Short and CPD Course Information
We are here to make sure you choose the course that best meets your needs.
Find out how our short courses can support your personal and continuing professional development (CPD).
We offer a range of expertise building short and CPD courses, available throughout the year.
Find out more about the benefits of staying connected after you graduate and other services we offer alumni of Ulster University.
This discount applies to full-time and part-time postgraduate taught programmes only.
Thinking of a Short or CPD course? What can we help you with?
We are here to make sure you choose the course that best meets your needs.
We understand that everyone's circumstances are individual to them. You may be returning to education, having to make time around...
We're here to help you every step of your way. If you have any queries about the application process do...
We are here to make sure you choose the course that best meets your needs.
Awarded when a combination of short courses worth 60 credit points in total have been successfully completed.