Sociology with Politics and International Studies - BSc (Hons)

2025/26 Full-time Undergraduate course


Bachelor of Science with Honours


Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences


School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences


Derry~Londonderry campus

UCAS code:

The UCAS code for Ulster University is U20

Start date:

September 2025

With this degree you could become:

  • Social Researcher
  • Police Officer
  • Policy Officer
  • Civil Servant
  • Community Development Worker
  • Assembly Researcher
  • Public Affairs Consultant

Graduates from this course are now working for:

  • Deloitte
  • Health and Social Care Trusts
  • Ni Assembly
  • NI Civil Service
  • PSNI
  • PwC
  • Start 360


Sociology at Ulster has a record of excellence in teaching and learning, achieving outstanding satisfaction rates in the National Student Survey.


Sociology is concerned with developing theories and concepts to explain the origins and nature of the contemporary social world and seeks to justify such theories through systematically collected evidence. A central aim is to provide students with explanatory frameworks relevant to both the wider society in which they will live and the employment settings in which they will work.

Through the Sociology curriculum, you can explore in depth a range of social issues in contemporary Ireland and the world, and understandings of advanced industrial societies, digital society, global development, education, work, conflict, and diversity.

Our curriculum draws on the research strengths of our staff, ensuring you learn cutting-edge sociological theory with the opportunity to explore real case studies. The Ulster University Sociology degrees provide a strong element of research training, giving our graduates access to the best research skills available, and access to a wide range of careers.

Politics is a dynamic subject, essential to understanding people, power, and policies in a changing world. Studying Politics as a minor subject at Ulster, you will be introduced to central questions driving political change across the world today and discover how academics, including their own lecturers, are trying to address them.

We’d love to hear from you!

We know that choosing to study at university is a big decision, and you may not always be able to find the information you need online.

Please contact Ulster University with any queries or questions you might have about:

  • Course specific information
  • Fees and Finance
  • Admissions

For any queries regarding getting help with your application, please select Admissions in the drop down below.

For queries related to course content, including modules and placements, please select Course specific information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

About this course


There are three key emphases in the Sociology degree: an emphasis on the theories and explanatory frameworks found in sociology; an emphasis on examining the social features of contemporary society within a global context; and an emphasis on developing student skills in the collection and assessment of evidence and the development of arguments.

During your degree, you will have an opportunity to apply your sociological knowledge through a range of projects and learning activities, as well as in in-depth discussions with teaching staff. Our approach to teaching and learning gives you a range of opportunities through the degree to reflect on and shape your developing areas of interest in sociology.

Sociology at Ulster has a history of receiving excellent external examiner reports and very high approval ratings in the National Student Survey (which is completed by final year students).

Associate awards

Diploma in Professional Practice DPP

Diploma in International Academic Studies DIAS


The Sociology with Politics degree is a 3 year programme. Students take 6 modules each year.

Each module usually involves two hours of lectures plus a one hour seminar each week. Workshops may be offered in applied modules.

In addition, students are required to undertake substantial directed independent learning.

Start dates

  • September 2025

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Students on the Sociology with Politics degree learn through a range of lecture, seminar and workshop classes. Projects and placements support the applied elements of the degree.

Assessments on the degree include essays, reports, exams, and presentations. Students are introduced to a range of different formats to increase transferable skills and provide the opportunity to apply knowledge in a range of contexts. You will also be invited to explore current technologies in the presentation of your work.

All students complete an independent research study (dissertation) in their final year. This is supervised individually by a member of staff who will help you to shape your chosen topic and create original sociological knowledge.

Attendance and Independent Study

The content for each course is summarised on the relevant course page, along with an overview of the modules that make up the course.

Each course is approved by the University and meets the expectations of:

  • Attendance and Independent Study

    As part of your course induction, you will be provided with details of the organisation and management of the course, including attendance and assessment requirements - usually in the form of a timetable. For full-time courses, the precise timetable for each semester is not confirmed until close to the start date and may be subject to some change in the early weeks as all courses settle into their planned patterns. For part-time courses which require attendance on particular days and times, an expectation of the days and periods of attendance will be included in the letter of offer. A course handbook is also made available.

    Courses comprise modules for which the notional effort involved is indicated by its credit rating. Each credit point represents 10 hours of student effort. Undergraduate courses typically contain 10, 20, or 40 credit modules (more usually 20) and postgraduate courses typically 15 or 30 credit modules.

