ECCE 2019
ECCE 2019 is the 31st annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE).
This leading conference in human-media interaction and cognitive engineering provides an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to exchange new ideas and practical experiences from a variety of domains. The list of accepted submissions is now live.
Rethinking Cognitive Ergonomic Workshop
The role of digital technologies in our life has dramatically changed in the last decades, and the scope of cognitive ergonomics has extended accordingly.
Our special theme for ECCE in 2019 is ‘Designing for Cognition’:
Interacting with digital technologies, apps, wearables and ‘Internet of Things’ generally can be cognitively and emotionally demanding in our everyday lives. Now more than ever, we need to consider how ‘Designing for Cognition’ can help us engage in and enjoy seamless intuitive interactions.
The theme also involves new ways to understand cognition when interacting in the wild and to research and evaluate our interactions across work, home and community, especially considering the rise of knowledge derived from user data analytics.
ECCE 2019 seeks to encourage dialogue and discussion among participants about general topics as well as this year’s special theme.
We invited various types of contributions from researchers and practitioners – including long and short papers – which address the broad spectrum of cognitive ergonomics challenges in the analysis, design, and evaluation of digital technologies.
Date | Action |
8th March 2019, 5pm (BST) | Now closed for submissions |
03 May 2019 | Author notification |
21 June 2019, 5pm (BST) | Camera-ready version of all accepted contributions* |
01 July 2019, 5pm (BST) | Early registration deadline |
10 September 2019 | ECCE 2019 Doctoral Consortium and Workshops |
11-13 September 2019 | ECCE 2019 Conference |
* One author per accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to guarantee publication in the proceedings.
Tuesday 10 September 2019
Workshop: Rethinking Cognitive Ergonomics
Chairs: Gerrit van der Veer & Dianne Murray
Where do we see cognitive ergonomics in the near future? Anke Dittmar.
Human and Data-Driven Design Fictions: Entering the Near-Future Zone. Alessio Malizia, Raymond Bond and Maurice D Mulvenna.
Cognitive Ergonomics: Go Big or Go Home. Harry J. Witchel and Carina E. I. Westling.
Cognitive Ergonomic Design as Exploratory Data-enabled Design. Geert de Haan.
Cognitive ergonomics is a matter of cognitive factors. Virpi Kalakoski.
Speculative Design Through Young People in an Aging Society. Yung-Yi Juliet Chou and Yaoli Mao.
Cognitive Ergonomics on the Move: Art Ecosystems are a new Application Domain. Danzhu Li and Gerrit van der Veer.
Doctoral Consortium
Chairs: Ana Caraban & Sara Tranquada
An Audit Tool for Assessing the Visuocognitive Design of Infographics. Jonathan R. Gay, Victoria Simms, Raymond R. Bond, Dewar D. Finlay and Helen Purchase.
Specification of Drivers’ Behavior in Partially Automated Vehicles for Microscopic Simulation Models. Rita Rodrigues, Ana Bastos, and Álvaro Seco.
Interactive Technology to Aid Decision Making in Cardiac Care. Aleeha Iftikhar, Raymond Bond, Victoria McGilligan, Anne McShane and Aaron Peace.
Visualization of Complex Situations to Strengthen Human-Automation Collaboration. Elmira Zohrevandi.
A Virtual Reality Training Tool to Improve Weight-Related Communication Across Healthcare Settings. Fiona Quigley, Anne Moorhead, Raymond Bond, Huiru Zheng and Toni McAloon.
Semi-Autonomous Drive and its Effect on Mode Awareness and User Experience. Fjollë Novakazi.
Adaptive Automation through Interactive Visualization. Magnus Nylin.
Understanding the Users’ Understanding of Automated Vehicles. Mikael Johansson.
A Framework for the Development of a Dynamic Adaptive Intelligent User Interface to Enhance the User Experience. Vivien Johnston, Michaela Black, Jonathan Wallace, Maurice Mulvenna and Raymond Bond.
Wednesday 11 September 2019
Nurturing belonging in design. John McCarthy, University College Cork.
Cognition & design Chair: Mattias Arvola
Cognitive ergonomics for data analysis. Experimental study on cognitive limitations in a data-based judgement task. Virpi Kalakoski, Andreas Henelius, Emilia Oikarinen, Antti Ukkonen and Kai Puolamäki.
