Accounting and Law - BSc (Hons)

2024/25 Full-time Undergraduate course


Bachelor of Science with Honours


Ulster University Business School


Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics


Belfast campus

UCAS code:

The UCAS code for Ulster University is U20

Start date:

September 2024

With this degree you could become:

  • Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Forensic consultant
  • Tax Advisor
  • Barrister
  • Solicitor
  • Insolvency practitioner

Graduates from this course are now working for:

  • Accounting and Professional Services Firms
  • Law firms
  • Banking institutions
  • Government bodies
  • Financial services
  • Charities and not for profit organisations


If you are considering a career in the professional world of law or accounting, why not consider both through this innovative programme.


The BSc Hons Accounting and Law produces highly qualified professional graduates, equipped with both legal and financial knowledge.  It is a four-year programme with an equal weighting of accounting and law-based modules taught each year. 

This degree provides you with the opportunity to maximise professional exemptions from many of the professional accounting bodies AND also gain a qualifying law degree.  This combination provides significant opportunities upon graduation. Employers value the mix of legal and professional services knowledge supported by economic and financial analytical skills.

Both subjects complement one another with a cross-over in these two sought after professions for aspects of commerce, including acquisition and disposals; restructuring and insolvency; taxation compliance and planning; assurance and governance.  Throughout your studies, you will develop an understanding of the law, critically reflect on contemporary law developments whilst at the same time assimilating and putting into practice the main principles and theories of accounting and finance. 

If you want to learn more about this programme before deciding on your final career choice in accounting or law, and you are ready to be stretched and challenged, then this is the degree for you.

We’d love to hear from you!

We know that choosing to study at university is a big decision, and you may not always be able to find the information you need online.

Please contact Ulster University with any queries or questions you might have about:

  • Course specific information
  • Fees and Finance
  • Admissions

For any queries regarding getting help with your application, please select Admissions in the drop down below.

For queries related to course content, including modules and placements, please select Course specific information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

About this course


The overall aim of the degree is to:

  • develop students’ core knowledge and understanding of the principles, issues and applications of accounting and law and of the broader financial and economic environment;
  • enable the development of intellectual skills including critical, analytical and problem-solving skills relevant to law, business finance and investment decision-making;
  • highlight the relevance of legal knowledge to the needs of the community whether at a local, regional, national, European or international level;
  • support the development of a range of subject-specific and generic transferable skills;
  • develop students' ability to analyse, interpret and communicate legal and financial information; and
  • develop students' interpersonal, research, computing and communication skills.

Associate awards

Diploma in Professional Practice DPP

Diploma in Professional Practice International DPPI

Diploma in International Academic Studies DIAS


Typically 18-20 timetabled hours per week for lectures, workshops and tutorials plus up to 10 hours per module as independent study equating to 40 hours per week.

Start dates

  • September 2024

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Learning and Teaching Methods include: lectures, tutorials, seminars, case studies, experiential learning, guest speakers, practitioner master classes, workshops, directed and independent study, computer assisted learning including contemporary interactive learning technology to help enhance your learning.

Assessment Methods include: examinations, class tests, completion of worksheets, reflective logs, portfolios, critiques, reports, subject-specific essays and oral presentations, using both individual and group projects, and interactive technology.

Attendance and Independent Study

The content for each course is summarised on the relevant course page, along with an overview of the modules that make up the course.

Each course is approved by the University and meets the expectations of:

  • Attendance and Independent Study

    As part of your course induction, you will be provided with details of the organisation and management of the course, including attendance and assessment requirements - usually in the form of a timetable. For full-time courses, the precise timetable for each semester is not confirmed until close to the start date and may be subject to some change in the early weeks as all courses settle into their planned patterns. For part-time courses which require attendance on particular days and times, an expectation of the days and periods of attendance will be included in the letter of offer. A course handbook is also made available.

