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  • I need to complete a form, where do I find it?

    If you want to make changes to your study, apply for an extension or a leave of absence, please login to and make your request through PhD Manager.

    You can find comprehensive guides in PhD Manager- Guides.

    To login, just use your usual computer login details

  • I need Leave of Absence, what do I need to do and what will happen?

    If you experience some health, family or other problems that make it difficult for you to continue working on your PhD research project, you may need to consider applying for Leave of Absence.

    PhD researchers will only be granted a Leave of Absence  for a maximum of one year. If you are funded, your maintenance allowance will be suspended during any Leave of Absence.

    Please note that Leave of Absence is not permitted if the main reason is to take up paid employment.

    Please read the terms and conditions of your award for Department for the Economy (DfE) funding or Vice-Chancellor's Research Scholarships (VCRS) funding as appropriate. For other awards please go to Fees and Funding and follow the appropriate links. If a Leave of Absence is being taken because of illness, funded researchers can check their funder's terms and conditions for any entitlements.

    If you do decide to request Leave of Absence you should submit your request on PhD Manager.

    Please read the instructions carefully in relation to providing medical or other evidence to support your request. If your application is granted, your expected submission date will also be amended accordingly.

  • I’m a funded PhD researcher. Can I get evidence of my stipend funding payments?

    Yes, you can directly access stipend pay notification slips and P60s through the University’s portal. This can be useful if you need to prove your income and tax status.

    View guidance on stipend pay notification slips and P60s

    For the purposes of National Insurance and income tax, PhD researchers are considered students; they are not employed by the University. Stipends are not taxable and PhD researchers are not required to pay National Insurance Contributions. However, if a PhD researcher undertakes any work for the University (e.g. demonstrating) or outside the University, this will be considered employment and will be subject to Tax and National Insurance Contributions.

  • I'm a full-time PhD researcher. What is my Holiday Entitlement?

    PhD researchers are on campus year-round, including over the summer. You have an allocation of 40 days annual leave per academic year.

    This includes days when the University is closed (see the Academic Calendar), leaving 26 ‘floating days’ of annual leave that can be taken in agreement with your supervisor. Please request annual leave through the Absence section of your project record on PhD Manager.

Funding for conferences and fieldwork

  • Does the Doctoral College fund conferences, fieldwork and other funding for PhD researchers?

    No, the Doctoral College distributes funding to Faculties, who are responsible for the research training and support of PhD researchers.

  • I want to apply to present my work at a conference, what should I do first?

    In the first instance you should discuss this with your supervisors, who will be able to advise you and read a draft submission.  If the submission is accepted, you will need to ask the relevant Research Director (your supervisor will advise, or see the list of Faculty Contacts) for prior approval.

    Before you do this, you will need to estimate the full costs of attendance (including registration, travel, accommodation and any other foreseeable expenses) and include brief details and a total amount when you email the request.

    If your request is for more than £1000 you will also need to provide a business case (outlining the purpose of the trip, the expected benefits, the estimated costs, and justification for the trip).

  • How do I find and complete a prior approval form?

    Please submit prior approvals through the Claimant Portal.  The process is straightforward but please ensure that estimated costs are likely to cover actual expenditure, as you may not be able to claim the full amount if you have underestimated it.

    While you are away, ensure that you keep original receipts for claiming back expenses because the Finance department does not accept bank or credit card statements. It is possible to ask for an advance payment of part of the total amount if you would find it difficult to pay expenses out of pocket.

  • How do I claim money I spent on a conference visit or field trip when I return?

    You will need to gather all your receipts and complete an expenses form through the Claimant Portal. Only receipted expenses can be claimed back.  Payment may take a few weeks. It is advisable that you keep receipts until you receive your expenses payment.

  • I’m planning a period of study or fieldwork abroad, what administrative preparations do I need to make?

    You will need to complete the relevant form on PhD Manager to make a change request for a period of study away. This should include a risk assessment if necessary, details for your trip and a section for supervisors to confirm how supervision will be maintained during your period away from the University. You also need to obtain details of the University's travel insurance.

    If you will be working at another organisation during your trip, you should also ask for confirmation that they have insurance cover in place for any damages or injuries arising from negligence of another party.


  • Where can I find information about Research Training?

    The Researcher Development Programme (RDP) at Ulster is an integral part of your programme.  The RDP offers a suite of workshops, specialist skills sessions, online courses and personal development planning activities which will provide you with opportunities to gain the experience and skills required to be a competent and professional researcher. you can view upcoming events and sessions and make bookings in the "Events/Workshops" section of PhD Manager.

  • The training I need is not available as part of the RDP, what should I do?

    Discuss this with your supervisors who will help you to find out if your Faculty can provide the training, or may wish to support you to access essential external training. The Doctoral College also encourages student-led training initiatives with an annual competition for funding to run specific events.

Teaching and Demonstrating

  • I have been asked to provide support for teaching, how do I claim payment?

    Demonstrating Categories

    There are three categories of demonstrating and for some of the categories a multiplier is applied to compensate for preparation time. The table below includes details of the three categories and the rates of pay (effective from 1 November 2022).

    You must agree the category of demonstrating with your Head of School prior to undertaking the work.

    Please use the Claimant Portal to claim payments. Your area's Postgraduate Tutor or admin staff can provide user guidelines for the portal.