Design Friction: How intentionally added friction affect users level of satisfaction. Thomas Mejtoft, Sarah Hale and Ulrik Söderström.
Towards an empirically developed scale for measuring trust. Siddharth Gulati, Sonia Sousa and David Lamas.
Toward emotional recognition during HCI using marker based automated video tracking. Ulrik Söderström, Songyu Li, Harry L. Claxton, Daisy C. Holmes, Thomas T. Ranji, Carlos P. Santos, Carina E.I. Westling and Harry J. Witchel.
Doctoral Consortium
2-minute pitches Chairs: Ana Caraban & Sara Tranquada
Supporting creativity Chair: Assaf Botzer
Category, time, and place: Structures in cross-media design and production. Mattias Arvola and Mathias Broth.
How Time Constraints in a Creativity Support Tool Affect the Creative Writing Experience. Michael Mose Biskjaer, Jonas Frich, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, Christian Remy and Peter Dalsgaard.
Evaluating Electronic Ink Display Technology for Use in Drawing and Note Taking. Ulrik Söderström, Måns Hellgren and Thomas Mejtoft.
Musical Elements in Sonification Support Visual Perception. Niklas Rönnberg.
Doctoral Consortium/Workshop Posters
Applications Chair: Chris Porter
Keeping a finger in the pie? - Exploring different collaborative interactions with autonomous vehicles. Helena Strömberg, Fredrick Ekman, Lars-Ola Bligård and Mikael Johansson.
Narrative Structure of Museum Guided Tours: Towards Enhancing Visitors' Engagement with Digital Guides. Vassilis Papakostopoulos, Anna Vaptisma and Dimitris Nathanael.
Smart Transcription: Understanding Telephone Calls at a Glance. Cornelius Glackin, Nazim Dugan, Nigel Cannings and Julie Wall.
Eliciting Expert Knowledge to Inform Training Design. Natalie Clewley, Lorraine Dodd, Victoria Smy, Annamaria Witheridge and Panos Louvieris.
Thursday 12 September 2019
Look at my body ... what does it tell you? Nadia Berthouze, University College London.
Parallel Track: Technology Chair: Brian Cleland
“I Don’t Understand…” Issues in Self-Quantifying Commuting. Cecile Boulard, Stefania Castellani, Tommaso Colombino and Antonietta Grasso.
CartRight: Maintaining Good Posture in the Presence of Adaptive Haptics. Joey Campbell and Mike Fraser.
How does the visual aesthetics of positively-framed messages impact their motivational capacity? Lígia Duro, Teresa Romão, Evangelos Karapanos and Pedro Campos.
How Freedom is Undermined by Advanced Technology and What to Do About It. Gerlinde Weger.
Parallel Track: Health Chair: Anke Dittmar
Carrot & Stick; a comparable study of physical output generated through incentivized/de-incentivized exergames. Joey Campbell and Mike Fraser.
A pilot evaluation of a persuasive mobile application aiming at changing individual's behavior during recurrent myocardial infarction. Erik Prytz, Patrik Johansson, Sofia Sederholm Lawesson, Maria Ericsson and Ingela Thylén.
User Archetype Discovery By Cluster Analysis of Caller Log Data: Tenure Evolution is Stable as Time Period Reduces. Robin Turkington, Maurice Mulvenna, Raymond Bond, Siobhan O'Neill, Cherie Armour and Courtney Potts.
Behaviour Analytics of Users Completing Ecological Momentary Assessments in the Form of Mental Health Scales and Mood Logs on a Smartphone App. Raymond Bond, Anne Moorhead, Maurice Mulvenna, Siobhan O'Neill, Courtney Potts and Nuala Murphy.
Cognition & design Chair: Geert de Haan
Comparisons between information and action automation on the complacency phenomenon. Eugénie Avril, Jordan Navarro, Liên Wioland and Julien Cegarra.
Perception of Differences in Directed Acyclic Graphs: Influence Factors & Cognitive Strategies. Guenter Wallner, Margit Pohl, Tatiana von Landesberger and Kathrin Ballweg.
