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Funded by: The Northern Periphery Arctic Programme (Horizon 20-20 Interreg) (€1.7 Million)

About the Project

Social exclusion and loneliness have significantly negative impacts on physical and mental health. Such problems are increasingly prevalent in remote and sparsely populated regions of Europe. The lives of older citizens are further complicated by growing health and social care needs. Additionally, older people may be particularly impacted by the wider challenges faced by remote and rural communities, including the interrelated problems of declining economic activity, youth migration and limited access to goods and services. While ICT may help in alleviating these problems, older people may require help with computer and internet use.

PLACE-EE is a transnational partnership of public health agencies, local authorities, academics and ICT experts dedicated to improving the quality of life for older people. Funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme of the European Union, our aim is to develop and implement locally derived sustainable solutions to encourage internet use and person-centred e-health.

Older people will engage with our transnational partnership of municipal bodies, public health, universities and enterprises in a programme of community engagement and intergenerational exchange between younger and older citizens using an assets-based approach to build capacity among older people to address barriers to service access. In doing so, we will identify, promote and connect local, cultural knowledge and other heritage resources with innovative ICT approaches that enable greater social inclusion, and access to timely and efficient advice, support and care. The PLACE-EE project will provide opportunities for the transfer of knowledge, skills, products in health care for the benefit of older people and their communities.

Projects Aims

  • Develop a participatory model of engagement with older people in remote and rural areas, using creative arts to assess health and social needs and use of public services.
  • Create accessible local platforms for intergenerational skills exchange between older and younger citizens.
  • Co-design, validate and sustain person-centred, innovative health and other public services and socially purposeful apps.
  • Build flourishing social and cultural capital among older people through active involvement in creative and cultural activities. These activities and products will be documented and archived
  • Establish a transnational forum for cultural exchange for older citizens (and younger counterparts) across the NPA.
  • Document and evaluate a model of transferable, sustainable best practice, governance, innovative services, apps and learning for Smart Ageing across all regions in the NPA.
  • Disseminate the PLACE-EE Model across NPA regions, health and social care organisations and demonstrate opportunities for ICT services and App development.

Visit the Platforms for Ageing Community Engagement - Exchange and Enterprise web site

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  • Professor Gerard Leavey (Principal Investigator) and Fiona Harkin (Project Coordinator, The Bamford Centre)
  • Jillian Robinson (Limerick City and County Council)
  • Louise McLaughlin and Leza Cleary (Fermanagh and Omagh District Council)
  • Soo Hun (Regional Agency for Public Health and Social Well-being)
  • Professor John Waterworth (Umeå University)
  • Gustaf Ulander and Petra Luiski (Skellefteå University)
  • Helga Gudlaugsdottir (Fjarõbggõ Municipality)