    Courses comprise modules for which the notional effort involved is indicated by its credit rating. Each credit point represents 10 hours of student effort. Undergraduate courses typically contain 10, 20, or 40 credit modules (more usually 20) and postgraduate courses typically 15 or 30 credit modules.

    The normal study load expectation for an undergraduate full-time course of study in the standard academic year is 120 credit points. This amounts to around 36-42 hours of expected teaching and learning per week, inclusive of attendance requirements for lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical work, fieldwork or other scheduled classes, private study, and assessment. Teaching and learning activities will be in-person and/or online depending on the nature of the course. Part-time study load is the same as full-time pro-rata, with each credit point representing 10 hours of student effort.

    Postgraduate Master’s courses typically comprise 180 credits, taken in three semesters when studied full-time. A Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) comprises 60 credits and can usually be completed on a part-time basis in one year. A 120-credit Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) can usually be completed on a part-time basis in two years.

    Class contact times vary by course and type of module. Typically, for a module predominantly delivered through lectures you can expect at least 3 contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/tutorials). Laboratory classes often require a greater intensity of attendance in blocks. Some modules may combine lecture and laboratory. The precise model will depend on the course you apply for and may be subject to change from year to year for quality or enhancement reasons. Prospective students will be consulted about any significant changes.

  • Assessment

    Assessment methods vary and are defined explicitly in each module. Assessment can be a combination of examination and coursework but may also be only one of these methods. Assessment is designed to assess your achievement of the module’s stated learning outcomes.  You can expect to receive timely feedback on all coursework assessments. This feedback may be issued individually and/or issued to the group and you will be encouraged to act on this feedback for your own development.

    Coursework can take many forms, for example: essay, report, seminar paper, test, presentation, dissertation, design, artefacts, portfolio, journal, group work. The precise form and combination of assessment will depend on the course you apply for and the module. Details will be made available in advance through induction, the course handbook, the module specification, the assessment timetable and the assessment brief. The details are subject to change from year to year for quality or enhancement reasons. You will be consulted about any significant changes.

    Normally, a module will have 4 learning outcomes, and no more than 2 items of assessment. An item of assessment can comprise more than one task. The notional workload and the equivalence across types of assessment is standardised. The module pass mark for undergraduate courses is 40%. The module pass mark for postgraduate courses is 50%.

  • Calculation of the Final Award

    The class of Honours awarded in Bachelor’s degrees is usually determined by calculation of an aggregate mark based on performance across the modules at Levels 5 and 6, (which correspond to the second and third year of full-time attendance).

    Level 6 modules contribute 70% of the aggregate mark and Level 5 contributes 30% to the calculation of the class of the award. Classification of integrated Master’s degrees with Honours include a Level 7 component. The calculation in this case is: 50% Level 7, 30% Level 6, 20% Level 5. At least half the Level 5 modules must be studied at the University for Level 5 to be included in the calculation of the class.

    All other qualifications have an overall grade determined by results in modules from the final level of study.

    In Masters degrees of more than 200 credit points the final 120 points usually determine the overall grading.

    Figures from the academic year 2022-2023.

Academic profile

Over 85% of our teaching staff hold Fellowship of Advance HE (previously Higher Education Academy).

The majority of our accounting lecturers have professional qualifications and previous experience in professional practice and/or commercial business.

The University employs over 1,000 suitably qualified and experienced academic staff - 60% have PhDs in their subject field and many have professional body recognition.

Courses are taught by staff who are Professors (19%), Readers, Senior Lecturers (22%) or Lecturers (57%).

We require most academic staff to be qualified to teach in higher education: 82% hold either Postgraduate Certificates in Higher Education Practice or higher. Most academic and learning support staff (85%) are recognised as fellows of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) by Advance HE - the university sector professional body for teaching and learning. Many academic and technical staff hold other professional body designations related to their subject or scholarly practice.

The profiles of many academic staff can be found on the University’s departmental websites and give a detailed insight into the range of staffing and expertise.  The precise staffing for a course will depend on the department(s) involved and the availability and management of staff.  This is subject to change annually and is confirmed in the timetable issued at the start of the course.

