The Early Irish Saga “Fled Bricrend ocus Loinges Mac nDúil Dermait” on the Food-Rent and Royal Circuits (Древнеирландская сага «Пир Брикрена и Изгнание сыновей Дол Диармайда» о полюд
Nina Chekhonadskaya
Moscow State University
The article deals with two kinds of sources for early Irish economic history: sagas and law-tracts. The author compares data on food-rent provided by free and unfree clients from the sagas “Bricriu’s Feast” (FB) and “Bricriu’s Feast and the Exile of the sons of Duil Diarmaid” (LMDD) with the lists of food-rents from a number of law-tracts. Unlike the FB, the list in LMDD is quite realistic and may even reflect the custom of preparing feasts for a lord for every season of the year.