Rare Diseases
Understanding rare diseases through expert knowledge, research, and first-class facilities, with the goal to improve the quality of life, treatment...
Study of the biological mechanisms associated with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, blindness and various diseases associated with the ageing population.
The activities of the Biomedical Sciences Research Institute are organised within distinct research centres and groups.
Understanding rare diseases through expert knowledge, research, and first-class facilities, with the goal to improve the quality of life, treatment...
Working to solve chronic diseases by researching the impact of diet and food quality.
At the forefront of diabetes research and therapy.
Applying genomics and epigenomics to understand mechanisms underpinning degenerative disease and advance patient care.
Research with foresight.
Our multiple laboratories cover a wide spectrum of research.
Check our PhD opportunities.
In addition to conducting our own pioneering research, the Biomedical Sciences Research Institute (BMSRI) provides a diverse range of state-of-the-art equipment, specialist laboratories and infrastructure that can offer clinical & translational services to academic researchers and business.
A unique opportunity for access to imaging modalities rarely found within a single laboratory.
Offering services for pre-clinical studies and physiological measurements in rodents.
We can complete any aspect of tissue culture for external companies.
Focusing on the application of genomics technologies to better understand human disease.
Dedicated to carrying out nutritional intervention trials on human volunteers.
Using mass spectrometry techniques to support your research needs.
Working to reduce the time to market and cost of innovative health technologies, medical devices and therapeutics.
Giving external agencies the opportunity to access the expertise of our vision science staff and facilities.
The Biomedical Sciences Research institute (BMSRI) spans a number of campuses and locations.
It conducts pioneering strategically focused research into health and investigates the underlying causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases.
We specialise in the study of the biological mechanisms associated with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, blindness and the aging population....
A useful and compact guide to the responsibilities of those involved in research.
Meet our team.
Get in touch to find out more.
Our commitment to the health and welfare of animals in our care.