Occasionally, teaching may be supplemented by suitably qualified part-time staff (usually qualified researchers) and specialist guest lecturers. In these cases, all staff are inducted, mostly through our staff development programme ‘First Steps to Teaching’. In some cases, usually for provision in one of our out-centres, Recognised University Teachers are involved, supported by the University in suitable professional development for teaching.

Figures from the academic year 2022-2023.

Belfast campus


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Student Wellbeing

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Here is a guide to the subjects studied on this course.

Courses are continually reviewed to take advantage of new teaching approaches and developments in research, industry and the professions. Please be aware that modules may change for your year of entry. The exact modules available and their order may vary depending on course updates, staff availability, timetabling and student demand. Please contact the course team for the most up to date module list.

Year one

Introductory Accounting

Year: 1

Introductory accounting provides the student with an understanding of the concepts underpinning financial reporting for sole traders and partnerships. It also introduces students to Management Accounting and the analysis of costs for decision making.

Principles of Financial Accounting

Year: 1

Principles of Financial Accounting provides the student with an introduction to the concepts underpinning corporate financial reporting for single companies and simple groups of companies. This provides students with the foundations required for further study in Financial Accounting module.

Academic and Professional Awareness

Year: 1

This module provides students with an opportunity to consider, reflect on, and develop key skills that will provide a strong basis for successful study in higher education and in their future professional life. It provides opportunities to consider personal strengths and learning styles, and develop strategies to maximise their learning potential.

Digital Skills for Accounting & Data Analytics

Year: 1

This module provides the student with a solid understanding of digital and analytical skills, applications and value in modern digital organisations. Particular attention is awarded to technological tools and business process improvement techniques. The opportunity to construct a simple data analytics dashboard system is provided. On completion of the module students will be equipped with the skills necessary to join the workforce having an appreciation of the own digital and analytical skills and an understanding of the roles/skills required in a sustainable learning organisation.

Exploring Law

Year: 1

This module introduces basic legal principles and concepts, and enables students to understand the structure and organisation of the legal system in the UK (with a particular emphasis on Northern Ireland). It introduces students to the concepts of reflective and independent learning, and provides them with the necessary information, knowledge and intellectual equipment required for the study of law as a discipline. This module continues the induction process and offers the students an opportunity to obtain information about careers and personal development. Formal assessment on this module is by an online assessment exercise and coursework.

Criminal law

Year: 1

Criminal law provides the ideal vehicle to study both common law and legislation and develop an understanding of the relationship between law in Northern Ireland and the law in England and Wales. Students learn the scope and content of criminal law and understand the need for reform in certain areas through academic commentary and critical discussion and evaluation. In examining the principle and substance of criminal law students also gain the opportunity to develop skills in legal reasoning and analysis.

Law of Tort

Year: 1

The law of tort plays a central role in the modern legal system. This module provides comprehensive coverage of the principles of the law of tort and a detailed understanding of historical and contemporary caselaw. Students will have multiple and varied opportunities to problem solve real-life scenarios and engage in class debates on core developments in the law.

Year two

Principles of Management Accounting

Year: 2

This module provides students with an introduction to the principles of management accounting. It examines the role of the management accountant within an organisation and how management accounting information contributes to making judgements and decisions. The module introduces students to various concepts, techniques and processes used in cost accounting, budgeting and short-term decision making. It provides a firm foundation for further study in the area of management accounting.

Financial Accounting

Year: 2

Financial accounting provides the student with an understanding of the concepts underpinning corporate financial reporting for single companies and groups of companies. The role of financial accounting regulation, particularly International Financial Reporting Standards is examined and students are provided with the skills to apply these to practical examples.

Business and the Economy

Year: 2

This module will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts and applications of economics as they affect individuals, firms and governments, as well as the policy decisions taken in industry, commerce, and local government. An emphasis will be placed on the application of economics to the world around us.

