Our aims

The Ulster University Doctoral College aims to:

  • Attract the highest calibre of PhD researchers.
  • Ensure that you receive consistently excellent research training.
  • Disseminate your research findings in appropriate outlets.
  • Support you to graduate within appropriate timescales.
  • Help you gain postgraduate level employment which utilises your research skills, subject expertise or both.
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The Doc @ Ulster University

To facilitate interdisciplinary interactions and to help you engage with other researchers, the Doctoral College has established dedicated social spaces for you on each campus:

The Doc Campus Locations
Belfast Room BC-06-225
Coleraine Room E008
Derry~Londonderry Room MC026
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Rich and vibrant research environment

The Ulster University Doctoral College is a rich, vibrant research environment with outstanding resources, facilities, training and support for PhD researchers and early career researchers.

We offer a wide range of postgraduate opportunities, across all disciplines, including fully funded scholarship options available for both home and international students.

Our PhD researchers benefit from a bespoke Researcher Development Programme designed to support the development of both research capacity and professional transferable skills.

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Supporting students

  • Consistently excellent support from supervisors with relevant expertise
  • Provision of a comprehensive Researcher Development Programme, consisting of workshops, online training and other development opportunities.
  • Bespoke PhD researcher hubs providing social and meeting space on each campus
  • The establishment of the PhD Annual Conference, Doctoral Forum and other initiatives designed to encourage an interdisciplinary approach
  • Rich and inclusive research culture and environment
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Doctoral College Yearbook

Our PhD Researchers share their favourite memories from their time at Ulster.

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