Middle Welsh Yn in Verbal Noun Phrases
Ricarda Scherschel
Philipps-Universität Marburg
This paper explores constructions using yn + verbal noun (VN) which have so far been described as instances of `sub-predicates' or present participles (e.g. Evans 1964, MacCana 1999), or adjuncts (Borsley et al. 2007). Complementative constructions, e.g. the caffael-passive or aspectual constructions with bod are not considered here, except the complementation of perception verbs. The constructions addressed in this paper are forms of epitaxis following MacCana 1999, complements of verbs of perception, subpredicates or depictives, relative/attributive and appositive relations. The data for the analysis is taken from the Brut y Brenhinedd in the Llyfr Coch Hergest. The aim is to find syntactic and co(n)textual parameters with which one can distinguish the different constructions, and to show the limitations of a functional approach. I will discuss both expected and unproblematic examples and unexpected, interesting cases.
Studia Celto-Slavica 10: 111–136 (2019)
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