Public Law

Year: 2

Students by the end of this module should have a good grasp of the constitutional arrangements within the United Kingdom including: institutions of government, key principles underpinning the constitution of the United Kingdom, the arrangements for devolved governance in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the importance of European Union Law as a former source of law within the constitution of the United Kingdom, the legal protection of human rights and civil liberties, mechanisms of accountability within constitutional law, especially judicial review, and proposed reforms and debates surrounding such reforms.

Contract Law

Year: 2

The module will provide a basis for acquiring knowledge and understanding and developing analysis of the key concepts, problems and issues in the law of contract. The theories, principles and rules of the law of contract will be explained. The module will address the key features of contract law including formation of contract, contractual terms, exclusion and limitation clauses, vitiating factors, discharge of contract and remedies.

European Law

Year: 2

This module provides an overview of the constitutional principles and legal institutions of the European Union. The module also introduces students to the central areas within the market integration process, namely free movement of goods and persons. After the Treaties of Amsterdam, Nice and Lisbon, the impact of EU law has expanded even further than before. This module examines the development of European Law, the institutional structure and processes as well as the relationship between European Law and national law.

Year three

Contemporary Business Finance

Year: 3

This module introduces students to finance decision making for small to medium sized national companies. Students will study the role of business finance, ethics in financial decision making, the influence of the environment on financial decision-making, the time value of money, capital investment appraisal, working capital management and sources of short and medium-term finance, and cost of capital.

Management Accounting

Year: 3

Having completed this module the student will be able to: understand the role of the management accountant and how this contributes to the achievement of organisational objectives; understand the role of modern management accounting practices which enable organisations to develop and assess performance; and apply appropriate management decision tools to a specified range of scenarios and to be able to study management accounting at level 6.


Year: 3

A knowledge of taxation is essential to students intending to pursue a career in accounting and is an essential part of most financial and economic decision making. This module provides a fundamental undertaking of the main aspects of the UK tax system covering personal, business taxation, corporation tax, inheritance tax and capital gains tax, value added tax as well as an understanding of the administration of the self-assessment system. It also includes awareness of wider trends in taxation with respect to ethical and sustainability issues.

Land Law

Year: 3

This module provides students with the opportunity to study Land Law (which is considered to be a core subject in the study of law) in respect to both Northern Ireland and England and Wales. The professional bodies require law school graduate entrants to have studied Land Law at Degree Level. This module (together with Introduction to Property Law) satisfies the requirements of the professions in both jurisdictions.

Introduction to Property Law

Year: 3

This module provides students with an introduction to the core concepts of property law in both Northern Ireland and England and Wales. This module will directly prepare you for further detailed study of property law at level 5 (Land Law) and at level 6 (Equity and Trusts) as well as complementing the study of aspects of Tort, Contract and even Criminal Law. Completion of this module and Land Law (LAW311) in semester 2 year 2 allows you to meet the requirements of the professional bodies (in respect of property law) in both Northern Ireland and England and Wales.

Business and Commercial Law

Year: 3

Business activities often create conflicts of expectations and interests between those seeking to profit through enterprise and third parties who interact with business organisations. This module enables students to acquire a thorough knowledge of the legal regulation in key areas such as employment and sales law. The module attempts to give students a clear conceptual understanding of the business and commercial law and to equip students to use their knowledge in the solution of common commercial problems.

Year four

Diploma in Professional Practice

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to gain structured and professional work experience, in a work-based learning environment, as part of their planned programme of study. This experience allows students to develop, refine and reflect on their key personal and professional skills. The placement should significantly support the development of the student's employability skills, preparation for final year and enhance their employability journey.

International Academic Studies

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module provides an opportunity to undertake an extended period of study outside the UK and Republic of Ireland. Students will develop an enhanced understanding of the academic discipline whilst generating educational and cultural networks.

