Key Milestones

March - Apply for Accommodation

Ulster University Accommodation is open for application.

It's time to research options and apply!

Explore the full list of things to consider on your March Checklist

April - Worked out your monthly budget?

It’s time to start planning! You’ll also need to know what financial sources are available to you.

Explore the full list of things to consider on your April Checklist

May - Applicant Events

Nursing, Paramedic Science, Health Sciences and Social Work Applicant Event – Saturday 24 May 2025.

If you have received an invite for our May Applicant event, make sure to register.

Explore the full list of things to consider on your May Checklist

June - It's almost time to decide

Make your Firm and Insurance decisions by June 6th.

For those who have received all their decisions by 14 May, the UCAS deadline is June 4.

If you do not make your Firm or Insurance choice by that deadline, these choices will be automatically withdrawn by UCAS.

If you need help with your decision do not hesitate to contact us

July - Between your exams and Results Day

Not sure what to do with your time off?

We've got you covered, visit the UU Checklist to discover 5 things to do between your exams and Results Day!

August is Results Month! 🎉

On Results Day we will directly communicate with you via email the status of your application.

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Choosing Ulster means choosing a student experience focused on your future career success. Get ready to graduate with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make your mark in the competitive job market.

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