    The normal study load expectation for an undergraduate full-time course of study in the standard academic year is 120 credit points. This amounts to around 36-42 hours of expected teaching and learning per week, inclusive of attendance requirements for lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical work, fieldwork or other scheduled classes, private study, and assessment. Teaching and learning activities will be in-person and/or online depending on the nature of the course. Part-time study load is the same as full-time pro-rata, with each credit point representing 10 hours of student effort.

    Postgraduate Master’s courses typically comprise 180 credits, taken in three semesters when studied full-time. A Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) comprises 60 credits and can usually be completed on a part-time basis in one year. A 120-credit Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) can usually be completed on a part-time basis in two years.

    Class contact times vary by course and type of module. Typically, for a module predominantly delivered through lectures you can expect at least 3 contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/tutorials). Laboratory classes often require a greater intensity of attendance in blocks. Some modules may combine lecture and laboratory. The precise model will depend on the course you apply for and may be subject to change from year to year for quality or enhancement reasons. Prospective students will be consulted about any significant changes.

  • Assessment

    Assessment methods vary and are defined explicitly in each module. Assessment can be a combination of examination and coursework but may also be only one of these methods. Assessment is designed to assess your achievement of the module’s stated learning outcomes.  You can expect to receive timely feedback on all coursework assessments. This feedback may be issued individually and/or issued to the group and you will be encouraged to act on this feedback for your own development.

    Coursework can take many forms, for example: essay, report, seminar paper, test, presentation, dissertation, design, artefacts, portfolio, journal, group work. The precise form and combination of assessment will depend on the course you apply for and the module. Details will be made available in advance through induction, the course handbook, the module specification, the assessment timetable and the assessment brief. The details are subject to change from year to year for quality or enhancement reasons. You will be consulted about any significant changes.

    Normally, a module will have 4 learning outcomes, and no more than 2 items of assessment. An item of assessment can comprise more than one task. The notional workload and the equivalence across types of assessment is standardised. The module pass mark for undergraduate courses is 40%. The module pass mark for postgraduate courses is 50%.

  • Calculation of the Final Award

    The class of Honours awarded in Bachelor’s degrees is usually determined by calculation of an aggregate mark based on performance across the modules at Levels 5 and 6, (which correspond to the second and third year of full-time attendance).

    Level 6 modules contribute 70% of the aggregate mark and Level 5 contributes 30% to the calculation of the class of the award. Classification of integrated Master’s degrees with Honours include a Level 7 component. The calculation in this case is: 50% Level 7, 30% Level 6, 20% Level 5. At least half the Level 5 modules must be studied at the University for Level 5 to be included in the calculation of the class.

    All other qualifications have an overall grade determined by results in modules from the final level of study.

    In Masters degrees of more than 200 credit points the final 120 points usually determine the overall grading.

    Figures from the academic year 2022-2023.

Academic profile

Our teaching staff are established experts in the sociological study of conflict, development, diversity, education, work, sport, language and the media, as well as developing new methods for studying these areas. We are active in the British Sociological Association and the Sociological Association of Ireland and on the editorial boards of key Sociology journals.

We also take excellence in teaching seriously, with 2 Senior Fellows of the Higher Education Academy amongst our staff, and we undertake research into higher education teaching methods to support our students' experience and development.

The University employs over 1,000 suitably qualified and experienced academic staff - 60% have PhDs in their subject field and many have professional body recognition.

Courses are taught by staff who are Professors (19%), Readers, Senior Lecturers (22%) or Lecturers (57%).

We require most academic staff to be qualified to teach in higher education: 82% hold either Postgraduate Certificates in Higher Education Practice or higher. Most academic and learning support staff (85%) are recognised as fellows of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) by Advance HE - the university sector professional body for teaching and learning. Many academic and technical staff hold other professional body designations related to their subject or scholarly practice.

The profiles of many academic staff can be found on the University’s departmental websites and give a detailed insight into the range of staffing and expertise.  The precise staffing for a course will depend on the department(s) involved and the availability and management of staff.  This is subject to change annually and is confirmed in the timetable issued at the start of the course.

