How to Say 'Road' in Irish: Towards Determining a Semantic Derivation of Item #67 (68) from the Swadesh List (Continental and Insular Celtic)

Tatyana Mikhailova
Moscow State University


The main goal of the paper is to study Celtic (especially Goidelic) words denoting ‘road’, to collect ranked synonyms, to give motivated etymologies, to exercise a diachronic and comparative study of the use of the names of the ‘road’ in Old, Middle and Modern Irish and in Scottish Gaelic (including comparative data from Continental Celtic and Insular Brittonic languages) and to reveal and describe supposed Goidelic innovations (slige, belach, bóthar). The final aim is to introduce Goidelic data into the described scheme of semantic shift.

Studia Celto-Slavica 12: 14–39 (2021)

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