Staff Sharing
A staff annual permit costs £75 per annum for those up to and including spinal point 23 (equivalent to a charge of less than £1.50 per week) and £150 for those on spinal point 24 and above (equivalent to a charge of less than £3.00 per week).
Staff are determined as an individual who has an 'e' code, is employed by the university and paid through the university salaries and wages scheme.
Staff may wish to avail of the car sharing scheme whereby they pay a proportion of the tariff due depending on the number within the group - 50% of tariff for a group of two, 33% for a group of three and 25% for a group of four or more.
A Staff Car Sharing Supplementary Form should be completed by each person in the group – up to 4 on a form - and handed in to the Car Parking office after application has been made for a staff permit.
Student Sharing
Students can purchase a 12 month permit for £75, a 9 month permit for £60 or a 6 month permit for £40 (equivalent to a charge of approximately £1.50 per week).
The duration of the chosen permit will run from the date of purchase.
Where students are car sharing one student should complete the On-line Application with the Group jointly completing the Students Car Sharing Supplementary Form.
The charge for a single or shared application is £75 for a 12-month permit, £60 for a 9 month permit or £40 for a 6-month permit. Each student must present their student ID card to be programmed for car sharing.