Compliant activity accelerates all thought probe responses and inhibits deliberate mind wandering. Oluwademilade Amos-Oluwole, Benjamin Subhani, Harry Claxton, Daisy Holmes, Carina Westling and Harry Witchel.
Adapting Applied Cognitive Task Analysis to identify cognitive challenges in sea pilotage. Stella Parisi and Dimitris Nathanael.
Towards Designing Mobile Applications for Distributed Cooperative Environments Based on Enhanced Task Analysis. Bertram Wortelen, Marie-Christin Harre, Noelle Rouselle and Andreas Lüdtke.
Exploring Human Emotional Transition in Heterogeneous Space. Yung-Yi Juliet Chou and Valérie Lechêne.
Virtual reality and tracking Chair: Harry Witchel
Older Adults Eating together in a Virtual Living Room: Opportunities and Limitations of Eating in Augmented Virtuality. Dannie Korsgaard, Thomas Bjørner, Pernille Krog Sørensen and Jon Ram Bruun-Pedersen.
Switching it Up: Designing Adaptive Interfaces for Virtual Reality Exergames. Joey Campbell and Mike Fraser.
User Tracking Accuracy during Smooth Pursuit of a Target with and without a Crosshair. Assaf Botzer, Tomer Elbaum and Michael Wagner.
'Rethinking Cognitive Ergonomics' Workshop: Summary of Key Findings. Gerrit van der Veer.
Friday 13 September 2019
Cognition as Material: personality prostheses and other stories. Alan Dix, Computational Foundry, Swansea University.
Health Chair: Jonathan Wallace
Usability testing of a healthcare chatbot: Can we use conventional methods to assess conversational user interfaces? Samuel Holmes, Anne Moorhead, Raymond Bond, Huiru Zheng, Vivien Coates and Michael McTear.
Role of dashboards in improving decision making in healthcare: Review of the literature. Aleeha Iftikhar, Raymond Bond, Victoria McGilligan, Stephen J Leslie, Khaled Rjoob, Charles Knoery and Aaron Peace.
The Role of Mental Models and Situation Awareness for Computer System Support in Mass Casualty Incident Management. Henrik Berndt and Michael Herczeg.
Supporting creativity Chair: Kyle Boyd
This message will self destruct - Effects of the burn after reading principle in ephemeral media applications. Christof van Nimwegen and Kristi Bergman.
Evaluating an Early Motion Planning Feedforward Sensorimotor Mechanism for 2D Sketching. Paraskevi Kritopoulou, Sotiris Manitsaris and Athanasios Manitsaris.
Comparing Millennials View on Minimalism And Maximalism in Web Design. Ulrik Söderström, Lovisa Carlsson and Thomas Mejtoft.
Announcement & presentation of Best Paper Award ECCE 2019
ENDING & Announcement of ECCE 2020
We are immensely pleased to confirm three world class keynote speakers for ECCE-2019 in Belfast:
Doctoral Consortium
Applications Deadline Passed
PhDs students are invited to apply for the ECCE 2019 Doctoral Consortium, which will be held on Tuesday 10 September 2019. The Doctoral Consortium provides a great opportunity for PhD students to discuss and share experiences and problems with other students and with a panel of experts. It is likely to lead to the generation of new ideas and directions for their research.
The ECCE 2019 Doctoral Consortium has the following objectives:
- To provide PhD students with the opportunity to share their research with other students and experts;
- To give feedback on the research to the participants;
- To give the opportunity to solve issues that PhD students could encounter during their path;
- To encourage open and useful discussions; and
- To provide insights that will help students for the continuation of their research.
The Doctoral Consortium will be held on 10th of September at Ulster University’s Belfast Campus in the heart of Belfast city centre. We expect to recruit 10 to 15 students.
Two leading experts will mentor PhD research students at the Doctoral Consortium. Professor John McCarthy, University College Cork and Dr Julie Doyle, Dundalk Institute of Technology are experts in experience design and interaction design, respectively.
The strongest candidates are PhD students in Human Factors or Ergonomics (or related areas) who can convey their research aims and/or challenges. There are no restrictions on the year of study of the PhD, but preference will be given to students in the early stages due to the opportunity for influence and potential benefits from the feedback of the Doctoral Consortium.
