Pharmaceutical Bioscience - MSci (Hons)

2024/25 Full-time Undergraduate course


Master of Science with Honours


Faculty of Life and Health Sciences


School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Coleraine campus

UCAS code:

The UCAS code for Ulster University is U20

Start date:

September 2024

Now in Clearing

Pharmaceutical Bioscience - MSci (Hons)

  • Course summary

    Pharmaceutical Bioscientists work within all stages of the drug development process. You will learn how to prepare pharmaceutical ingredients and formulate medicines, to understand the effect of drugs and therapeutics, and how to demonstrate understanding of pharmaceutical biosciences and the drug industry. Integrated placements and work shadowing opportunities are included throughout the course.

  • Career options
    *Pharmaceutical Scientist*Analytical Scientist*Biopharmaceutical Scientist*Research and Development*Academic Researcher
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With this degree you could become:

  • Analytical Scientist
  • Biopharmaceutical Scientist
  • Pharmaceutical Scientist
  • Research and Development Scientist

Graduates from this course are now working for:

  • Biopharmaceutical Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry


An integrated masters degree that will captivate your interest in chemistry and prepare you for a career in the global biopharmaceutical industry.


Study Pharmaceutical Bioscience at Ulster University in the United Kingdom.

The MSci Pharmaceutical Bioscience has been designed for those with a strong interest in science and a keen desire to pursue a career in the industry responsible for the manufacture of medicines. The course contains all the relevant chemistry required for a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry as well as providing students with a wider skillset to achieve the necessary expertise required for the biopharmaceutical industry.

The programme has been designed in consultation with a number of leading international bio/pharmaceutical companies, creating a tailored education to meet the needs of future employers. You will learn how to prepare pharmaceutical ingredients, formulate these into medicinal products and have a thorough understanding of the effect of these drugs and therapeutics on the human body.

100% of our graduates are either in professional employment or have gone on to further education (PhD) and in the 2022 NSS we scored 100% Overall Student Satisfaction.

We’d love to hear from you!

We know that choosing to study at university is a big decision, and you may not always be able to find the information you need online.

Please contact Ulster University with any queries or questions you might have about:

  • Course specific information
  • Fees and Finance
  • Admissions

For any queries regarding getting help with your application, please select Admissions in the drop down below.

For queries related to course content, including modules and placements, please select Course specific information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

About this course


The overall purpose of the course is to provide an academically challenging and vocationally relevant science education for those wishing to follow careers in research, the pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical industry and other areas of biomedical science producing competent graduates to meet local, regional and national needs. The course aims to provide opportunities for students to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of pharmaceutical science, biomedical science, formulation and manufacture of medicines

  • Develop core skills necessary to evaluate and to undertake research in pharmaceutical/biomedical sciences or industry

  • Apply intellectual, practical, enterprise and personal skills (including communication, teamwork, problem-solving, decision making, initiative and creativity) to enable effective life-long learning in pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences.

    At Ulster University we recognise the benefits of ‘hands on experience’ and as such we have incorporated a large practical element into each of the modules. In addition, there are two significant research projects/placement opportunities where the student will have the chance to work in a research environment in the award-winning Biomedical Sciences Research Institute (BMSRI) at Ulster as well as a research/industrial placement in the final year of the four year masters degree.

    The course is mainly delivered from our own School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences building on the Coleraine campus. Specialised teaching laboratories, seminar rooms, a computer suite and a lecture theatre have all been finished to a high specification. In addition, students will have access to state-of-the-art instrumentation including a 600 MHz NMR, various mass spectrometers, RP-HPLC, UV-Vis spectrometers and an award-winning bio-imaging suite.


Attendance is four years full time. Students will study a range of 10 and 20, and 40 credit modules in each of the first three years. Each year students will complete 120 credits. The final year will contain a larger 60 credit placement module together with four advanced distance taught modules worth 15 credits each. Each twenty credit module will typically require 200 hours of study to include lectures, tutorials, practicals and directed independent study.

