Here is a guide to the subjects studied on this course.
Courses are continually reviewed to take advantage of new teaching approaches and developments in research, industry and the professions. Please be aware that modules may change for your year of entry. The exact modules available and their order may vary depending on course updates, staff availability, timetabling and student demand. Please contact the course team for the most up to date module list.
Year one
Introduction to Government and Public Policy
Year: 1
Status: C
This module begins by assessing the meaning of politics, the relationship between politics and the State, and the role of government. Then, it describes the organisation of the State and its division of powers. Finally, an analysis is undertaken of the role of public administration in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policy.
Foundations of Political Thought
Year: 1
Status: C
This module introduces students to the study of political thought in its ideological forms. Political ideologies have been implicated in all major political developments over the last two centuries and demand special attention. This module clarifies the principles of these major systems and identifies their implications for political practice.
Introduction to the Study and Practice of Politics
Year: 1
Status: C
This module introduces the student to the study of politics through the exploration of core concepts, structures and practices within the discipline of politics. It looks at the links between national and international politics and encourages students to think critically about social, political and economic trends. It provides the foundation for the critical analytical skills required in the study of politics, as well as the introducing the core academic skills required for their academic studies.
Introduction to Crime and Deviance
Year: 1
Status: C
Crime and deviance are rarely out of the news with frequent media warnings, for example of rises in `anti-social behaviour'. This module encourages students to look beneath the headlines and examine social constructions of crime. Ideas about `crime' and `deviance' vary over time and place and the module explores popular discourses on these themes. Methods of measuring crime are critically assessed and the fear of crime is explored. The module introduces students to criminology as a discipline and to key theoretical traditions. Students are supported in developing the critical skills needed to evaluate competing perspectives. The module provides a foundation of knowledge and skills for the criminology and criminal justice, and criminology minor degree programmes.
International Relations
Status: O
Year: 1
This module is optional
International Relations introduces the student to the study of international relations and to the main theories and debates relevant to understanding politics in an international context.
The module provides all politics students with an introduction to the building blocks of international relations as well as an introduction to theoretical concepts, institutional design and comparative elements of global affairs. This provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate team work and individual study as well as encouraging students to develop their capacity to read, write and think in an academic environment, preparing them for modules at degree level in future years.
Year two
Crime and Criminal Justice
Year: 2
Status: C
This module will explore crime and its control through an analysis of specific crime problems and the response of the criminal justice system to these problems, drawing upon an array of national and international research evidence, and current developments. Students will be introduced to major offending patterns in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. Consideration will also be given to the agencies, and policy frameworks, around which crime control is organised.
Democracy in the United Kingdom
Status: O
Year: 2
This module is optional
The module is designed to provoke thought and stimulate questions about the nature of politics and government within the UK. Thus, it considers the key aspects of British politics including political culture, the function and structure of political parties and pressure groups, sub national forms of government and the role of the mass media. In doing so, it examines the dispersal of power within the United Kingdom discusses the changing responsibilities of government, and the nature of political power in a modern state.
Year three
Political thought: Text and Context
Year: 3
Status: C
This module considers the philosophical contributions of the major philosophers that have influenced political thought since the early enlightement period and relates those contributions to the historical contexts in which they were written.
British Politics: 'Race', Class, and Policy
Year: 3
Status: C
This module looks at some of the most pertinent issues driving British politics in the 21st century - 'race', class, identity, media control, imperial legacies. It covers the "long durée" of the Empire and its aftermath into the contemporary era. Students are asked to engage with the ways in which British politics have been and continue to be shaped by such legacies as 'race' and class politics.
Work Based Learning and Politics
Year: 3
Status: C
This module is designed to provide a placement opportunity for students and gives students the opportunity to apply political scholarship to practical situations and link academic studies to the world outside the university. The placement not only encourages students to reflect on the applicability of their scholarship but also allows them the opportunity to draw on and enhance research skills. By practicing specific skills for employment - including the writing of CVs, giving presentations and critically reflecting on experience, the module also aims to prepare students for the world of work beyond university.
Policing & the Law
Status: O
Year: 3
This module is optional
This module is designed to explore the law and institutions involved in policing and to set policing in a legal context. Thus it will consider the role and powers of the office of constable and the legal framework within which a policing service is delivered including the constraints and obligations on police officers and a police service. It will allow for discussion and challenge in regard to ideas about how policing is and ought to be conducted.
The Politics of Ireland since Partition
Status: O
Year: 3
This module is optional
The module provides a survey of the political history of the two states which were born out of the partition settlement in 1921. It examines the constitutional frameworks, political institutions along with Anglo-Irish and North-South relations up to the troubles and the peace process.