Occasionally, teaching may be supplemented by suitably qualified part-time staff (usually qualified researchers) and specialist guest lecturers. In these cases, all staff are inducted, mostly through our staff development programme ‘First Steps to Teaching’. In some cases, usually for provision in one of our out-centres, Recognised University Teachers are involved, supported by the University in suitable professional development for teaching.

Figures from the academic year 2022-2023.

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Here is a guide to the subjects studied on this course.

Courses are continually reviewed to take advantage of new teaching approaches and developments in research, industry and the professions. Please be aware that modules may change for your year of entry. The exact modules available and their order may vary depending on course updates, staff availability, timetabling and student demand. Please contact the course team for the most up to date module list.

Year one

Introduction to Government and Public Policy

Year: 1

This module begins by assessing the meaning of politics, the relationship between politics and the State, and the role of government. Then, it describes the organisation of the State and its division of powers. Finally, an analysis is undertaken of the role of public administration in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policy.

Foundations of Political Thought

Year: 1

This module introduces students to the study of political thought in its ideological forms. Political ideologies have been implicated in all major political developments over the last two centuries and demand special attention. This module clarifies the principles of these major systems and identifies their implications for political practice.

Introduction to Sociology

Year: 1

This module provides a general introduction to the main themes and perspectives within sociology. It explores the relationship between social theory, methods and research in sociology, and shows how sociological concepts can be used in the analysis of social processes and social institutions in contemporary society.

Sociology of Health and Illness

Year: 1

The aim of this module is to enable students to understand current issues in health and illness from a sociological perspective. On completion of the course, students will be able to identify significant social, cultural, economic and political issues associated with various aspects of health and illness. Students are encouraged to reflect upon their own health interests by exploring a range of issues related to health, illness and health care.

Contemporary Culture & Social Change

Year: 1

The module aims to provide students with an understanding of the nature of culture, diversity and social change in contemporary society. It will introduce students to a range of theoretical perspectives, concepts and methodologies that make a contribution to our understanding of culture and social change in contemporary society. Cross-cultural comparisons will be used and applied to a range of substantive topics.

The Sociological Imagination

Year: 1

This module provides an important opportunity for students to practice the craft of sociology by applying core theories and concepts to a vast range of social phenomena. The module endeavours to augment their existing sociological skills and increase their capacity to analyse, evaluate and think critically across local, national and global issues.

Democracy in the United Kingdom

Year: 1

This module is optional

The module is designed to provoke thought and stimulate questions about the nature of politics and government within the UK. Thus, it considers the key aspects of British politics including political culture, the function and structure of political parties and pressure groups, sub national forms of government and the role of the mass media. In doing so, it examines the dispersal of power within the United Kingdom discusses the changing responsibilities of government, and the nature of political power in a modern state.

International Relations

Year: 1

This module is optional

International Relations introduces the student to the study of international relations and to the main theories and debates relevant to understanding politics in an international context.

The module provides all politics students with an introduction to the building blocks of international relations as well as an introduction to theoretical concepts, institutional design and comparative elements of global affairs. This provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate team work and individual study as well as encouraging students to develop their capacity to read, write and think in an academic environment, preparing them for modules at degree level in future years.

Year two

Political thought: Text and Context

Year: 2

This module considers the philosophical contributions of the major philosophers that have influenced political thought since the early enlightement period and relates those contributions to the historical contexts in which they were written.

British Politics: 'Race', Class, and Policy

Year: 2

This module looks at some of the most pertinent issues driving British politics in the 21st century - 'race', class, identity, media control, imperial legacies. It covers the "long durée" of the Empire and its aftermath into the contemporary era. Students are asked to engage with the ways in which British politics have been and continue to be shaped by such legacies as 'race' and class politics.

Classical sociological theory

Year: 2

This module gives students the opportunity to develop their understanding of Sociological theory through the examination of the writings of central classical theorists. The module focuses on the writings of Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Parsons and Shimmel and aims to develop the students' ability to compare and evaluate the positions of these writers and to apply their ideas in the explanation of the origins and nature of modern societies.

Quantitative research methods

Year: 2

This module introduces students to quantitative research methods and provides the opportunity to develop skills in the collection and analysis of quantitative data. Students are able to interpret and assess results generated from statistical analysis used within sociological research. The module provides appropriate grounding for students undertaking a research project for their final year dissertation, and for future post-graduate opportunities, as well as employment.