Start dates

  • September 2024

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Teaching and Learning Methods: lectures, case studies, reading, tutorials, seminars, online material; videos; problem based cases and scenarios, workshops, online and face to face discussion groups, practical exercises, demonstrations, literature searching, observation.

Formal lectures

Lectures remain a key feature in teaching and learning within the School. However, lectures are increasingly interactive, and may include discussion elements. A high proportion of lectures are delivered using PowerPoint presentations and teaching material is also provided on BBlearn where students can access lecture and other material. Some lecturers also provide hard copy lecture notes that students can purchase through the Faculty laboratories, or printing out from BBlearn.

Practical classes

Practical classes are fundamental to the study of science and may take the form of laboratory sessions in, for example, chemistry, biochemistry, biochemistry or physical pharmacy. In these sessions students learn practical laboratory skills. Academic staff are supported by postgraduate student demonstrators, who provide practical help, advice on experimental procedures and ensure that correct Health and Safety practices are followed. Practical laboratory classes are also supported by the use of computers where students use Computer Aided Learning (CAL) packages to experiment in the virtual environment.

Case studies

Case studies are used to help students apply and integrate knowledge gained through the various subjects. They are presented with varying problems where they are required to research and apply knowledge from an interdisciplinary approach.

Seminar work/ Tutorials

The seminars and tutorials are designed not only to extend the lecture topics but also equip students with the skills to seek out relevant research material and to present and defend the material within a given time-frame. With the increasing amount of information available on the web, the knowledge and skills to select appropriate, scientifically sound material, is vital in all graduates. Initially, students make presentations in groups so as to give each other support. They will also facilitate support to students who need help with their studies.

BlackBoard Learn (BBLearn)

BBlearn is the online teaching tool for the University. It provides personalised online access to course material, university library systems, academic and student support programs, and electronic communication tools. An increasing number of campus-delivered modules are supplemented with a range of materials presented via the online portal, BBLearn. The modules in final year will be dependent on this medium for delivery. This will enhance the placement experience which will run the whole length of semester one and two.


It is well recognised that placements are important for experiential learning, and placements will be used to ensure that the student gains first-hand structured experience of research and the pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical industries.


Assignments are an essential part of teaching and learning as they encourage students to be independent learners. Assignments take a variety of forms and become increasingly demanding as you progress through the programme. They are used to encourage you to read the literature underpinning lectures, integrate and apply knowledge and improve written skills. Assignments include MCQs, structured essays, literature reviews, case studies, word-limited reports, presentations and reports on practical work. Assessments are designed to be progressive, moving from mainly MCQs and short answer type questions in year 1, at Level 4, to more evaluative problem solving, critical reviews in Levels 7. At the end of the programme you will have demonstrated your ability to write a correctly formatted scientific paper, as evidenced by the Research Project reports.

Private study

Students are expected to work confidently and competently in private study in all modules to produce pieces of work that are assessed. You will be introduced to study skills in your first semester, and many practical classes will include instruction in acquiring and integrating information from a variety of resources in order to prepare structured reports and presentations.

Group working

Working in groups, whether in practical classes or on assignments, is an important element of learning in the School. It is used to help you acquire, integrate and apply knowledge from a variety of sources, solve problems, engage with case studies, and prepare for and present seminar work.

Research projects

These are undertaken by all third year undergraduate students. Research projects provide an opportunity for you to work under the supervision of research active staff, carrying out an individual project that may be part of a larger commissioned research project.


Assessment is clearly linked to the learning outcomes of each of the modules and may be formative or summative for coursework and examinations. Each module has a variety of assessments associated with it designed to test knowledge and understanding, integrate and apply information, and encourage the development of skills. Assessments may include MCQ’s, practical reports, literature-based reviews, presentations, poster sessions and project reports. Online assessments may be used in some modules. Examinations are usually generally two or three hour papers of unseen short or longer questions. The proportion of module marks derived from coursework or examinations develops over the four years of the course, from a higher weighting for examinations in earlier years to a higher weighting for coursework in later years. This is to reflect the development of skills in reflective, critical examination of topics.

