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PhD Manager

Ulster University uses PhD Manager as our administration for PhD researchers.  When you are appointed you will be sent a link to create your own PhD Manager account for the purposes of this examination.

On PhD Manager you will be able to view the submitted material, submit your own preliminary report and confirm the outcome of the examination.

Here is a guide detailing these steps.

Claiming expenses and fees

We will reimburse your travel costs when you submit an expenses claim.

View our guide on claiming expenses and fees and access links to the Digital Claimant Portal.

Regulations and Procedures

The University has developed a Handbook for Examiners, containing guidance on the nomination criteria for the Board of Examiners, procedures surrounding the examination process, the roles of various individuals involved in the examination, assessment criteria and the recommendations available to the Board of Examiners following examination.

Examiners are advised to review this Handbook alongside the relevant regulations for the research degree programme.

In this section

Claim System Guidance image

Claim System Guidance

Guidance for External Examiners on how to claim their fee and reimbursement for their expenses

Handbook for Examiners image

Handbook for Examiners

Providing guidance and procedures for Examiners of Research Degrees.