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Access to Belfast campus car parks is via a Needs Based Assessment Procedure. This has been developed to ensure that we provide car parking facilities on Belfast Campus for those whose circumstances necessitate the use of a car to travel to work.

Further details and the full procedure document can now be shared with colleagues and applications are also now welcome.

The application process is open and those who feel they meet the criteria are encouraged to apply.

The Needs Based Assessment Procedure applies to car parking provision at the extended Belfast Campus which includes the Frederick Street Car Park and the parking spaces located by Blocks BA and BD. It is effective from 1st September 2021 and will be subject to regular monitoring and review to ensure efficiency of use and best practice in the management of parking.

This Procedure applies to Belfast Campus University staff (including contract services staff) and Belfast Campus students. University staff and students based on other campuses who are blue badge holders will also be permitted access.

Motorcycle access to Frederick Street car park

Motorcycle access is not subject to Needs Based Assessment. Staff owners of motorcycles must register their vehicle with the Car Park and Traffic Management by completing the Registration Form for Motorcycle spaces.

There are 10 designated motorcycle spaces located on the ground floor of the Frederick Street Car Park (FSCP). Motorcyclists must contact University Security for access using the buzzer at the entrance barrier.

Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis and entrance will be limited to 10 users at any one time.

If FSCP is full, motorcycles are permitted to park free of charge in all off-street Council owned car parks.

Frederick Street Car Park

Frederick Street Car Park is located on Frederick Street in Belfast, directly facing the enhanced Belfast campus Development.

The car park offers 350 car parking spaces, 10 motorcycle spaces and 193 secure bicycle parking spaces. Of the 350 spaces, 7 are equipped with Electric Vehicle charging points.

General Staff Access

All University staff who are members of the UU parking permit scheme will be permitted to access Frederick Street Car Park using their staff pass at off peak times on weekends and weekday evenings during the following times:

  • Monday to Thursday - 7pm to 10 pm
  • Friday - 5pm to 10pm
  • Saturday - 6am to 10pm
  • Sunday - 6am - 10-pm