Attendance and Independent Study

The content for each course is summarised on the relevant course page, along with an overview of the modules that make up the course.

Each course is approved by the University and meets the expectations of:

  • Attendance and Independent Study

    As part of your course induction, you will be provided with details of the organisation and management of the course, including attendance and assessment requirements - usually in the form of a timetable. For full-time courses, the precise timetable for each semester is not confirmed until close to the start date and may be subject to some change in the early weeks as all courses settle into their planned patterns. For part-time courses which require attendance on particular days and times, an expectation of the days and periods of attendance will be included in the letter of offer. A course handbook is also made available.

    Courses comprise modules for which the notional effort involved is indicated by its credit rating. Each credit point represents 10 hours of student effort. Undergraduate courses typically contain 10, 20, or 40 credit modules (more usually 20) and postgraduate courses typically 15 or 30 credit modules.

    The normal study load expectation for an undergraduate full-time course of study in the standard academic year is 120 credit points. This amounts to around 36-42 hours of expected teaching and learning per week, inclusive of attendance requirements for lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical work, fieldwork or other scheduled classes, private study, and assessment. Teaching and learning activities will be in-person and/or online depending on the nature of the course. Part-time study load is the same as full-time pro-rata, with each credit point representing 10 hours of student effort.

    Postgraduate Master’s courses typically comprise 180 credits, taken in three semesters when studied full-time. A Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) comprises 60 credits and can usually be completed on a part-time basis in one year. A 120-credit Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) can usually be completed on a part-time basis in two years.

    Class contact times vary by course and type of module. Typically, for a module predominantly delivered through lectures you can expect at least 3 contact hours per week (lectures/seminars/tutorials). Laboratory classes often require a greater intensity of attendance in blocks. Some modules may combine lecture and laboratory. The precise model will depend on the course you apply for and may be subject to change from year to year for quality or enhancement reasons. Prospective students will be consulted about any significant changes.

  • Assessment

    Assessment methods vary and are defined explicitly in each module. Assessment can be a combination of examination and coursework but may also be only one of these methods. Assessment is designed to assess your achievement of the module’s stated learning outcomes.  You can expect to receive timely feedback on all coursework assessments. This feedback may be issued individually and/or issued to the group and you will be encouraged to act on this feedback for your own development.

    Coursework can take many forms, for example: essay, report, seminar paper, test, presentation, dissertation, design, artefacts, portfolio, journal, group work. The precise form and combination of assessment will depend on the course you apply for and the module. Details will be made available in advance through induction, the course handbook, the module specification, the assessment timetable and the assessment brief. The details are subject to change from year to year for quality or enhancement reasons. You will be consulted about any significant changes.

    Normally, a module will have 4 learning outcomes, and no more than 2 items of assessment. An item of assessment can comprise more than one task. The notional workload and the equivalence across types of assessment is standardised. The module pass mark for undergraduate courses is 40%. The module pass mark for postgraduate courses is 50%.

  • Calculation of the Final Award

    The class of Honours awarded in Bachelor’s degrees is usually determined by calculation of an aggregate mark based on performance across the modules at Levels 5 and 6, (which correspond to the second and third year of full-time attendance).

    Level 6 modules contribute 70% of the aggregate mark and Level 5 contributes 30% to the calculation of the class of the award. Classification of integrated Master’s degrees with Honours include a Level 7 component. The calculation in this case is: 50% Level 7, 30% Level 6, 20% Level 5. At least half the Level 5 modules must be studied at the University for Level 5 to be included in the calculation of the class.

    All other qualifications have an overall grade determined by results in modules from the final level of study.

    In Masters degrees of more than 200 credit points the final 120 points usually determine the overall grading.

    Figures from the academic year 2022-2023.