Contemporary Ireland

Year: 2

This module provides an introduction to the study of Irish society North and South. It aims to increase awareness and provide the means for better analysis of the socioeconomic system of contemporary Ireland.

Qualitative Research Methods

Year: 2

This module introduces the main qualitative methods in social research. It provides students with a solid understanding of the philosophical foundations of social research enquiry. It shows how to generate research topics and how to select appropriate methods of inquiry. The methods are applied in practical research situations enabling students to compare and critically evaluate alternative approaches. The module provides the appropriate grounding for dissertation students.

The Politics of Ireland since Partition

Year: 2

This module is optional

The module provides a survey of the political history of the two states which were born out of the partition settlement in 1921. It examines the constitutional frameworks, political institutions along with Anglo-Irish and North-South relations up to the troubles and the peace process.

Politics in Europe

Year: 2

This module is optional

This module seeks to explore political developments in Europe since 1945 and their significance for political thinking. It aims to develop a critical understanding of the development of the state and society and the social contract as it has changed over the last decades in a critical geographical region. It will introduce students to important issues in European affairs, to aspects of international relations including European integration and to comparative analysis.

European Politics have recently come to impact very directly on the lives of students in Ulster. Creating an environment where students can engage in an informed, intelligent and critical manner on the basis of evidence and rigorous debate is a critical contribution to student knowledge, the development of key skills and an important element in Politics education. By adopting a historical, institutional and comparative approach students are encouraged to examine many aspects of European Politics and to enquire openly about political development. By engaging through a variety of methods, including lecture, research, project writing and independent study, students are encouraged to develop a variety of core skills which contribute directly to their degree in year 3.

The Comparative Politics of Democracy and Dictatorship

Year: 2

This module is optional

This course is about how, and why, a regime becomes either a democracy or a dictatorship. Can democracy survive in an agrarian society or a 'divided' society? Was Barrington-Moore correct when he made the observation 'no bourgeois, no democracy'? Is oil inevitably a curse (for democrats) and a blessing (for dictators)? How can a democratic government manage its 'praetorian problem': the risk of military coup? This course examines theories of regimes origin and survival in a range of case studies from across world regions.


Year: 2

This module is optional

This module begins by assessing the meaning of populism, the relationship between people and the state. Then, it analyses concepts and theories of populism. Finally, an analysis is undertaken of the politics of populism in 21st century global society.

Year three

Politics of Deeply Divided Societies

Year: 3

The politics of deeply divided societies, riven by ethnic conflict and political violence, are frequently seen as the most complex and difficult to resolve of modern political problems. Though complicated and unique, divided societies share commonalities. Most particularly, in terms of the importance of identity, sovereignty and territory, questions relating to communal access to power, and the legacy of past violence. This module applies a broad comparative lens to the study of deeply divided societies, and examines several societies divided by conflict: Sri Lanka, the former Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel -Palestine.

Transforming Violence

Year: 3

This module is optional

This module focuses on how conflicts develop and escalate into violence, with a emphasis on deeply divided societies, post-colonial contexts and/or where there is political violence. The module will explore dynamics of conflict at the individual, inter and intra-group level. The module will critically reflect on types of conflict interventions applying these to real world examples such as combating violent extremism,and preventing reoccurrence through truth commissions.

International Academic Studies (Study Abroad)

Year: 3

This module is optional

This module provides an opportunity to undertake an extended period of study outside the UK and Republic of Ireland. Students will develop an enhanced understanding of the academic discipline whilst generating educational and cultural networks.

Professional Practice – Applied Social and Policy Sciences

Year: 3

This module is optional

This module provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to gain structured and professional work experience, in a work-based learning environment, as part of their planned programme of study. This experience allows students to develop, refine and reflect on their key personal and professional skills. The placement should significantly support the development of the student's employability skills, preparation for final year and enhance their employability journey.

Year four

The Politics of Identity

Year: 4

This module focuses on the philosophical and empirical study of political groups that organise around a particular identity. It examines some of the major theoretical frameworks in contemporary political theory and applies these to concrete examples of identity group politics.

Methodology, Ethics and Politics of Research

Year: 4

This module introduces students to methodological debates in sociology. It examines the relationship between these methodologies and research techniques. The module will look at: positivism, interpretative social research, quantitative and qualitative sociology, critical social research, feminist methodologies and postmodern methodologies. It considers the politics and ethics of social research and how debates relate to students' own proposed research projects to be undertaken in the following semester.

