This relates to your academic progress as a PhD researcher, including meetings with supervisors, assessments and annual reports.
You can expect the University:
- To monitor your progress formally and informally through PhD researcher/supervisor meeting records and through the PhD researcher/supervisor annual report process
- To formally assess your progress within the first few months of registration, to provide feedback on your performance to date and to suggest additional training where appropriate
- To provide you with the opportunity to comment on your supervision, access to resources and training and progress through the annual report process, through PhD researcher representation on faculty and University committees and through PhD researcher satisfaction surveys
- To assess your ongoing progress within twelve months of registration (for full-time PhD researchers) and within 24 months (for part-time PhD researchers) and to provide feedback on your performance and to make a recommendation on your future status
- To assess your progress at or around the beginning of your final year of study and to make recommendations relating to the latter stages of study and thesis preparation.
The University expects:
- That you prepare for assessments in a timely manner and in accordance with faculty and University requirements
- That you take account of the comments and advice of your supervisors and assessment panels as appropriate
- That you return your completed annual report forms on the dates required and take part in PhD researcher/faculty or University consultation exercises as appropriate and where possible
- That at all times, and particularly when attending conferences or other events outside the University, your conduct is professional and represents the institution in a positive way.