Academic profile

The staff include 8 professors, 2 readers, 7 senior lecturers, 11 lecturers, 3 teaching fellows, 1 research associate, 1 associate lecturer, 1 academic related and 1 research fellow.

The University employs over 1,000 suitably qualified and experienced academic staff - 60% have PhDs in their subject field and many have professional body recognition.

Courses are taught by staff who are Professors (19%), Readers, Senior Lecturers (22%) or Lecturers (57%).

We require most academic staff to be qualified to teach in higher education: 82% hold either Postgraduate Certificates in Higher Education Practice or higher. Most academic and learning support staff (85%) are recognised as fellows of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) by Advance HE - the university sector professional body for teaching and learning. Many academic and technical staff hold other professional body designations related to their subject or scholarly practice.

The profiles of many academic staff can be found on the University’s departmental websites and give a detailed insight into the range of staffing and expertise.  The precise staffing for a course will depend on the department(s) involved and the availability and management of staff.  This is subject to change annually and is confirmed in the timetable issued at the start of the course.

Occasionally, teaching may be supplemented by suitably qualified part-time staff (usually qualified researchers) and specialist guest lecturers. In these cases, all staff are inducted, mostly through our staff development programme ‘First Steps to Teaching’. In some cases, usually for provision in one of our out-centres, Recognised University Teachers are involved, supported by the University in suitable professional development for teaching.

Figures from the academic year 2022-2023.

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Here is a guide to the subjects studied on this course.

Courses are continually reviewed to take advantage of new teaching approaches and developments in research, industry and the professions. Please be aware that modules may change for your year of entry. The exact modules available and their order may vary depending on course updates, staff availability, timetabling and student demand. Please contact the course team for the most up to date module list.

Year one

Professional Skills for Pharmaceutical Biosciences

Year: 1

To provide an overview of professional practice in pharmaceutical biosciences; pharmaceutical calculations and numeracy; basic statistical methods and core mathematical techniques used in experimental reports and research, and to develop essential communication and learning skills.

Pharmaceutical Biosciences 1

Year: 1

This module provides an introduction to pharmaceutical biosciences. It covers the general descriptive physical, organic and inorganic chemistry and the principles underlying chemical properties and reactions of simple organic and inorganic compounds and provides and introduction to the study of human physiology and anatomy to underpin study in health and disease.

Pharmaceutical Biosciences 2

Year: 1

The module is designed to provide an introduction to biological systems and the cells and macromolecules involved in these systems, the chemical processes underlying life and the role of pharmaceutical chemical sciences for the study and understanding of structures, properties and behaviour of drug molecules which will interact with these systems

Year two


Year: 2

This module considers a wide number of aspects and topics in biotechnology, sufficient to underpin and reinforce other aspects in the life sciences. Topics include production, commercialisation and ethics of biotechnology products, and the impact of biotechnology on sustainability of modern society.

Pharmacology, Genetics and Microbiology

Year: 2

This module introduces the basic concepts of pharmacology, genetics and microbiology, sufficient to underpin further study in the pharmaceutical biosciences.

Haematology and transfusion science

Year: 2

This module provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts in haematology and transfusion science, with emphasis on their relevance in health and disease, as well as an appreciation of the application of these concepts in clinical practice. It provides the student with the appropriate knowledge and intellectual skills necessary to work in a routine or research laboratory setting and underpin further study in the biomedical sciences.

Professional Practice

Year: 2

This module will introduce the concepts and requirements of biobusinesses that are necessary to ensure professional conduct in a career in the biosciences. Laboratory management, quality control, data protection, health & safety and scientific communication are covered. This module will facilitate understanding of current professional practice as recognised throughout the varied range of local and national bioscience industries, as well as further developing skills and attributes that will enable graduates to pursue careers as biosciences professionals.

Pharmaceutical Analysis

Year: 2

This module helps students to develop an understanding and expertise in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical products, GMP and GLP.