Contemporary sociological theory

Year: 4

The aims of this module are to further develop and consolidate the students' knowledge of Sociological theory through the examination of a number of Schools of Contemporary Sociological theory. The module will examine the application of such theories in explaining central features of the modern/post modern world.


Year: 4

The module is designed to allow students to conduct and independent critical investigation of an area of concern or interest to sociology and to write a thesis on that investigation.

Students can draw upon skills and knowledge acquired from taught modules and will also have the academic guidance of one-to-one supervision from the staff member assigned as their supervisor and/or other staff members who can lend their expertise in collegiate collaboration.

Memory and the Nation

Year: 4

This module is optional

Nationalist, ethnic, and minority issues remain a driving force behind political dynamics, societal and institutional changes across the globe. 'Memory and the Nation' is an optional module that explores the underlying concepts and theories behind, and the main theoretical approaches to, the study of nationalism in transitional (post conflict or post authoritiarian societies) in the twentieth century.

Politics and Society in Latin America

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module focuses on Latin America, offering students the opportunity to further their understanding of different features of political systems and to understand how prospects for democratization and social justice are conditioned by a range of contextual variables. At the same time, the module gives students the chance to learn more about the Latin American region as a whole and to engage with relevant case studies. The module paves the way for a critical, comparative analysis of political crises and social problems in Latin America, together with an appreciation of the importance of democratic innovations and resilience on the part of civil society.

Global Inequalities:Issues and Challenges

Year: 4

This module is optional

The module aims to ensure that students have an in-depth and critical understanding of the highly contested nature of global development. It will equip students with knowledge and deep understanding of the historical roots and interconnections between societies in the global North and South. The module applies a range of theories, comparative data and case studies to critically explore contemporary development issues and global inequalities.

Media, Culture and Society

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to study in depth a major and influential institution in contemporary society, the mass media. It focuses on the relevance of sociological theories and concepts to a critical understanding of the mass media. The module provides a critical assessment of mass media representations of a range of key social issues and problems, including war, structural violence, social stratification and conflict.

Sociology of Education

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to study a major and influential institution in contemporary society, the education system. It focuses on the relevance of sociological theories and concepts to a critical understanding of education as a socialising agent in our lives. The module provides a critical assessment of education in relation to a range of key social issues and problems, including social stratification and conflict.

Professional Placement

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module gives students an opportunity to gain professional employment experience in a work-based learning environment as part of their Sociology degree. It provides robust self-development opportunities that enhance employability and nurture a diverse range of transferable skills. Students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences, as well as their overall personal and professional development, and relate these to the learning outcomes of the degree.

Sport in Society

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module introduces students to the main theories, concepts, issues and debates in the sociology of sport. There will be an emphasis on developing students' sociological imagination by encouraging students to think critically about the role of sport in contemporary society. Students will be exposed to the key classical and contemporary theoretical perspectives that underpin the sociological study of sport and they will apply these to a variety of sports-related issues and controversies.

Standard entry conditions

We recognise a range of qualifications for admission to our courses. In addition to the specific entry conditions for this course you must also meet the University’s General Entrance Requirements.

A level

Grades CCC

Applicants may satisfy the requirement for the final A level grade in the above grade profiles (C) by substituting a combination of alternative qualifications to the same standard as defined by the University.

Applied General Qualifications

QCF Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma / OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Diploma (2012 Suite)

Award profile of DMM

RQF Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma / OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Diploma (2016 Suite)

Award profile of MMM

QCF Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma / OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Diploma (2012 Suite)

Award profile of DM plus A Level Grade Cor award profile of DM plus A Level Grade C

RQF Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma / OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Diploma (2016 Suite)

Award profile of MM plus A Level Grade C

QCF Pearson BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma / OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Introductory Diploma (2012 Suite)

Award profile of M plus A Level Grades CC

RQF Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate / OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Certificate (2016 Suite)

Award profile of M plus A Level Grades CC

Irish Leaving Certificate

96 UCAS tariff points to include a minimum of five subjects (four of which must be at higher level) to include English at H6 if studied at Higher level or O4 if studied at Ordinary Level.

Irish Leaving Certificate UCAS Equivalency

Scottish Highers


Applicants may satisfy the requirement for an element of the above grade profiles by substituting a combination of alternative qualifications to the same standard (equating to A-level Grade C) as defined by the University.