Year five

Advanced Management Accounting

Year: 5

This module is optional

An important role of management accounting is to present accounting information to facilitate decision making, planning, control and performance measurement. The module will develop further the students' appreciation of management accounting. This will involve the in-depth study and critical appraisal of advanced practices and theories of the discipline in the 21st century.

Corporate Financial Reporting

Year: 5

This module is optional

Corporate Financial Reporting provides the student with an understanding of both accounting theory and the practical application of international financial reporting standards.

International Financial Management

Year: 5

This module is optional

This module examines some of the fundamental concepts underpinning managerial finance, including agency theory, stakeholder theory and corporate social responsibility, EMH, theories on share price valuation and dividend policy. The module focuses on financial management decision-making in large companies that interact with the capital markets and have an international presence.

Governance, Risk and Ethics

Year: 5

This module is optional

The module informs and equips students to effectively respond to the governance challenges organisations face today. The module aims to investigate the key components for securing the highest standards of effective corporate governance.

Fraud Risk Management and Forensic Technology

Year: 5

This module is optional

This module explores the principles of fraud risk management and the application of forensic technology in detecting and investigating fraud. It equips students with the knowledge and practical skills needed to prevent, detect, and investigate fraud in various organisational settings.

Cyber Risk and Resiliance

Year: 5

This module is optional

In today's increasingly networked digital age, a knowledge of cybercrime and its impact on the operations of businesses is important. Delivered in association with Grant Thornton's forensic technology specialists this module provides insights into cybercrime and forensic technology from both a theoretical perspective (the legal, professional and ethical issues relating to the cybercrime) and a technical perspective (gathering, reserving and presenting digital evidence).

Law of Evidence

Year: 5

This module is optional

This module will provide students with access to a comprehensive programme of study which will examine fundamental principles of the law of evidence, amd analyse a number of important and controversial issues in the modern law. It will also provide students with an understanding of the operation of evidential rules within the civil and criminal justice systems in a manner which accords with national professional standards.

Medical Law

Year: 5

This module is optional

The aim of this module is to examine the law's involvement with medicine and to raise ethical and contextual awareness of selected medical topics.

Employment law

Year: 5

This module is optional

The importance of the employment relationship between employers, employees, unions and other statutory bodies and agencies is such that a thorough knowledge of both the context and the substantive law is necessary for those involved in this area in any capacity. The module attempts to provide the basis for this knowledge and to put students in the position where they may not only have an understanding of the law both conceptually and substantively, but also be in a position to use that knowledge prophylactically and in the solution of problems.

Human Rights Law

Year: 5

This module is optional

The module builds on other law modules in terms of examining fundamental principles underlying the legislative process as a whole. Through an indepth analysis of human rights protection at a range of levels, (internationally, regionally and domestically) students will have the opportunity to explore key areas of concern on both a theoretical level and through case studies on a more practical basis.

Equity and Trusts

Year: 5

This module is optional

This module will explore the equitable jurisdiction through its historical development as well as the impact it continues to have on contemporary legal practice. This will be through the prism of examining its greatest creation, the trust. This will explore the creation of express trusts through the three certainties, beneficiary principle and formalities and constitution. This module will also cover implied trusts as well as the duties that will be bestowed upon trustees when they take up a position of trusteeship as well as the rights that a beneficiary under such a trust will have.

Company Law

Year: 5

This module is optional

This module introduces students to the body of rules and principles of law which regulate public and private companies. It is of practical significance to all those who wish to make a career in, or have dealings with, such companies.

Standard entry conditions

We recognise a range of qualifications for admission to our courses. In addition to the specific entry conditions for this course you must also meet the University’s General Entrance Requirements.

A level

ABB; or

BBB including one of Mathematics, Economics, Physics or Accounting

Applied General Qualifications

RQF Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma/OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Diploma

Award profile of DDM.

We will also accept smaller BTEC/OCR qualifications (ie Diploma or Extended Certificate/Introductory Diploma/Subsidiary Diploma) in combination with A Levels or other acceptable level 3 qualifications.

