The Stone Novel of Éire
Natalia Abelian
Ulster University
In this paper, we shall attempt to define the place of the megalithic stone structures in the outlook of the early Irish culture. We shall include some archaic Irish linguistic elements and look at relevant myths that have survived in various early Irish sources, and, in particular, in the compilation known as The Metrical Dindshenchas (hereinafter MD). In our contribution, we shall confine ourselves to defining such notions as ‘water’, ‘fertility’, ‘the Otherworld’ that are commonly associated with the megalithic stone structures in early Irish mythology and in Irish folklore beliefs and customs. We come to the conclusion that the megalithic stones became connected with two positive sources in the pre-literate culture of early Ireland: the dark and wet source of fertility in the Otherworld situated under the ground; and the light and sunny source of the conception of the new life and of the new year in the celestial Otherworld.