You and Your Supervisors

You are ultimately responsible for organising the direction, progression and completion of your research project.  During your studies, you are expected to meet with your supervisory team regularly, with a schedule to be discussed and agreed. It is required that certain meetings (monthly) between supervisors and postgraduate researchers are designated as formal and that a record of these meetings are maintained via PhD Manager. Meetings should be monthly as a minimum for those in full-time mode; every two months if part-time.

As researchers at Ulster, your main source of support will come from your team of supervisors.  The role of the supervisor is to guide and support the development of your research.  They will provide encouragement and monitor your progress in accordance with set assessments outlined in this handbook.

Staff involved in supervision are expected to be able to advise PhD researchers on aspects of their research projects including matters relating to University procedures. Supervisors are limited in the number of PhD Researchers they can supervise to twelve. A good working relationship with your supervisors will be a key factor in the success of your research project and the University provides guidance for both PhD researchers and supervisors to ensure this relationship is maximised.

Research Ethics and Integrity

Ulster University requires the highest standards of professionalism in research conducted by all staff and researchers in all disciplines.  The University encourages and supports research integrity through a framework of policies, procedures and guidance, summarised and illustrated in the Code of Practice for Professional Integrity in the Conduct of Research which is updated regularly at Ulster to reflect changing sector-wide requirements.

Research Integrity

Research integrity means conducting research in a way which allows others to have trust and confidence in the methods used and the findings generated. The University expects the highest standards of integrity to be adhered to by its researchers. All researchers (and others involved in the research process) are required to undertake and pass the University’s Research Integrity Course which is available through Blackboard.

The course takes approximately one hour to complete and provides grounding in the essentials of good research conduct, and guidance on how to avoid bad practice.  It is expected that all postgraduate researchers complete this course successfully prior to undertaking the initial assessment.

Research Ethics

Research ethics is about ensuring that research, especially research involving human participants or subjects, is conducted appropriately.  It is university policy that all research involving human participants must be reviewed through the filter and ethics committee process as appropriate.  Studies covered by the University’s policy include interview, questionnaire and focus group research as well as research involving interventions of any kind.

Details of the University’s policies and procedures in this area are currently available through the portal.  Please click on the Research Governance and Ethics tab. Early in your project you should discuss the ethical implications of your work with your supervisors.  If required, you should then make an ethical application.  Filter committees have been established in all of the areas in which significant levels of human research are likely to take place.

For information on the filter committee for the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment please contact Sky Aughey

Architecture, Built Environment and Planning Research Area

The Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment is part of the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment and is Ulster University’s principal focus for research activities relating to the sustainable design and development, management, regulation and conservation of the built environment. The quality of the research in the Built Environment was recognised as 100% world-leading or internationally excellent in terms of the research environment and research impact in REF2021.

The school has a number of academic and administrative staff who support the PhD researchers. These include the Research Director, Postgraduate Tutor and Academic Excellence Executive Assistant.  The school management comprises of the Head of School, who oversees all teaching and research activities.  The Research Director focuses on all research activities and the Associate Head of School oversees all activities related to teaching and learning.

The Postgraduate Tutor is responsible for the overall running of the schools PhD programme and for providing pastoral support for PhD researchers.  They are available to meet with you in confidence to discuss any particular issues you may have.

Architecture, Built Environment and Planning image

Architecture, Built Environment and Planning

Conducting internationally excellent and world-leading research through five constituent research centres.

Health and Safety

It is everyone’s duty to ensure a safe working environment. Your first point of contact if you have a health and safety query should be your supervisor. The Schools Health and Safety Co- Ordinator is Richard Young. Mark Wilson is the School’s ‘Control of Substances Hazardous to Health’ (COSHH) Co-ordinator.

Risk assessments are carried out and updated annually. A First Aid/ Defibrillator is available from on campus Security.

In event of an emergency requiring Police, Fire or Ambulance dial (9)999 directly then contact security immediately. If working late you should make security aware and let them know when you leave.

Fire Safety

If you discover a fire, activate the alarm immediately using nearest break glass point.

If you hear the fire alarm, you must:

  • leave the building using the nearest available route by following the emergency exit signs
  • go directly to the assembly point
  • not re-enter the building until told it is safe

Fire marshals sweep each floor in the event of an evacuation. The alarm is tested in Jordanstown and Belfast at 1:10pm and 6:10pm every Wednesday.

Demonstrating and Teaching Opportunities

Demonstrating and Teaching Opportunities

Many PhD researchers help support teaching and assessment within the school.  PhD Researchers can provide support for a maximum of 6 hours per week in demonstration.

Demonstration and tutorial duties may include:

  • Demonstration and assistance with practical classes
  • Delivery and co-ordination of small group activities, e.g. tutorials
  • Participation in student-led activities
  • Participation in student-led seminars
  • Assessment of coursework

These opportunities are useful for your CV.   If you are interested, please discuss with your supervisor. In order to avail of these opportunities, you must be added to the School Teaching Register and have completed the First Steps in Teaching programme. The School Teaching Register is updated each year by your Postgraduate Tutor, Dr Karen Davison.  More information on the teaching development courses can be found below.

The Centre for Professional Practice Enhancement also provide a number of academic development courses that will benefit postgraduate researchers.

These include an ‘Introduction to Teaching and Learning for Post-Graduate Teaching Assistants and P/T Tutors’ as well as an award in ‘First Steps to Supporting Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (FST).

More information on these can be found via the Learning enhancement website.

Thesis Format

Generic guidance on thesis format can be found under the Doctoral College Thesis Format guide.

Citation Style

When documenting research, the consistent and correct use of a single Citation Style is fundamental. There are many systems available and publishers of books and journals will outline their specific requirements within their author guidelines. For internal publications, the Harvard Referencing system should be used.

REF works software can be used to manage your references. The library runs training every two weeks on this software.

The software can be accessed through the Ulster University library databases.