To find out if the qualification you are applying with is a qualification we accept for entry, please check our Qualification Checker - our Equivalence Entry Checker.

We will also continue to accept QCF versions of these qualifications although grades asked for may differ. Check what grades you will be asked for by comparing the requirements above with the information under QCF in the Applied General and Tech Level Qualifications section of our Entry Requirements - View our Undergraduate Entry Requirements

Irish Leaving Certificate

128 UCAS tariff points to include a minimum of five subjects (four of which must be at Higher level). The overall profile must include English at minimum grade H6 at Higher Level or grade O4 at Ordinary Level plus Mathematics at minimum H5 at Higher Level or grade O3 at Ordinary Level.


120 UCAS tariff points to include a minimum of five subjects (four of which must be at Higher level). The overall profile must include English at minimum grade H6 at Higher Level or grade O4 at Ordinary Level. This course also requires you to achieve H2 in one of Mathematics, Economics, Physics or Accounting. If Mathematics is not passed at H2, you will be required to achieve a minimum H5 at Higher Level or O3 if studied at Ordinary level in addition to one of the subjects above.

Irish Leaving Certificate UCAS Equivalency

Scottish Highers

Grades BBBBC or grades BBBCC if undertaking one Scottish Highers from Mathematics, Economics, Physics or Accounting.

Scottish Advanced Highers

Grades BBC or grades CCC if undertaking one Scottish Advanced Highers from Mathematics, Economics, Physics or Accounting.

International Baccalaureate

Overall profile is minimum 27 points (13 points at higher level).

Access to Higher Education (HE)

Overall profile of 70% (120 credit Access course) (NI Access course). To include a 20 credit Level 2 Mathematics module, passed at 60% or successful completion of NICATS Mathematics at 60% as part of the pre-2021 Access Diploma or GCSE Maths grade C*/5.

Overall profile of 30 credits at distinction and 15 credits at merit in taught modules (60 credit Access course) (GB Access course)


For full-time study, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements for admission to a first degree course and hold a GCSE pass at Grade C/4 or above in English Language, plus Mathematics with a minimum grade C*/5.

Please note that for purposes of entry to this course the Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Application of Number is NOT regarded as an acceptable alternative to GCSE Maths.

English Language Requirements

English language requirements for international applicants
The minimum requirement for this course is Academic IELTS 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5. Trinity ISE: Pass at level III also meets this requirement for Tier 4 visa purposes.

Ulster recognises a number of other English language tests and comparable IELTS equivalent scores.

Additional Entry Requirements

Acceptable alternative qualifications include:

Pass HND with overall Distinction to include 75 distinctions at level 5. Plus GCSE Maths grade C*/5.

Pass HNC with overall Distinction to include 105 distinctions at level 4/5. Plus GCSE Maths grade C* /5.

You may also meet the course entry requirements with combinations of different qualifications to the same standard as recognised by the University (provided subject requirements as noted above are met).

Exemptions and transferability


Careers & opportunities

Graduate employers

Graduates from this course are now working for:

  • Accounting and Professional Services Firms
  • Law firms
  • Banking institutions
  • Government bodies
  • Financial services
  • Charities and not for profit organisations

Job roles

With this degree you could become:

  • Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Forensic consultant
  • Tax Advisor
  • Barrister
  • Solicitor
  • Insolvency practitioner

Career options

The demand for graduates with accounting and law backgrounds is strong, both in large professional services firms that have forensic accounting departments and from legal firms, including those that specialise in corporate law. However, this degree will also be of interest if you wish to pursue different areas of accounting (for example auditing, taxation, insolvency or working in industry) and of law (as knowledge of business and taxation issues influence legal advice given about probate, divorce settlements, insurance claim and commercial acquisitions).

The combination of both topics means you can make your choice of profession when you have a better knowledge of your strengths and passions within the law and accounting disciplines.