Politics in Europe
Status: O
Year: 3
This module is optional
This module seeks to explore political developments in Europe since 1945 and their significance for political thinking. It aims to develop a critical understanding of the development of the state and society and the social contract as it has changed over the last decades in a critical geographical region. It will introduce students to important issues in European affairs, to aspects of international relations including European integration and to comparative analysis.
European Politics have recently come to impact very directly on the lives of students in Ulster. Creating an environment where students can engage in an informed, intelligent and critical manner on the basis of evidence and rigorous debate is a critical contribution to student knowledge, the development of key skills and an important element in Politics education. By adopting a historical, institutional and comparative approach students are encouraged to examine many aspects of European Politics and to enquire openly about political development. By engaging through a variety of methods, including lecture, research, project writing and independent study, students are encouraged to develop a variety of core skills which contribute directly to their degree in year 3.
The Comparative Politics of Democracy and Dictatorship
Status: O
Year: 3
This module is optional
This course is about how, and why, a regime becomes either a democracy or a dictatorship. Can democracy survive in an agrarian society or a 'divided' society? Was Barrington-Moore correct when he made the observation 'no bourgeois, no democracy'? Is oil inevitably a curse (for democrats) and a blessing (for dictators)? How can a democratic government manage its 'praetorian problem': the risk of military coup? This course examines theories of regimes origin and survival in a range of case studies from across world regions.
Year four
State Crime
Year: 4
Status: C
This module seeks to explore the definition and nature of state crime in criminological and political discourse. It aims to develop a critical understanding of the nature of the state and the scale and type of crimes committed by state agents and agencies. A range of state crimes will be explored in both the domestic and international spheres. The module will explore forms of state crime as techniques of 'coercive governance' and will use examples from both democratic and authoritarian regimes.
Policing and Society
Year: 4
Status: C
This module explores the characteristics, dynamics and underpinning factors that exist between policing and society. Historically, policing has been the subject of much debate both nationally and internationally, with the delivery of policing services, and, how they are perceived by the community focal points for discussion. Through the policing institutions in Northern Ireland and England and Wales this module will examine how various social, cultural and political forces impact upon the police and the community they serve. It is also important to consider the role of the community in the context of `policing' and examine the various techniques employed by civil society to address issues pertaining to community safety and the fear of crime. The module will also consider the emergence of new crimes in the form of `internet and organised crime' and determine the implications on the relationship between society and the police.
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module begins by assessing the meaning of populism, the relationship between people and the state. Then, it analyses concepts and theories of populism. Finally, an analysis is undertaken of the politics of populism in 21st century global society.
Memory and the Nation
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
Nationalist, ethnic, and minority issues remain a driving force behind political dynamics, societal and institutional changes across the globe. 'Memory and the Nation' is an optional module that explores the underlying concepts and theories behind, and the main theoretical approaches to, the study of nationalism in transitional (post conflict or post authoritiarian societies) in the twentieth century.
Politics of Deeply Divided Societies
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
The politics of deeply divided societies, riven by ethnic conflict and political violence, are frequently seen as the most complex and difficult to resolve of modern political problems. Though complicated and unique, divided societies share commonalities. Most particularly, in terms of the importance of identity, sovereignty and territory, questions relating to communal access to power, and the legacy of past violence. This module applies a broad comparative lens to the study of deeply divided societies, and examines several societies divided by conflict: Sri Lanka, the former Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel -Palestine.
The Politics of Identity
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module focuses on the philosophical and empirical study of political groups that organise around a particular identity. It examines some of the major theoretical frameworks in contemporary political theory and applies these to concrete examples of identity group politics.
Sentencing and Punishment
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module examines the relationship between sentencing theory, principle, policy, and practice. Consideration is given to how sentences are constructed, and the range of sentencing technologies available to the courts. Additionally, a variety of theoretical approaches are utilised to explore the broader social impact sentencing and punishment has on communities at a regional, national, and international level.
Restorative Justice
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module provides students, who are new to restorative justice with an understanding of key theories. The module addresses principles of restorative practice. It also considers the community, policy and legal frameworks in which restorative justice may be located.
Victims of Crime
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module further develops analytical skills in criminology and criminal justice. It evaluates, in the national and international context, the experiences, and the actual and potential role of victims of crime within the criminal justice system and explores whether they should be afforded a greater role.