Submissions should be sent to the Doctoral Consortium Chairs, Ana Caraban (ana.caraban [at] and Sara Tranquada (sara.tranquada [at] Doctoral Consortium papers can be 4 pages at most, including all sections, references, and possible appendices. Submissions should provide a summary of the PhD student’s work (including aspects such as research context, achievements, future directions and issues experienced) and a 1-page CV. Submissions must be in PDF format.
Review Process
The Doctoral Consortium committee will review the applications. In the review process particular attention will be given to the topic of the research and how this relates to the main topics of the conference, and to the type and amount of feedback the participant could provide and receive from the Doctoral Consortium. Students from the same institutions can apply, but the committee will try to have the most diverse environment, thus preference will be given to students from different institutions.
After Acceptance
Further instructions will be provided with the acceptance notice.
For further information, please contact Doctoral Consortium Chairs Ana Caraban (ana.caraban [at] and Sara Tranquada (sara.tranquada [at]
Ulster University, Belfast Campus, BT15 1ED.
The conference will take place at Ulster University Belfast Campus.
At the heart of Belfast city centre, and will be hosted by Ulster University.
The venue is in close proximity to the historic Crown Bar, the Belfast City Hall and the Europa Hotel.

Role | Member |
General Chair | Prof Maurice Mulvenna, Ulster University |
General Chair | Dr Raymond Bond, Ulster University |
Programme Chair | Prof Hui Wang, Ulster University |
Programme Chair | Prof Mattias Arvola, Linköping University |
Doctoral Consortium Chair | Ana Caraban, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute |
Doctoral Consortium Chair | Sara Tranquada, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute |
Volunteer Chair | Robin Turkington, Ulster University |
Web Chair | Dr Kyle Boyd, Ulster University |
Programme Committee
- Mattias Arvola, Linkoping University
- Sebastiano Bagnara, Università di Sassari
- Flore Barcellini, CNAM
- Guy Boy, ESTIA Institute of Technology and CentraleSupélec
- Raymond Bond, Ulster University
- Kyle Boyd, Ulster University
- Willem-Paul Brinkman, Delft University of Technology
- Pedro Campos, Madeira-ITI - University of Madeira
- Ana Caraban, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
- Kathy Clawson, University of Sunderland
- Torkil Clemmensen, CBS
- Geert De Haan,Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, Apeldoorn/Amsterdam/Vienna
- Francoise Detienne, CNRS telecom paristech
- Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock
- Huseyin Dogan, Bournemouth University
- Shamal Faily, Bournemouth University
- Ali Farooq, University of Turku
- Tom Flint, Edinburgh Napier University
- Toni Granollers, University of Lleida
- Lynne Hall, University of Sunderland
- Michael Kickmeier-Rust, Graz University of Technology
- Arto Lanamäki, University of Oulu
- Marja Liinasuo, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
- Jo Lumsden, Aston University
- Tilo Mentler, Universität zu Lübeck
- Michael Mose Biskjaer, Aarhus University
- Maurice Mulvenna, Ulster University
- Dimitris Nathanael, National Technical University of Athens
- Jason Nurse, University of Kent
- Philippe Palanque, ICS-IRIT, University Toulouse 3
- Tess Roper, University of Nottingham
- Gavin Sim, University of Central Lancashire
- Fotios Spyridonis, University of Greenwich
- Chris Stary, JKU
- Sara Tranquada, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
- Egon L. van den Broek, Utrecht University
- Erik Van Der Spek, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Christof van Nimwegen, Utrecht University
- Hui Wang, Ulster University
- Gillian Cameron, Inspired Wellbeing
- David Coyle, University College Dublin
- Mark Donnelly, University of Ulster
- Julie Doyle CASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology
- Gorka Epelde, VICOMTech
- Stephen Giff, Google
- Rikard Harr, Umeå university
- Alessio Malizia, Brunel University
- Patrick McAllister, Ulster University
- Gary McKeown, Queen’s University Belfast
- Neil Vaughan, University of Chester
- Harry Witchel, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Local Organising Committee at Ulster University
- Frederick Booth
- Kyle Boyd
- Courtney Potts
- James Rogers
- Robin Turkington
- Terry Amorese
- Jonathan Gay