Physical Pharmacy

Year: 2

This module provides an introduction to physicochemical principles essential for the study and understanding of various aspects of pharmaceutical formulations and drug delivery systems, and for the solution of practical professional problems.

Methodologies in Pharmaceutical Biosciences Research

Year: 2

This module provides experience in research philosophy, planning, methodology, and reporting by relevant literature surveys, generation, evaluation and integration of original data.

Year three

Natural Products

Year: 3

This module gives an integrated overview of the processes and analytical techniques required in the extraction and processing of naturally occurring, bioactive compounds. The value and rationale of each scientific method is described in the context of a wide variety of natural products, including marine, plant microbe and animal sources. Critical evaluation skills with regard to selection of analytical method are particularly encouraged. The module includes interactive tasks, tutorials, sourcing literature and scientific writing.

Analytical Methodology

Year: 3

This module will introduce advances in modern bioanalytical technologies applied to the analysis of molecules relevant to pharmaceutical biosciences particularly focusing on chromatography and mass spectrometry.

Pharmaceutical Technology

Year: 3

This module provides an understanding of the principles and procedures of the industrial manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. Furthermore, it provides in-depth knowledge of drug delivery systems currently used and relevant knowledge and skills to apply basic physicochemical principles and preformulation information to the design and production of stable pharmaceutical dosage forms.

Research Project

Year: 3

This module provides experience in data generation and evaluation of original reserach.

Biomolecular therapeutics and immunology for pharmaceutical biosciences

Year: 3

This module develops an understanding and expertise in the fundamentals of immunology and infectious diseases and molecular biology techniques and concepts in genomics, pharmacogenomics, proteomics and gene screening, diagnosis and therapy, in relation to pharmaceutical biosciences.

This module will comprise 50% coursework and 50% examination.

Quality Processes and Control

Year: 3

This module provides an understanding of the quality assurance principles and procedures required for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products and the bodies responsible for ensuring their implementation with a focus on sustainable industrialisation through various innovations.

Year four

Introduction to Personalised Medicine & Pharmacogenomics

Year: 4

This module seeks to develop students' knowledge of important and emerging areas within personalised medicine. It explores the role of pharmacogenetics developing an understanding of the molecular aspects of personalised medicine and creates a foundation for future learning in modules to follow. The module reviews the methods of biomarker discovery and translation and considers the issues surrounding personalised medicine research and its application into society.

Work Based Learning

Year: 4

Placement provides a wide range of opportunities for students to experience professional work experience in an industrial, hospital or university environment. Students benefit by greatly improving their practical abilities, time management, organisational and interpersonal skills and hence their employability.

Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Year: 4

This module provides an overview of advanced pharmaceutical chemistry including current and novel drug therapies.

Advances in Medical Biotechnology and Healthcare Delivery

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module will introduce students to medical biotechnology as applied to the delivery of healthcare. Both historical and developing biotechnologies will be examined. The influence policies, regulation and bioethics will be explored. The UK's current health services will be the primary focus however global contexts will also be considered. Students will be encouraged to explore possible future scenarios which are driven by technological change or where technology is developed to meet healthcare service needs.

Veterinary Pharmacy

Year: 4

This module is optional

To provide students with a comprehensive, detailed and systematic understanding of the legislation relating to veterinary medicines, companion healthcare and related public health issues in the context of veterinary pharmacy.

Advanced pharmaceutical nanotechnology

Year: 4

This module is optional

This module provides an introduction to the understanding of the formulation, characterisation, evaluation and application of novel pharmaceutical delivery systems based on nanotechnology.

Standard entry conditions

We recognise a range of qualifications for admission to our courses. In addition to the specific entry conditions for this course you must also meet the University’s General Entrance Requirements.

A level

Grades BBB

A Level Essential Subjects: Chemistry required and one subject from Biology, Mathematics, Physics, IT, Digital Technology, Environmental Technology, Applied Science or Life and Health Sciences.

If applying with Double Award Life and Health Sciences as meeting both A Level essential subjects listed above, optional unit A2 9: Analytical Chemistry Techniques is required.

