PhD Awards and 3MT Event 2024

Best Poster

Best poster winner
Leila holding her award
Chloe Leydon receiving Best poster award from Dr Patrick Dunlop
Sharon Neill receiving best poster award from Professor Alison Gallagher
Victoria Gilpin receiving award from Professor Alison Gallagher
Rachel Devenney receiving her award from Professor Alison Gallagher

Bake My PhD

Chloe receiving her award from Lisa Thompson
Megan Blinn accepting runner up prize for Bake My PhD

Outstanding PhD Thesis

Enya Redican accepting an outstanding thesis prize
Ngozi Anyadike-Danes accepting an outstanding thesis prize
Mark Dornan accepting outstanding thesis award
Mengyuan Wang accepting outstanding thesis award
Adriana Rioja Cabanillas accepting an outstanding thesis award
Martin Murray accepting outstanding thesis award
Pól OghAodhagáin accepting outstanding thesis award
Niamh McConaghy accepting outstanding thesis award
Amy Heaps accepting outstanding thesis award

Ulster 3MT Final

James McMullan holding his 3MT UU winner and people's choice award
Darragh Harkin receiving his runner up 3MT award from Professor Sonja McIlfatrcik, Dean of the Doctoral College
Here are all the UU 3MT finalists, with Sarah Travers and Lisa Thompson