Young People, Crime & Justice
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module provides an overview of the history and development of the modern youth justice system in GB and NI. It explores sociological and criminological concepts relating to 'childhood' 'adolescence' and 'juvenile delinquency'. The module explores crime committed by young people, its causes, consequences and treatment and the victimisation of young people. It critically analyses current debates and issues regarding youth crime and youth justice within a children's rights framework.
Exploring Crime and the Media
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
Crime and media explores the nature of media influence on crime, the criminal justice
system and the role that the media plays in influencing the public's perception of crime and
criminality. Specifically this module develops analytical and critical skills in exploring and
understanding the conflicting and at times ambiguous relationship between crime and the
media in the twenty first century.
Environmental Crime
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module is intended:
• To introduce students to the principles of environmental protection and governance.
• To engage students with critical debates from green criminology that challenge the conventional notions of crime, deviance and justice.
• To promote student awareness and understanding of issues relating to environmental harm and justice.
• To foster the development of applied knowledge of environmental protection, regulation and governance.
Terrorism and Political Violence
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
Since the late 1960s, acts of terrorism have become more numerous and wide-ranging. The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001 and the following incidents elsewhere, notably in Madrid and London, have given impetus to the study of terrorism and political violence, not in only in academic circles but also amongst policymakers. Furthermore, there is a more heightened awareness in the general public about the 'war against terrorism'. The module involves consideration of the debate over the definition of terrorism and political violence; psychological, sociological and other social science theories of terrorism and political violence; the symbiotic relationship between terrorists, terrorism and the mass media; the character of state terrorism; trans-national and international terrorism including past trends and future prospects and single-issue terrorism. The module also examines and assesses counter-terrorism (police, intelligence and legal) measures/responses by the state, both for their effectiveness and for their implications for civil liberty in liberal-democracies.
Migration, 'Race' and Ethnicity
Status: O
Year: 4
This module is optional
This module introduces students to a range of debates related to migration, racism and ethnicity with a focus on the United Kingdom and Ireland. Historical developments are reviewed but the focus is in current policy debates and perspectives. This includes international and national governance of migration flows and citizenship processes. Key policy areas covered include: immigration, refugee and asylum processes, equality and human rights.
Year five
Research Methods
Year: 5
Status: C
Research Methods is specifically geared towards developing the skills and methodologies needed to complete undergraduate political science dissertations. Theoretical lectures are complemented with practical seminar activities and assessments are designed to promote progress towards the design and execution of the students' individual dissertations.
Dissertation: Politics
Year: 5
Status: C
This module requires students to work independently, with appropriate guidance and supervision, on their chosen topic. Students are required to submit a substantial written (word processed) dissertation, that focuses on their chosen topic and sets out evidence and arguments in a structured and coherent fashion.
Transforming Violence
Status: O
Year: 5
This module is optional
This module focuses on how conflicts develop and escalate into violence, with a emphasis on deeply divided societies, post-colonial contexts and/or where there is political violence. The module will explore dynamics of conflict at the individual, inter and intra-group level. The module will critically reflect on types of conflict interventions applying these to real world examples such as combating violent extremism,and preventing reoccurrence through truth commissions.
Year six
Surveillance and the Law
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
This module explores and evaluates the legal framework within which surveillance operates in the United Kingdom. Considering the role of surveillance in society, the relationship between surveillance, privacy rights and fair trial rights is evaluated with specific reference to data protection, interception of communications, directed and intrusive surveillance, official secrecy, the security and intelligence services and recent developments in relation to identity and identity theft. Plus the role and impact of social media and the digital footprint we all leave behind.
Crime and the Media
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
Crime and media explores the nature of media influence on crime, the criminal justice system and the role that the media plays in influencing the public's perception of crime and criminality. Specifically this module develops analytical and critical skills in exploring and understanding the conflicting and at times ambiguous relationship between crime and the media in the twenty first century.
Terrorism and Political Violence
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
Since the late 1960s, acts of terrorism have become more numerous and wide-ranging. The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001 and the following incidents elsewhere, notably in Madrid and London, have given impetus to the study of terrorism and political violence, not in only in academic circles but also amongst policy-makers. Furthermore, there is a more heightened awareness in the general public about the `war against terrorism'. The module involves consideration of the debate over the definition of terrorism and political violence; psychological, sociological and other social science theories of terrorism and political violence; the symbiotic relationship between terrorists, terrorism and the mass media; the character of state terrorism; trans-national and international terrorism including past trends and future prospects and single-issue terrorism. The module also examines and assesses counter-terrorism (police, intelligence and legal) measures/responses by the state, both for their effectiveness and for their implications for civil liberty in liberal-democracies.
