanotechnology, clean technology, tissue engineering, composites, metal forming and connected health technologies....

Office and Social Spaces

Office and Social Spaces

Office Accommodation

PhD Researchers will be invited to attend a local induction during registration week, where you will have to opportunity to meet key staff within your research area.  You will be assigned a desk in you first week of study. PhD Researchers will discuss needs for a computer etc. with their Supervisors and any arrangements will be made as soon as possible after registration.

There are kitchen facilities including tea/coffee making facilities and fridges/microwaves in BC-05-309/309A. PhD Researchers will be given a facilities tour during the local induction.

Campus Social Spaces

The Docs@Ulster have been established on each Campus to facilitate interdisciplinary interactions and to help you engage with other researchers. Many of the Doctoral College RDP events are based in the DOC and the space is available in level 6 in Block BC for researchers to use for work and social activities.

There are also a large number of Student Societies organised by the UU Students Union, in particular the Ulster Society of Student Engineers (USSE) and the Doctoral Society.

Specialist Equipment

Specialist Equipment

A list of the major pieces of equipment and capabilities within NIBEC and at NIACE are available to view.   A new booking system is currently being developed and the link to this system will be updated once it is made live.  In the meantime, booking of equipment should be done through your School Office contacts.

Following training on equipment, please use the booking system links to book time on the equipment in the school.   Supervisors will discuss equipment needs with PhD Researchers and will arrange for training.

Note: Risk and COSHH assessments must be completed reviewed and authorised by your supervisor then uploaded to the relevant folder on the School of Engineering SharePoint site (link will be provided by your administrator upon registration).

Technical Support Ticket System

Technical Support Ticket System

To make a work request to our technical team, you need to complete a ticket at the  School of Engineering Online Ticket System. When you first login, you will need (once only) to tell the system your email address. Please ask your supervisor for help to fill this form and provide the nominal code and the cost centre code.

Online Ticket System Guide

Please login in using your staff or student number and password as usual.

n.b. When you first login, you will need (once only) to tell the system your email address.

  • Hover on “Logged in as e or b…” at the top;
  • Hover on “Settings” that will appear;
  • Click on “About Me”;
  • Fill in the details on identity in the top left;
  • Click “Save Preferences” at the bottom

Submitting a New Ticket

Once the system knows how to contact you, you will see a “New Ticket” option in the top right, along with a Queue name. Please select the correct Queue before clicking on “New Ticket”.

Teaching is the appropriate queue if your request concerns support for Teaching and Learning Activities;

Research is likewise self-explanatory;

Industrial should be used for Academic Enterprise activities where all the monies available come to the School

Consultancy is appropriate if the supported activity brings income directly to a staff salary additional to normal pay

Faculty is the appropriate queue if your request support for Faculty Teaching and Learning and Research Activities

After clicking on “New Ticket” please give a short description in the subject, and please ensure you provide all necessary details in the box to describe the issue. Failure to do so is likely to at least delay your request being fulfilled. You will note that you can attach files if appropriate, and include other colleagues to be cc’d if necessary.

Please give the job request a relevant owner (do not leave Owner as Nobody), see list below:

Technical Staff (Owners)

  • Pat McShane - Technical Services Co-ordinator (Workshop)
  • Damien McDonald - Technical Services Engineer (Electronics & Computing, Level 3)
  • Simon Reford - Technical Services Co-ordinator (Mechanical)
  • Roy Brelsford - Technical Services Co-ordinator (ECRE/NIACE)
  • Brian Kirch - Technical Services Engineer (Electronics & Computing, Level 4)
  • Chris Anderson - Technical Services Engineer (Design & Research Materials & Testing)

In some cases you may want/need to have a discussion with the relevant Technical Services Co-ordinator/Technical Services Engineer about the job, however this should only be done following the request going on the ticket system.

If you have any issues, please contact Dr Patrick Porter.