Selected filter: School of Computing Selected filter: Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment Selected filter: Postgraduate

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Showing 1-13 courses for "Selected filter: School of Computing" "Selected filter: Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment" "Selected filter: Postgraduate"

Developing new skills in the emerging field of Artificial Intelligence

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Part-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Creating the next generation of high quality professionals for the AI industry.

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Part-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Creating the next generation of high quality professionals for the AI industry.

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Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Become the next generation of high-quality AI professional, with work placement experience in the industry.

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Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Developing advanced skills to be the next generation of high-quality Computer Science professionals

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Part-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Creating the next generation of high-quality professionals for the Computer Science industry.

Key Information

Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Creating the next generation of high-quality professionals for the Computer Science industry.

Key Information

Part-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Become the next generation of high-quality professional in Computer Science, with work placement experience in the industry.

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Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Developing new skills in the emerging field of Internet of Things

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Part-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Creating the next generation of high-quality practitioners for the IoT industry.

Key Information

Part-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Creating the next generation of high-quality practitioners for the IoT industry.

Key Information

Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

Become the next generation of high-quality practitioner in the IoT field, with work placement experience in the industry.

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Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Belfast campus

This course identifies how an online digital communication strategy can enable an organisation to critically evaluate online performance.

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Part-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2023/24

Belfast campus

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