UU Connects are delighted to announce submissions are now open for Belfast School of Art's Alumni Digital Exhibition!
Digital Art Exhibition

This year, the Belfast School of Art have reached a remarkable milestone - 2024 marks it's 175th anniversary! A full programme of events is planned throughout the year to celebrate the 175th Anniversary, which is based on the theme of Celebrating Past, Present and Future.
As part of the 175th celebrations, Textile Art, Design and Fashion are hosting a Digital Exhibition to showcase the vibrant contributions of our talented graduates to textile art, design and fashion culture and industry. Our wonderful alumni are intertwined with our history, as well as our present and future, and we want to highlight that throughout our celebrations.
On 30th May, during our annual Graduate Fashion show, we will host a preview of the Alumni Digital Exhibition, as well as exhibiting the current work of our Textile Art, Design and Fashion department. The completed exhibition will take place later in the year.
Submission criteria:
- Applicants must be a graduate of Ulster University's Belfast School of Art.
- Applicants must have graduated with a degree in a textile art, design or fashion related subject.
- Applicants can be currently working in any career related to textile art, design or fashion (including: costume, creative industries, currently teaching/have taught in FE, HE or schools).
- Applications are also welcome from graduates who create their art as a hobby only.
Guidelines for Applicants:
All work should be the original work of the person submitting and you will be asked to consent to our use of the images.
Submitted work should include:
- Images of your graduate collection or work completed while studying at Belfast School of Art.
- Images of your current work or creative output (it may be textiles, fashion, an art piece or garment, or it may be images of your practice, workshops or teaching, or how you utilise your graduate skills in textiles and fashion in your current work).
- You will be asked to tell us a little about yourself and your work in writing (max. 250 words).
- Submissions will be used for the digital component of an exhibition with the theme "Textile Art, Design & Fashion: PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE".
- Permissions must be granted for the use of images submitted and credit attached as necessary.
Closing date for submissions: Thursday, 31 October, 2024.
If you have any queries about this call for submissions, please contact us at alumni@ulster.ac.uk.
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