The following sets out the criteria used in the allocation of student accommodation to those who apply to the University. Residential places are in high demand, and it may not be possible to offer accommodation, or the required room type to everyone who makes an application. The following allocation criteria is used to ensure that those applicants with greatest need are given priority. Where need and priority are not an issue the date order of application is used as the criteria for allocation and on an individual campus basis, distance of your home address may be a factor.
When you submit your application, you will be asked to pay a Booking Fee of £100 to complete the application process. This Booking Fee insures students’ personal possessions within their room, the University against non-attributable damage and contributes to a social fund for the Residents Life programme. If you apply for accommodation and are not accepted onto a course of study, decide not to avail of university accommodation or you have not been allocated a room, the £100 Booking Fee will be refunded to you. The Booking Fee only becomes non-refundable once you have accepted an offer of accommodation.
Students from UK/Ireland
Mode of Attendance
Priority is given to applications from registered full-time students, Higher Level Apprenticeships, and prospective students of Ulster. Consideration will only be given to part time students, or students on affiliated courses at the University, where the demand from full time students is satisfied.
Year of Study
- First Year Students: priority is given to new First Year students. However, we cannot guarantee accommodation (demand usually exceeds supply), so further selection criteria are applied: Conditional Firm Offers (CFs)/Unconditional Firm (UF): students made a conditional or unconditional offer of an academic place will be guaranteed an offer of residential accommodation provided they make Ulster their Conditional Firm (CF) or Unconditional Firm (UF) choice (through UCAS) and complete and submit the accommodation application by the 7th July. On some campuses based on demand for accommodation students whose home address is within 20 miles of the campus may not qualify for accommodation.
- Returning Students: a proportion of residential places are set aside for Returning Final Year and Post-Graduate students. Again, all such students cannot be guaranteed accommodation as demand exceeds supply, and other criteria will be used to determine which applicants can be offered places. Previous residence periods (if any) may be taken into consideration in this process (for example, previous disciplinary action whilst living in residences).
- Care leavers – care leavers are guaranteed accommodation throughout the duration of their study at Ulster providing they meet the terms laid out under 2 (a) and 2 (b) above.
Personal Circumstances
- Students with Families: most accommodation is in the form of single study bedrooms, in some places there are planning restrictions on accommodating non-student couples and families. However, on some campuses there are limited two person apartments and applications for a family apartment can be considered where suitable accommodation is available. If you require further information, you should contact the campus Residential Services office.
- Age: generally, students in accommodation are over the age of 18 years in the year of admission to university. Students under 18 years are permitted to apply for accommodation however should note that the university will not operate in locus parentis over you and will treat you in a similar manner to students over 18.
- Friendship Group: if you wish to share a house or apartment with students whom you already know, this may sometimes be possible to arrange provided you let us know well in advance. Each member of your friendship group must complete their own online application indicating that they are agreeable to share with all other members of the friendship group.
Date Of Application
The date a fully completed application is received is an important consideration. For example, where other criteria have been met by several applicants, the one received first will be given priority.
Distance From Campus
Student accommodation is in high demand across campuses so students whose home address is within 20 miles of the campus may not qualify for accommodation if there is a significant shortage of accommodation resulting in the university having to prioritise students travelling from further distances.
Students with Disabilities
A proportion of residential places are set aside for students with additional needs/disabilities. These needs may range from relatively common medical conditions (such as asthma) to mobility-related conditions that may necessitate ground floor or adapted accommodation. Special provision may be made available for students with particular disabilities. If you have mobility difficulties or other extenuating circumstances your application will be considered sympathetically. It is advisable that you check out availability in advance to ensure that it is suitable/adaptable for your requirements. It is also recommended that if you have not already done so that you should contact AccessAbility through the Student Wellbeing Webpage.
An AccessAbility Adviser will assess your individual support requirements to help ensure that all appropriate support is available to you at the university.
International Students
- Full-time Students from Overseas (These are students from outside the European Union): are guaranteed an offer of accommodation in the first year of study. This guarantee only applies to students who are categorised as “overseas” for fee purposes, have firmly accepted an offer of a course of study for a minimum of one academic year, and whose completed accommodation application is received by14th August in the year admission is sought. Applications may be made throughout the year, but the guarantee does not apply after the 14th August deadline.
- Visiting/Exchange Students from Outside the European Union: if you are a student from outside the EU and you apply under the Exchange, ISEP, or Junior Year/Study Abroad programmes to study at Ulster for a single semester only, you will be guaranteed an offer of accommodation for Semester 1 provided that your completed application is received by 14th August in the year of admission. An offer of accommodation for Semester2 will be guaranteed provided a completed application form is received by 14th December in the year of admission.
- Other Students from Outside UK/Ireland (This applies to student from Europe both in and outside the European Union): if you are a student on Exchange or other programmes (for example, Socrates) you may be offered accommodation provided there are vacancies remaining.
International students intending to study in the United Kingdom should check out the British Council and Education UK websites.
Clearing/Late Applications
Students applying through clearing will be made an offer of accommodation if there is availability and the student has been accepted onto a course of study.
Applications for accommodation are welcome at all times of the year. These will be added to our Waiting List. Vacancies regularly occur, as some students invariably do not turn up at the start of term, whilst others may leave during term. We allocate from the Waiting List on a date order of receipt basis (bearing in mind what and where vacancies occur) and in accordance with allocation criteria. Should we be unable to make you an offer of a room within a reasonable timescale, or you withdraw from the Waiting List, your Booking Fee will be refunded.
Semester 3 Applications
Semester 3 operates over the summer months from June to early September of a calendar year. Students may apply for accommodation for a period throughout the summer on the same terms and conditions as term-time (In some locations a contract extension may be provided by the private accommodation operator). These students will reside a minimum of six weeks and be charged the appropriate weekly rate. Students staying less than six weeks will apply via the Short Stay application and are charged at the appropriate nightly rate.