Psychology and Crime
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
Crime and criminal justice as well as issues of law and order remain topical in contemporary society. This module will provide students a unique opportunity to investigate the workings of the criminal mind and what motivates an individual to commit crime. This module aims to introduce students to the principal theories and applications of psychology within the field of criminology. It enables students to develop a critical understanding of how psychological theory is applied to various criminological settings, which include youth crime; weapon carrying; arson and sexual crimes; psychopaths and serial killers, and criminal profiling.
Green Criminology and Environmental Crime
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
This module offers students the opportunity to study contemporary issues in criminology, with particular reference to green criminology, environmental crime and justice. It provides the opportunity to understand the nature of how crime is defined and considered outside of academia. It looks at real world issues and discusses the various, and at times, conflicting approaches undertaken by criminologists. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate criminological evidence and to make links with criminological theory and issues raised.
Crime, Social Order and Social Control
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
The state has traditionally been viewed as being responsible for managing crime and policing in society. However, this is much more complex and varied than would initially seem obvious. This module will explore and evaluate public and community security from a number of perspectives, providing students with a wider appreciation of how policing is undertaken outside that of traditional state and police perspectives. This will involve an examination of the many configurations which contribute to broader conceptions of policing and security within modern society. Furthermore, the module will provide an understanding of the fact that the state police are but one of many auspices and agencies who contribute to the governance of security as part of common and diverse public demands for policing provision.
Prisons, Punishment and Power
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
This module includes an overview of the history of imprisonment as a form of punishment; the development of the prison system in the UK; discussion of key debates and current issues regarding imprisonment nationally and internationally. The module also covers the history, development of and current issues regarding imprisonment in Northern Ireland.
Gender, Sexuality, Crime and Justice
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
This module will assist students to develop skills in understanding how different theories, concepts, methodological tools and data influence the ways in which we respond to gender and crime. The establishment of a more victim centred approach, and changes to offender management, will form the key elements of the module. Case studies will show how practitioners and policy makers are responding to the extensive reforms within the criminal justice and prison system.
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
Increasing connectivity to the Internet has resulted in a growing amount of crime and deviance taking place in cyberspace. This cybercrime module examines a series of cyber enabled and cyber dependent crimes, the motivations of online offenders and how such crimes may be investigated and subsequently prevented. It examines the complex nature of cyber legislation in Europe and explores the difficulties of policing cyber activity on the surface and dark web. By the end of the module students will be able to evaluate the uncertainties, ambiguities and limits currently encountered in trying to regulate the Internet and digital technology.
Global Crime
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
This module examines the various criminal dimensions of contemporary globalisation, their
global extent and significance and the roles they play in shaping the socio-economic
conditions and development trajectories of key global regions. It also considers various responses to global crime and evaluates their success as well as exploring the relationship between global crime and
popular culture. Students will understand issues relating to a) Spatial and temporal patterns of global crime; b) the link between different forms of organised crime and globalisation; and c) the key critiques of crime control measures.
Drugs and Crime
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
This module offers students the opportunity to study contemporary issues in criminology, with particular reference to drugs use; its consumption, regulation and criminalisation. It provides the opportunity to understand the nature of how drug use and crime are defined and considered inside and outside of academia. It looks at real world issues and discusses the various, and at times, conflicting approaches undertaken by criminologists. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate criminological evidence and to make links with criminological theory and issues raised.
Rehabilitation and Desistance from Crime
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
Rehabilitation and Desistance from Crime will introduce students to some of the key concepts and debates in the field of desistance studies. The module will encourage an appraisal of the relationships between rehabilitation, risk and resettlement in penal philosophy, policy and practice. Students will engage with debates on 'what works' in rehabilitative practice, and examine how desistance from crime can be supported, or stymied, by criminal justice processes.
Corporate Crime
Status: O
Year: 6
This module is optional
Corporate crime is a multi-trillion dollar global racket that represents a significant threat to markets, democracy, development, human rights and the environment. Crimes committed by corporations have been identified by the UK and US governments as one of the most pressing challenges for law makers today. This module will critically explore the drivers of corporate crime in a number of thematic areas including serious fraud, financial crime, corruption, environment, and human rights. Students will take a hands-on approach, investigating some of the most significant corporate crimes of the last two decades, using specially curated real-world materials such as indictments and deferred prosecution agreements. This case driven approach will open-up the inner workings of corporate crime and help students theorise some of the key drivers of illicit corporate activity. The module's applied focus will help prepare students for a potential career in the control of corporate crime, which is a fast growing and dynamic industry for criminology graduates.