Scottish Advanced Highers


Applicants may satisfy the requirement for an element of the above grade profiles by substituting a combination of alternative qualifications to the same standard (equating to A-level Grade C) as defined by the University.

International Baccalaureate

Overall International Baccalaureate profile is minimum 24 points (including 12 at higher level)

Access to Higher Education (HE)

Overall profile of 55% (120 credit Access Course) (NI Access course).

Overall profile of 45 credits at merit (60 credit Access course) (GB Access course).


For full-time study, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements for admission to a first degree course and hold a GCSE pass at Grade C/4 or above English Language.

Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Communication will be accepted as equivalent to GCSE English.

English Language Requirements

English language requirements for international applicants
The minimum requirement for this course is Academic IELTS 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5. Trinity ISE: Pass at level III also meets this requirement for Tier 4 visa purposes.

Ulster recognises a number of other English language tests and comparable IELTS equivalent scores.

Additional Entry Requirements


HND - Overall Merit with distinctions in 15 Level 5 credits (3 units) for entry to Year 1. Candidates must fulfill the subject requirement for Irish (A level Grade Cor equivalent) via other qualifications.


HNC – Overall Distinction with distinctions in 45 Level 4 credits for Year 1 entry only. Candidates must fulfill the subject requirement for Irish (A level Grade C or equivalent) via other qualifications.

Foundation Degree

An overall mark of 40% in Level 5 modules for for Year 1 entry only.

Accreditation of Experiential Learning

The University will consider applications on the basis of experiential learning for those who do not hold the normal entry qualifications. Those applicants seeking entry with advanced standing, (eg. Transfer from another institution) will be considered on an individual basis.

Exemptions and transferability

A number of colleges offer a two year part-time Certificate in Higher Education in Social Sciences. Candidates who successfully complete this Certificate are eligible to apply for admission directly onto the second year of any of our full-time Sociology degrees.

Information for students from Students from United States of America

Financial Aid

US students may apply for Federal and Private US loans. In addition to applying to study at Ulster, you must start you loans application with FAFSA or Private Loans. Once you have submitted you loans application, please email

Learn more about Federal and Private US loans


All international students are eligible to a £2,000 tuition fee scholarship.

John J Sweeney Scholarship

The John J Sweeney Scholarship has a value of $20,000 and that is used towards the Scholar’s tuition fees for postgraduate study at Ulster University.

English Language

English Language Requirement

  • Level 12 English Lang in HSD

View information for Students from United States of America  

Careers & opportunities

Graduate employers

Graduates from this course are now working for:

  • Deloitte
  • Health and Social Care Trusts
  • Ni Assembly
  • NI Civil Service
  • PSNI
  • PwC
  • Start 360

Job roles

With this degree you could become:

  • Social Researcher
  • Police Officer
  • Policy Officer
  • Civil Servant
  • Community Development Worker
  • Assembly Researcher
  • Public Affairs Consultant

Career options

The course provides the opportunity for you to acquire a valuable combination of skills and opens up a wide range of postgraduate educational and career opportunities. The detailed knowledge and understanding of society and social life that you will gain from the degree equips you with core skills to work in a rich variety of settings. In recent years our graduates have found employment in areas including: human resource management, health administration, PSNI, the Civil Service, market research, industrial relations, health administration and private sector consultancy. Many others have gone on to take postgraduate courses in Sociology, Media Studies, Social Work, Education, and Heritage Studies.

Our graduates stay in touch with us, offering advice and support to current students, and sharing knowledge from each of their industries. In addition, employability skills sessions are built into our curriculum, ensuring that you can demonstrate excellence in a wide range of skills on graduation.

Work placement / study abroad

Sociology with Politics students have the opportunity to take a year out from their programme to carry out a work placement or participate in one of the study abroad schemes. Students who successfully complete the year abroad will either be awarded a Diploma in Professional Practice (DPP), based on work experience, or a Diploma in International Academic Studies (DIAS), based on study at another educational institution.


Start dates

  • September 2025

Fees and funding

Additional mandatory costs

It is important to remember that costs associated with accommodation, travel (including car parking charges) and normal living will need to be covered in addition to tuition fees.