For further study, you may either choose accounting or law. One option is to progress to our Postgraduate Diploma / Masters in Advanced Accounting/ Masters in Strategic Accounting to gain further professional exemptions in Accounting from Chartered Accountants Ireland or ACCA. Graduates have also gone on to study law at postgraduate level both at Ulster University and other institutions (e.g. Masters courses such as the LLM, or doctoral studies) or are now in practice as solicitors or barristers, having completed the Certificate in Professional Legal Studies. Others have pursued careers in related areas such as the business and finance sector, human resources, politics and the community sector.

Work placement / study abroad

Students have the opportunity to undertake a one year professional placement in an accounting or legal role. The professional placement year gives students opportunities such as; applying and contextualising academic studies, developing professional skills and exploring new career opportunities.

Alternatively students can spend one year either working or studying, for example students have taken part in the ‘Study Abroad’ programme.

Professional recognition

Chartered Accountants Ireland

Accredited by Chartered Accountants Ireland for the purpose of exemption from some professional exams.

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Accredited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW) for the purpose of exemption from some professional examinations.

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Accredited by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) for the purpose of exemptions from some professional examinations.

Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)

The qualifying law degree is recognised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) for the purposes of satisfying the academic stage of training.

Bar Standards Board

Accredited by the Bar Standards Board for the purpose of a Qualifying Law Degree.

Law Society of Northern Ireland (LSNI)

Recognised by the Law Society of Northern Ireland (LSNI) for the purpose of a Qualifying Law Degree.


Start dates

  • September 2024

Fees and funding

Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and EU Settlement Status Fees


England, Scotland, Wales and the Islands Fees


International Fees


Scholarships, awards and prizes

Student achievements on the ) are recognised through an extensive range of prizes and awards sponsored by both professional bodies and leading employers including Abacus, ASM, Baker Tilly Mooney Moore, BDO, CIMA, Deloitte, EY, Henry Murray & Co., KPMG, PwC and many others.

At a previous prize-giving ceremony Mr John Poole, a Partner with leading global professional service firm KPMG, stated that “it’s essential that employers and the University work together to develop the great talent pool that exists in Northern Ireland and to reward them for their efforts and successes. As a significant employer of graduates, we will continue to work with the University and its students to achieve our common goal, namely the development of business leaders of the future who will help grow Northern Ireland businesses through the current economic environment and beyond”.

Additional mandatory costs

It is important to remember that costs associated with accommodation, travel (including car parking charges) and normal living will need to be covered in addition to tuition fees.

Where a course has additional mandatory expenses (in addition to tuition fees) we make every effort to highlight them above. We aim to provide students with the learning materials needed to support their studies. Our libraries are a valuable resource with an extensive collection of books and journals, as well as first-class facilities and IT equipment. Computer suites and free Wi-Fi are also available on each of the campuses.

There are additional fees for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.

Students choosing a period of paid work placement or study abroad as a part of their course should be aware that there may be additional travel and living costs, as well as tuition fees.

See the tuition fees on our student guide for most up to date costs.


We’d love to hear from you!

We know that choosing to study at university is a big decision, and you may not always be able to find the information you need online.

Please contact Ulster University with any queries or questions you might have about:

  • Course specific information
  • Fees and Finance
  • Admissions

For any queries regarding getting help with your application, please select Admissions in the drop down below.

For queries related to course content, including modules and placements, please select Course specific information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