    Demonstrating Categories
    CategorySummary Hourly Rate
    Category 1 To facilitate student learning, typically in a seminar or tutorial setting, under the supervision of a member of academic staff (includes the development of teaching materials). £26.72
    Category 2 To facilitate student learning, typically in a seminar or tutorial setting, under the supervision of a member of academic staff using existing teaching materials. £20.04
    Category 3 To facilitate laboratory, workshop or fieldwork setting, under the supervision of a senior academic colleagues.
    To mark and assess scripts.

Ethical Approval

Relationships and Support

  • What are my main sources of support?

    You might find some aspects of postgraduate research challenging from time to time. At Ulster we aim to ensure that you are supported.

    Your immediate sources of support are your supervisors and your peers and the Doctoral College team is also available at

    However, you also have the Researcher Development Programme , networks, coffee mornings, and social events - see the What’s On page for more info. Your Faculty also hosts other events. Postgraduate Researchers are welcome to visit any of the Docs at each of the campuses where you can meet other PhD researchers socially, and we have a PhD Researcher Forum with representatives from each campus.

    Each campus has a Doctoral Society representing PhD researchers across a variety of disciplines: Coleraine, Derry/Londonderry and Belfast.

    In addition, within each Faculty or School there will be a range of seminars, a Research Director, a Postgraduate Tutor and various research groups that you can link up with. You will also find the Doctoral College Research Studies Guide and your subject area Handbook useful.

    Don't forget to follow the Doctoral College on X and visit our YouTube channel.

    If you have any problems in finding sources of support, please contact your Head of Doctoral College or Research Director for advice.

  • How should I manage relationships, meetings, etc. with my supervisors?

    In a word, professionally. Clearly this means being punctual (whether for meetings or in submitting written work), respectful etc. and it also means taking responsibility and attempting to find a resolution if things are not going well.

    Supervisors are often busy and meetings are therefore an important issue for many PhD researchers who want to make the most of the time with their supervisors. Where difficulties arise, these are often a result of the supervisors and PhD researcher having different expectations and the PhD researcher feeling they cannot take a lead in resolving the problem.

    It is important to realise that it is not disrespectful to ‘manage up’, in fact it is a useful skill to learn.  Simply taking the initiative and asking to discuss the format of meetings, keeping records of meetings, asking for dates on which feedback can be expected (and following up with a polite email if it does not appear) should not offend your supervisors provided it is done professionally.

  • I find one of my supervisors difficult, what can I do?

    First consider what ‘difficult’ means. If a supervisor does not attend meetings or fails to provide feedback, consider managing up in the first instance.

    Simple measures, such as asking when you can expect to receive feedback, are often effective. The sooner you act, the better as if these issues are not addressed they may delay your progress.

  • I have tried everything possible to resolve my issue with a supervisor, but without success – is there anything else I can do?

    If interpersonal relations continue to be difficult (perhaps you find the supervisor rude or consider them to be harassing you; see University Policy and Procedures on Dignity at Work and Study), you may want to discuss with the other supervisor(s), or with your Postgraduate Tutor, Research Director or Head of Doctoral College.

    The University also has in place Harassment Advisers who can support you, provide you with information and explain courses of action open to you. All advice is confidential and no action will be taken without your agreement.

  • One of my fellow PhDs is harassing me, who should I contact?

    You may wish to discuss the situation with your supervisors or Postgraduate Tutor, and again the University Policy and Procedures on Dignity at Work and Study provides relevant information.

    The University has in place Harassment Advisers who can support you in deciding what if anything you want to do in the particular circumstances. All advice is fully confidential and no action will be taken on your behalf without your agreement.

  • Central University Support

    The Student Wellbeing website is very comprehensive and outlines support resources available to you.

    There are sections on Health and Wellbeing (including physical and mental health, academic support) and Money advice (including dealing with debt and crisis funds available to all PhD researchers who can evidence hardship).

    The range of support is impressive and feedback from PhD researchers who have accessed support is extremely positive.


  • I have a disability, where can I find out if I can get any help in managing it?

    AccessAbility provides a wide range of support to those PhD researchers who disclose and provide medical evidence of a disability or long term medical condition.

    An appointment with an accessibility advisor will provide you with individual information on the support available to you. Support ranges from assistive technologies to one-to-one support and services are free. Again, feedback from PhD researchers who have used these services is excellent.



  • I am finding it difficult to settle in, what can I do?

    Ulster has provides a range of support for International students, including two International Experience Officers who may be able to advise you.

    The Students Union supports a number of clubs and societies which may interest you and also provides a range of support services as well as offering volunteer opportunities.

    The Sports Union also has a busy calendar of events and activities. In addition, on each campus the Doc is available for all PhD researchers and their supervisors to socialise and get to know each other, and the Doctoral College organises regular monthly coffee mornings, lunchtime get togethers, and a range of training and social events, for example #Shut Up and Write sessions. For more details please see the Doctoral College What’s On page.

  • I am having difficulties with my English language in written work, what can I do?

    Ulster Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT) provides a range of in session (term time) support for international PhD researchers. These are free of charge and you can attend a range of modules and/or avail of individual academic consultations.

    Ulster also currently subscribes to Studiosity, an online service which provides speedy feedback on written work.

    In addition to #Shut Up and Write sessions, we encourage self-organised study groups which can provide excellent peer support.

In this section

PhD Guidance on Stipend Pay image

PhD Guidance on Stipend Pay

Access People XD – Guide to access payslips