Celto-Slavica 1: Parallels between Celtic and Slavic

2005: Coleraine, UK

1 Jan 2019   3 min read

Celto-Slavica 1: Parallels between Celtic and Slavic

Ulster University
Coleraine campus

19–21 June 2005

Sunday 19 June
19.00–21.00 Welcome reception
Monday 20 June
09.00–09.30 Official opening: Prof. B. M. Hannigan, PVC Research (University of Ulster), Prof. R. Welch, Dean, Faculty of Arts (University of Ulster), Prof. K.-H. Schmidt (University of Bonn)
09.30–10.00 S. Mac Mathúna (Coleraine): ‘The Scope and Achievement of Celtic Scholarship in the Slavic Countries’
10.00–10.30 P. Stalmaszczyk (Łódź): ‘Celtic Studies in Poland’
10.30–11.00 V. Blažek (Brno): ‘Celtic-Slavic Correspondences in Mythology’
11.00–11.30 Tea/coffee break
11.30–12.00 J. Carey (Cork): ‘Russia, Cradle of the Gael’
12.00–12.30 D. Miller (Chicago): ‘Cú Chulainn and Ilya of Murom: Investigations in the Indo-European Heroic Type’
12.30–13.00 V. Blažek (Brno): ‘Etymological Analysis of Toponyms from Ptolemaeus’ Description of Central Europe’
13.00–14.00 Lunch break
14.00–14.30 A. Bondaruk (Lublin): ‘Obligatory and Non-obligatory Control in Irish and Polish’
14.30–15.00 E. Parina (Moscow): ‘Pronoun Reprise in Celtic and Southern Slavic Languages’
15.00–15.30 Tea/coffee break
15.30–16.00 †V. P. Kalygin (Moscow): ‘The Celts and the Slavs’, delivered by N. O'Shea (Dublin)
16.00–16.30 F. Josephson (Göteborg): ‘Old Irish and Slavic prefixed verbs and the function of the prefixes’
16.30–17.00 M. Fomin (Coleraine): ‘Towards the Creation of an Old Irish–Russian Glossary: XSLT Approach’
20.00–21.00 Cultural event: N. Abelian (Coleraine), Exhibition of the works of art; N. O'Shea (Dublin), Celtic Harp Performance; S. and M. Meehan (Armagh), Irish Tradition
Tuesday 21 June
09.00–09.30 G. Bondarenko (Moscow): ‘Hiberno-Rossica: “Knowledge at the Clouds” in Old Irish and Old Russian’
09.30–10.15 N. Chekhonadskaya (Moscow): ‘A Swan Uncarved: Russian and Irish Heroes breaking the Table Etiquette’
10.15–11.00 T. Mikhailova (Moscow): ‘On the Functions of Naming in Irish and the Slavonic Written Incantation Tradition’
11.00–11.30 Tea/coffee break
11.30–12.00 A. Muradova (Moscow): ‘Some Breton Words in the Dictionary of the Russian Empress’
12.00–12.30 F. Sewell (Coleraine): ‘“Going Home to Russia”? Irish Writers and Russian Literature’
12.30–13.00 N. O’Shea (née Nikolaeva) (Dublin): ‘Lost in Translation: Pseudo-Epic Irish Tradition?’
14.30–18.00 Gregory Toner (Coleraine): Conference tour