For more information visit


  1. The University endeavours to deliver courses and programmes of study in accordance with the description set out in this prospectus. The University’s prospectus is produced at the earliest possible date in order to provide maximum assistance to individuals considering applying for a course of study offered by the University. The University makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in the prospectus is accurate, but it is possible that some changes will occur between the date of printing and the start of the academic year to which it relates. Please note that the University’s website is the most up-to-date source of information regarding courses, campuses and facilities and we strongly recommend that you always visit the website before making any commitments.
  2. Although the University at all times endeavours to provide the programmes and services described, the University cannot guarantee the provision of any course or facility and the University may make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of courses, discontinue, merge or combine courses, change the campus at which they are provided and introduce new courses if such action is considered necessary by the University (acting reasonably). Not all such circumstances are entirely foreseeable but changes may be required if matters such as the following arise: industrial action interferes with the University’s ability to teach the course as planned, lack of demand makes a course economically unviable for the University, departure of key staff renders the University unable to deliver the course, changes in legislation or government policy including changes, if any, resulting from the UK departing the European Union, withdrawal or reduction of funding specifically provided for the course or other unforeseeable circumstances beyond the University’s reasonable control.
  3. If the University discontinues any courses, it will use its best endeavours to provide a suitable alternative course. In addition, courses may change during the course of study and in such circumstances the University will normally undertake a consultation process prior to any such changes being introduced and seek to ensure that no student is unreasonably prejudiced as a consequence of any such change.
  4. Providing the University has complied with the requirements of all applicable consumer protection laws, the University does not accept responsibility for the consequences of any modification, relocation or cancellation of any course, or part of a course, offered by the University. The University will give due and proper consideration to the effects thereof on individual students and take the steps necessary to minimise the impact of such effects on those affected. 5. The University is not liable for disruption to its provision of educational or other services caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control providing it takes all reasonable steps to minimise the resultant disruption to such services.



"Maths was not my strong suit in school so when I chose Accounting and Law my decision was influenced by having double the employment opportunities. However, this degree has pushed my capabilities, surprising even myself and provided me with a great experience I would otherwise have closed myself off to had I only chosen Law."

Amy Morgan (Final year student, 2023)

"Accounting and Law is a challenging yet rewarding degree to study. You study a wide variety of modules and have a range of potential careers at the end of your studies."

Scott Gray (Final year student 2023)

"This course is unique in that you learn about two entirely different disciplines, yet you can see how each can work together simultaneously in certain modules. I believe it gives students who chose this degree more of an edge over students studying just one of the disciplines."

Bronagh Hanson (Final year student 2023)

"Studying Accounting and Law at Ulster University has proved to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. The course is set up to encourage students to follow their academic interests and act independently. Lecturers and tutors are always available for advice and guidance.

I have found this course brings amazing work opportunities from studying such varied modules. I believe it makes me as a student stand out more to an employer. Studying both Accounting and Law has been a challenging yet very rewarding experience."

Aoife Crawford (Third year student 2023)

"The joint degree allows students to keep their options open for another four years for two different professions and can follow both routes right to the end.  The subjects covered provide a really good grounding for any career in law, accounting, business and life generally as you learn so many different valuable skills such as reading & understanding, debating, economics, accounting - all of which are transferable into the workplace."

Janet Williamson Commercial Director O’Reilly Stewart Solicitors

"The joint accounting and law degree allows students to develop a wide range of transferable skills for the professional workplace including communication, critical judgement and ability to interpret and explain complex information clearly.

Graduates of this degree are highly sought after by employers, particularly in areas such as taxation which require strong accounting knowledge combined with an ability to interpret constantly evolving legislation."

Maybeth Shaw BDO NI Tax Partner

Sustainability at Ulster

Ulster continues to develop and support sustainability initiatives with our staff, students, and external partners across various aspects of teaching, research, professional services operations, and governance.

At Ulster every person, course, research project, and professional service area on every campus either does or can contribute in some way towards the global sustainability and climate change agenda.

We are guided by both our University Strategy People, Place and Partnerships: Delivering Sustainable Futures for All and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our work in this area is already being recognised globally.  Most recently by the 2024 Times Higher Education Impact rating where we were recognised as Joint 5th Globally for Outreach Activities and Joint Top 20 Globally for Sustainable Development Goal 17:  Partnership for the Goals.

Visit our Sustainability at Ulster destination to learn more about how the University strategy and the activities of Ulster University support each of the Sustainable Development Goals.