Coppin House is located a few minutes walk from Magee campus, which is an eclectic mix of historic and new buildings, boasting both modern and traditional academic facilities, as well as a vibrant range of restaurants and cafes.
From its magnificent elevated position overlooking the River Foyle, the campus is a short walk from the city centre, and Derry’s ancient city wall.“The Maiden City”, as it is sometimes called, has an extensive range of shopping centres, bars and restaurants, together with other venues catering to all tastes.
Below is some useful and important information about your residences.
Important Contact Numbers
Residential Services Manager
Your Accommodation Officer is Ooonagh McAlister please contact her via email if you have any problems.
ResLife Day Staff
The Residential Services Office is located in Block 1 in Duncreggan Student Village.. The office staff are available from 9:30am to 4:30pm (Mon - Thu) and from 9:30am to 3:30pm (Fri).
Please speak to them if you have any issues with your accommodation, payments or queries and we will be happy to help!
ResLife Coordinator
Residential Life Co coordinators are Kevin Grumley & Hayleigh Fleming They work from 5pm to 4am.
Hayleigh Fleming and Kevin Grumley are the managers on duty each day from 5pm until 4am to assist students with any issues or queries that you may have.
RLC Telephone: 07923260415
Resident Assistants
Your RAs are listed below, they are here to help you settle in. They provide peer support and guidance on a range of issues and can signpost you to the appropriate services available. Your RA will help organize social activities and give you important information about events and campus facilities. The RAs are on duty 6pm - 10pm and on call after 10pm for emergencies.
- First floor - Aiobheann Mitchell
- Second floor - Emma McCann
RA Telephone: 07713 093 619.
Night Assistant
The ResLife Night Assistant is Denis Saunders he us on duty from 9.30pm until 8am and is here to help you settle into campus life.
They provide advice and assistance to students on a range of issues and are primarily responsible for health and safety.
With such a large number of students living close to each other, a high level of tolerance and respect for other residents is required; the team are here to ensure that everyone living in residences appreciates this.
NA Telephone: 07850 950 385.
Global Engagement Team
Caroline McNutt is located in the MG Building, please feel free to contact her if you have any issues.
For non-emergency please contact the police on 101 or for emergencies 999.
Your postal address is as follows:
Student Name, Room No,
Coppin House,
141c Strand Road,
N. Ireland,
BT48 7PB
Mail will be delivered to your room by the RA’s each evening. or can be collected at Block one office.
If packages/parcels arrive an email or text will be sent notifying you - you will need to show ID to collect these at the Block One Residential Services office.
A post office is located in Long’s Supermarket on the Strand Road for those requiring outgoing postal services.
There are no mail deliveries to the University over weekends/University closure days/Public holidays.
Residents should arrange for mail to be redirected when they move out of the accommodation.
Mail cannot be redirected by Residential Services and if mail/parcels arrive for a student not living in University accommodation it will be returned to sender.

Car Parking
There are only a dozen spaces available at Coppin House, so parking is provided on a first come, first served basis, but all cars coming into campus will be required to pay a parking charge,further details are provided on the website.
Please be sensible about were you park, do not park on pavements, grass verges or obstruct paths or other access routes. Vehicles not parked in designated parking spaces will be clamped, there will be a £50 parking fee for unclamping your vehicle.
The University accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle left in the car parks.

There is Wi-Fi connectivity in all student residences.
Should you experience any issues with the Wi-Fi service please contact Glide on 0333 123 0112. Helpdesk times 8.30am-6.30pm Monday to Friday and 11.00am-17.00pm Saturday and Sunday (excluding bank holidays).

House Keeping
You are responsible for cleaning your own bedroom. Cleaning equipment is available for your use within your unit (vacuum cleaner, brush, mop etc.) and additional equipment may be borrowed.
Communal areas such as kitchens, common rooms, showers and toilets on each floor are cleaned twice weekly. Kitchens should be kept clean and tidy, with all equipment and utensils washed and put away after use, the cleaning staff will not be able to clean the kitchen if there are dirty dishes left in sinks and on worktops. There are dishwashers provided therefore please use them and look after your brand new kitchens.
Should you need to report a problem with cleaning you can do so at the Residential Services Office (Block 1 of Duncreggan Student Village) or email
Please make sure that all kitchen rubbish is placed in the appropriate bins and spare bags are put under your sink by housekeeping.
There is a poster in each kitchen showing which items go in each bin
In Coppin House kitchen bins will be emptied by housekeeping, however please help them by not overfilling the bags & making sure the rubbish goes into the bin and not on the floor. The external bins are emptied by contractors every Wednesday.