Where a course has additional mandatory expenses (in addition to tuition fees) we make every effort to highlight them above. We aim to provide students with the learning materials needed to support their studies. Our libraries are a valuable resource with an extensive collection of books and journals, as well as first-class facilities and IT equipment. Computer suites and free Wi-Fi are also available on each of the campuses.

There are additional fees for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.

Students choosing a period of paid work placement or study abroad as a part of their course should be aware that there may be additional travel and living costs, as well as tuition fees.

See the tuition fees on our student guide for most up to date costs.


We’d love to hear from you!

We know that choosing to study at university is a big decision, and you may not always be able to find the information you need online.

Please contact Ulster University with any queries or questions you might have about:

  • Course specific information
  • Fees and Finance
  • Admissions

For any queries regarding getting help with your application, please select Admissions in the drop down below.

For queries related to course content, including modules and placements, please select Course specific information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

For more information visit


  1. The University endeavours to deliver courses and programmes of study in accordance with the description set out in this prospectus. The University’s prospectus is produced at the earliest possible date in order to provide maximum assistance to individuals considering applying for a course of study offered by the University. The University makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in the prospectus is accurate, but it is possible that some changes will occur between the date of printing and the start of the academic year to which it relates. Please note that the University’s website is the most up-to-date source of information regarding courses, campuses and facilities and we strongly recommend that you always visit the website before making any commitments.
  2. Although the University at all times endeavours to provide the programmes and services described, the University cannot guarantee the provision of any course or facility and the University may make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of courses, discontinue, merge or combine courses, change the campus at which they are provided and introduce new courses if such action is considered necessary by the University (acting reasonably). Not all such circumstances are entirely foreseeable but changes may be required if matters such as the following arise: industrial action interferes with the University’s ability to teach the course as planned, lack of demand makes a course economically unviable for the University, departure of key staff renders the University unable to deliver the course, changes in legislation or government policy including changes, if any, resulting from the UK departing the European Union, withdrawal or reduction of funding specifically provided for the course or other unforeseeable circumstances beyond the University’s reasonable control.
  3. If the University discontinues any courses, it will use its best endeavours to provide a suitable alternative course. In addition, courses may change during the course of study and in such circumstances the University will normally undertake a consultation process prior to any such changes being introduced and seek to ensure that no student is unreasonably prejudiced as a consequence of any such change.
  4. Providing the University has complied with the requirements of all applicable consumer protection laws, the University does not accept responsibility for the consequences of any modification, relocation or cancellation of any course, or part of a course, offered by the University. The University will give due and proper consideration to the effects thereof on individual students and take the steps necessary to minimise the impact of such effects on those affected. 5. The University is not liable for disruption to its provision of educational or other services caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control providing it takes all reasonable steps to minimise the resultant disruption to such services.


“Lecturers provide excellent resources made available via Blackboard. Interesting guest lecturers. Staff take an interest beyond their own module, concerned about future of their students. Staff are always encouraging and promoting opportunities to enhance studies/experience.”

“Lecturers are very welcoming and are always available to help with problems that students have. The coursework encouraged students to be reflective of experiences and allowed us to apply our sociological learning to everyday situations in our placements.”

“Lecturers are very approachable and extremely helpful. I would definitely recommend University of Ulster to anyone who may be considering university. I will be sad to leave as it feels part of my daily life now.”

“I believe all the staff in my department care about the needs of the students. They care when students are experiencing difficult circumstances. I believe they genuinely want to share their knowledge and expand ours. We are not merely a big class, they make the effort to get to know their pupils individually.”

“Lecturers are all excellent. They are enthusiastic about what they teach. Overall fantastic.”

Sustainability at Ulster

Ulster continues to develop and support sustainability initiatives with our staff, students, and external partners across various aspects of teaching, research, professional services operations, and governance.

At Ulster every person, course, research project, and professional service area on every campus either does or can contribute in some way towards the global sustainability and climate change agenda.

We are guided by both our University Strategy People, Place and Partnerships: Delivering Sustainable Futures for All and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our work in this area is already being recognised globally.  Most recently by the 2024 Times Higher Education Impact rating where we were recognised as Joint 5th Globally for Outreach Activities and Joint Top 20 Globally for Sustainable Development Goal 17:  Partnership for the Goals.

Visit our Sustainability at Ulster destination to learn more about how the University strategy and the activities of Ulster University support each of the Sustainable Development Goals.