Applied General Qualifications

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Applied Science (RQF) (601/7437/7) - Award profile of DDM.

The following units are essential and must be passed with Distinction: Principles and Applications of Science I, Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques, Principles and Applications of Science II, Applications of Inorganic Chemistry, Applications of Organic Chemistry and Industrial Chemical Reactions.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Applied Science (RQF) (601/7435/3) - Award profile of DM to include Distinctions in the units listed above plus one A Level grade B in any subject or Award profile DM plus A Level Chemistry grade B.

OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma in Applied Science (RQF) (601/7461/4) - Award profile of DM plus A Level Chemistry grade B.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science (RQF) (601/7436/5) / Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Human Biology (RQF) (603/3040/5) - Award profile of D plus A Level grades BB to include Chemistry.

To find out if the qualification you are applying with is acceptable, please use our Qualification Checker -

We will also continue to accept QCF versions of these qualifications although grades asked for may differ. Check what grades you will be asked for by comparing the requirements above with the information under QCF in the Applied General and Tech Level Qualifications section of our Entry Requirements -

Irish Leaving Certificate

120 UCAS tariff points to include a minimum of five subjects (four of which must be at Higher Level) to include English at H6 if studied at Higher Level or O4 if studied at Ordinary Level.

ILC Course Specific Subject requirements:

H3 in Chemistry and one subject from Biology, Maths, Physics, IT or Agricultural Science. If Mathematics is not passed at H3, you will be required to achieve a minimum of H6 if studied at Higher level or O4 if studied at Ordinary Level in addition to Chemistry and one of the subjects listed above.

Irish Leaving Certificate UCAS Equivalency

Scottish Highers

Grades BBBCC to include Chemistry and one other science subject from Physics, Maths, Biology or IT.

English & Maths required at Standard Grade 1, 2 or 3.

Scottish Advanced Highers

Grades CCC to include Chemistry and 1 other science subject from Physics, Maths, Biology or IT.

English & Maths required at Standard Grade 1, 2 or 3.

International Baccalaureate

Overall profile minimum: 26 points including 13 points at Higher Level to include Chemistry and one subject from Biology, Physics, Maths or IT.

Access to Higher Education (HE)

Only science based Access courses are acceptable, specific modules will be required and must include Chemistry.

Overall profile of 65%, to include 65% in level 3 modules (120 credit Access Course) (NI Access Course).

Overall profile of 24 credits at distinction and 21 credits at merit (60 credit Access Course) (GB Access Course).

If GCSE Mathematics at grade C has not been obtained then a 20 credit Level 2 Mathematics module, passed at 40% or successful completion of NICATS Mathematics as part of the pre-2021 Access Diploma is required.

Higher Certificate in Science, Pharmacy Technician with an overall mark of 60% including 60% in each science module. To include English and Maths at H6 if studied at Higher Level or O4 if studied at Ordinary Level.

Higher Education Diploma, Pharmacy Technician with an overall mark of 65% including 65% in each science module. To include English and Maths at H6 if studied at Higher Level or O4 if studied at Ordinary Level.


For full-time study, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements for admission to a first degree course and hold a GCSE pass at Grade C/4 or above in English Language and Mathematics. Chemistry grade C or Double Award Science grade CC or above also required.

Please note that for purposes of entry to this course the Level 2 Certificates in Essential Skills, Application of Number and Communication are NOT regarded as acceptable alternatives to GCSE Maths and English.

English Language Requirements

English language minimum requirements for International Applicants:

Academic IELTS 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5. Trinity ISE: Pass at level III also meets this requirement for Tier 4 visa purposes.

Ulster recognises a number of other English language tests and comparable IELTS equivalent scores.

Additional Entry Requirements

Acceptable alternative qualifications include:

HND Applied Science (Chemistry) with an overall Merit to include 60 level 5 credits at Distinction/units may be specified.