Fire Safety
Coppin House has an automatic fire detection system, which is there for your protection.
On hearing the alarm, you should follow the “Fire/Emergency Procedure” as set out on the blue and white notice in your study bedroom.
If you encounter a fire, no matter how small, you should also follow this procedure.

First Aid
All of our Resident Assistants have received basic training in first aid. For minor incidents please call a member of staff during working hours or your Resident Assistance/Night Assistant outside of office hours. For emergencies, please call 101. All injuries and incidents must be reported to Residential Services staff.

Heating and Hot Water
The heating in Coppin House is powered by gas and is set to be on at designated times.
Hot water is usually available from 8.00am-11.00am and 6.00pm-11.00pm.
To reduce energy consumption and also win great prizes log on the to the Student Energy Project.
The heating times may be extended in colder weather.
If you think your radiator is not working please check it is firstly turned on, check it during designated heating times and if you find its not working report it for maintenance.
Please turn off any unwanted lights, radiators etc. in order to conserve energy.
There are laundry facilities on the first and third floor, these are equipped with washing machines and tumble dryers.
There is a charge for using the machines and you will need your proximity card to gain access.

Repairs and Maintenance
If any repairs are required, please report them ASAP as follows:
Please note any emergency repairs such as flooding or utility loss such as water or full electricity outage should be reported immediately to either reception staff during the day or RAs, ResLife Night Assistants or ResLife Coordinators throughout the night.
If any standard repairs are required in your accommodation please fill in a fault report form online so we can fix it.
ResLife will endeavor to complete Emergency repairs within 0-24 hours, Urgent repairs within 5 days and Routine repairs within 15 days. You will be informed of any delays to this anticipated response. Please note that appointments cannot be made for maintenance works and access to your room may be required to facilitate repairs and maintenance in your absence.
If you are present, please make a point of checking the ID of all strangers who call at your door. All staff will have ID.
Should you need to report a problem maintenance, you can do so at the Residential Services Office (Block 1 of Duncreggan Student Village) or email

Please report any light which may be faulty using the fault reporting procedure.
Do NOT attempt to replace bulbs yourself, as they are a specialised fitting.
If you are provided with a bedside lamp, please note you must provide bulbs.

You will need your proximity card to access Coppin House.
Please make sure that the doors close firmly behind you, and do NOT let strangers follow you inside.
Closed circuit television cameras monitor the residences on a 24/7 basis.

The University promotes environmental sustainability and Residents are encouraged to recycle and reuse to prevent unnecessary items going to landfill. Residential Services work with the Students Union and the Estates team to promote sustainability and identify Sustainability Champions
The British Heart Foundation have a clothing banks within the carpark at Coppin House. This is a great way to recycle your unwanted clean clothes, shoes, books etc and help a great charity raise vital funds. Each year Res Life receive a report from British Heart foundation recording the savings in terms of co2 emissions which is added to the University Sustainability report
There are fantastic free resource from the SDG Academy Library
Any questions, queries, ideas or suggestions for embedding sustainability at Ulster please let us know by emailing

This covers:
- Lost or Forgotten Keys
- Fobs
- Residential Pass
- Proximity Card
If you lose or forget your keys, you can get a replacement from the Residential Services Office during opening hours.
There is a £30 charge for each proximity card issued.
RAs and Night Support Assistants will not normally open doors for you except in an absolute emergency - and in some cases a charge will be levied.

A branch of First Trust bank is located in Sainsbury’s shopping centre on the Strand Road.
There is also a cash machine outside the Students’ Union in the MG Building.
Pest Control
Pests such as rats, mice, ants, spiders and other insects can become a problem. All reasonable pest control measures are taken by the Residential Services to prevent pest issues. You can minimise the presence of pests by ensuring that all food is stored properly and scraps are disposed of immediately. Avoid leaving rubbish lying on the floor and adequately clean kitchens and benchtops after food preparation and cooking.
If you see or suspect an infestation please contact the Accommodation Office immediately either in person, by phone or email and we will endeavour to have this investigated by Pest Control within 48 hours.
Snow and Ice Clearance Response
During icy periods highlighted by weather reports from Northern Ireland MET Office by post code, we will treat all hard-surfaced areas such as roadways, car-parks, access and exit routes, pedestrian areas, footpaths and doorways.
When salting/gritting has been determined as being required, salting/gritting operations will take place between the hours of 12.00am (Midnight) and 7.00am. This will operate for normal University activities, 7 days a week.
Snow Clearance
Snow clearance is not a normally provided however if there is a seriously heavy snowfall staff will endeavour to remove snow to keep routes accessible.