It's ok not to feel ok

It's ok not to feel ok

Student Wellbeing

Out of University hours (24 hours)

Get the Support You Need

Financial Support image

Financial Support

Find out how to apply for funding.

Financial Support Options
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AccessAbility - new students

Find out how we can help you with your disability as a prospective student.

How we can help

Student Wellbeing Services

Here at Student Wellbeing we want to help our students as much as possible. We provide a range of services to help our students in their time of need.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Find out more on how you can improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Counselling image


Find out more about our counselling service and who to call when you are in need.

Disability image


We provide a variety of services for a range of disabilities to help you make the most of your time...

Sexual health clinic image

Sexual health clinic

Protect your sexual health by visiting one of our clinics.

Mind Your Mood image

Mind Your Mood

Get involved in our student-led mental health campaign.

Chaplaincy image


Find out what the chaplaincy has to offer at Ulster University.