HNC Applied Science (Chemistry) with an overall Distinction to include 90 level 4 credits at Distinction/units may be specified.

You may also meet the course entry requirements with combinations of different qualifications to the same standard as recognised by the University, provided the course subject requirements are met.

For further information regarding combination offer requirements, please contact admissions staff on T: +44 (0) 28 7012 3210 or E:

Exemptions and transferability

These are made on a case by case basis in agreement with the Course Director. Applicants who do not meet the published academic requirements and who are seeking entry through the Accreditation of Prior Learning must have the ability to demonstrate a core set of competencies relevant to the course.

Careers & opportunities

Graduate employers

Graduates from this course are now working for:

  • Biopharmaceutical Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry

Job roles

With this degree you could become:

  • Analytical Scientist
  • Biopharmaceutical Scientist
  • Pharmaceutical Scientist
  • Research and Development Scientist

Career options

The primary difference between the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries is the methods by which the new drug entities are produced. The traditional pharmaceutical method is through a series of chemical synthesis and purification steps, whereas the more recent biopharmaceutical method manufactures the new drug candidates from living organisms such as bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells. The line between these two pathways is becoming increasingly blurred with many of the leading biopharmaceutical companies being the leading pharmaceutical companies. However, there is no denying that globally both industries are growing fast. A degree in Pharmaceutical Biosciences will provide you with the necessary training to pursue a career in either of these two industries. The variety of subjects studied throughout this course means that in addition to an industrial career, graduates will have acquired unique knowledge and skills that will equip them for careers in teaching, research and development, marketing, the scientific civil service, medical research, veterinary medicine, forensic medicine, armed forces as well as the potential to apply for further research by completion of a PhD.

This degree can also be used for entry to our Graduate Medical degree.

Work placement / study abroad

An innovative feature of this integrated Masters programme is the work based learning provision and distance learning features in the final year. There is a significant placement module which will run through both semesters of your final year. The remaining final year modules are all delivered via distance learning to allow you to dedicate your time to this work based learning module. As a student on this course, you will have the opportunity to compete for both industrial based placements as well as research based projects with the learning outcomes ensuring that you are well equipped for a career in the global bio/pharmaceutical industry.


Start dates

  • September 2024

Fees and funding

Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and EU Settlement Status Fees


England, Scotland, Wales and the Islands Fees


International Fees


Scholarships, awards and prizes

The top student in each year receives a prize at the annual School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science prize ceremony.

Additional mandatory costs

Students will be required to purchase personal protective equipment (including scrubs for those involved in clinical work) and to also meet the costs associated with travel to/from placement.

In order to ensure your safety, certain placements may require you to have non-standard vaccinations (e.g. Hep B). The vaccination programme will cost £35 - £155 depending on the vaccinations required.

It is important to remember that costs associated with accommodation, travel (including car parking charges) and normal living will need to be covered in addition to tuition fees.

Where a course has additional mandatory expenses (in addition to tuition fees) we make every effort to highlight them above. We aim to provide students with the learning materials needed to support their studies. Our libraries are a valuable resource with an extensive collection of books and journals, as well as first-class facilities and IT equipment. Computer suites and free Wi-Fi are also available on each of the campuses.

There are additional fees for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.

Students choosing a period of paid work placement or study abroad as a part of their course should be aware that there may be additional travel and living costs, as well as tuition fees.

See the tuition fees on our student guide for most up to date costs.


We’d love to hear from you!

We know that choosing to study at university is a big decision, and you may not always be able to find the information you need online.

Please contact Ulster University with any queries or questions you might have about:

  • Course specific information
  • Fees and Finance
  • Admissions

For any queries regarding getting help with your application, please select Admissions in the drop down below.

For queries related to course content, including modules and placements, please select Course specific information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

For more information visit


  1. The University endeavours to deliver courses and programmes of study in accordance with the description set out in this prospectus. The University’s prospectus is produced at the earliest possible date in order to provide maximum assistance to individuals considering applying for a course of study offered by the University. The University makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in the prospectus is accurate, but it is possible that some changes will occur between the date of printing and the start of the academic year to which it relates. Please note that the University’s website is the most up-to-date source of information regarding courses, campuses and facilities and we strongly recommend that you always visit the website before making any commitments.
  2. Although the University at all times endeavours to provide the programmes and services described, the University cannot guarantee the provision of any course or facility and the University may make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of courses, discontinue, merge or combine courses, change the campus at which they are provided and introduce new courses if such action is considered necessary by the University (acting reasonably). Not all such circumstances are entirely foreseeable but changes may be required if matters such as the following arise: industrial action interferes with the University’s ability to teach the course as planned, lack of demand makes a course economically unviable for the University, departure of key staff renders the University unable to deliver the course, changes in legislation or government policy including changes, if any, resulting from the UK departing the European Union, withdrawal or reduction of funding specifically provided for the course or other unforeseeable circumstances beyond the University’s reasonable control.
  3. If the University discontinues any courses, it will use its best endeavours to provide a suitable alternative course. In addition, courses may change during the course of study and in such circumstances the University will normally undertake a consultation process prior to any such changes being introduced and seek to ensure that no student is unreasonably prejudiced as a consequence of any such change.
  4. Providing the University has complied with the requirements of all applicable consumer protection laws, the University does not accept responsibility for the consequences of any modification, relocation or cancellation of any course, or part of a course, offered by the University. The University will give due and proper consideration to the effects thereof on individual students and take the steps necessary to minimise the impact of such effects on those affected. 5. The University is not liable for disruption to its provision of educational or other services caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control providing it takes all reasonable steps to minimise the resultant disruption to such services.


"I studied Pharmaceutical Bioscience at Ulster University. The warmth, support and kindheartedness from lecturers, professors and course leaders were crucial to my success. The compassion and benevolence from the teaching staff encouraged me to achieve a level of personal and academic success beyond what I thought possible." Anthony Bradley (2019 graduate).

“Pharmaceutical Biosciences is a unique degree which offers great practical knowledge which not only equips students for a life in the pharmaceutical industry, but also offers a personal and friendly atmosphere where students are close to lecturers, which helps provide a learning experience catered to all students.” Mark Stewart (2019 graduate).

“If you have a thirst for knowledge and a love of science, this is the degree for you. I found the hands-on ‘lab work’ experience alongside the lectures and industrial placements increased both my knowledge and my love of science and research. I thoroughly enjoyed my placement year and the knowledge and skill sets I obtained have made my confidence grow and prepared me for my next step. .” Shona Kaya (2020 graduate).

"The course has given me the confidence to work as part of a team, both within the course and with other degree courses and will benefit me greatly in years to come. The course itself has set me up brilliantly for my working career and has provided me with plenty of knowledge of analytical techniques. In particular, I found the organised placements to be very interesting and helped to inform me of what pharmaceutical companies do in their day-to-day operations. The placement year was extremely helpful to understand how an efficient lab works under GMP circumstances and has allowed to me to gain valuable connections in the industry that have helped me obtain a full-time job following the successful completion of this Master's year." Andrew Wallace (2020 graduate)

Sustainability at Ulster

Ulster continues to develop and support sustainability initiatives with our staff, students, and external partners across various aspects of teaching, research, professional services operations, and governance.

At Ulster every person, course, research project, and professional service area on every campus either does or can contribute in some way towards the global sustainability and climate change agenda.

We are guided by both our University Strategy People, Place and Partnerships: Delivering Sustainable Futures for All and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our work in this area is already being recognised globally.  Most recently by the 2024 Times Higher Education Impact rating where we were recognised as Joint 5th Globally for Outreach Activities and Joint Top 20 Globally for Sustainable Development Goal 17:  Partnership for the Goals.

Visit our Sustainability at Ulster destination to learn more about how the University strategy and the activities of Ulster University support each of the Sustainable Development Goals.