Important Contacts

Building General Manager

Your building General manager is Ursula Moore. Ursula’s office is on the ground floor adjacent to reception. Reception is open from 8am -7pm to deal with maintenance requests, mail, and lost keys. Security staff monitor reception from 7pm – 8am for urgent requests.

If you need to contact Ursula phone 02895680263 or email to arrange a meeting.

ResLife Manager

Your ResLife Manager is  Christopher Muir, please feel free to contact him via email if you have any questions.

Email Chris at

Residential Services Office

The Residential Services Office is located in Block 5, Dalriada Student Village, Jordanstown. The office staff are available from 9:30am to 4:30pm (Mon - Thu) and from 9:30am to 3:30pm (Fri).


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Resident Assistants

Your Resident Assistants are listed below along with the flats for which they are responsible. They are fellow students whose role is to help you adjust to living in such a large residential setting.

They provide peer support and guidance on a range of issues and can signpost you to the appropriate services available.

They also deal with minor disputes and any minor incidents of anti-social behaviour initially on an informal basis.

Your RAs will organise social activities through the ResLife programme and give you important information about all aspects of campus facilities.

They are on duty when the office is closed over evenings, weekends and holidays.

  • Kieran Getty
  • Sneha Saji
  • Rachel Dolan

If you need to contact them please call the duty mobile Tel: 07759717576

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Your residential fees include Wi-Fi direct to your bedroom.

The connection for internet is Wi-Fi

Your broadband connection is operated by Ask4 and if you encounter difficulties, you should contact the Help Desk:

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The only available connection for TVs are through Wi-fi

Remember, if you receive any television signals (no matter how poor) you will still need a valid TV license.

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You can find an ATM at Ulster university or York Gate shopping centre.

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Heating and Hot Water

You benefit from instant hot water & air conditioning heating and cooling controls in your room.

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Car Parking

There are several parking options available for you to use in Belfast city centre. Further details are provided on the carparks website.

There is a pay and display across the street from us at 123, the hourly rate is roughly £0.50 per hour for short term parking.

St Anne’s square offer subscription parking.

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You are responsible for cleaning your bedroom.

Cleaning equipment is available at reception, you are required to sign out equipment and sign in after use, you are responsible for this item if any breakages occur due to neglect where the item is beyond repair, you will be responsible for the cost of replacement.

Inspections of kitchens will be carried out quarterly to ensure you have comfortable, safe use of kitchens.

Kitchens should be kept clean and tidy, with all items washed and put away after use. You are responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of your communal areas and bedrooms as detailed within your tenancy agreement. Failure to upkeep communal areas to an acceptable level of cleanliness constitutes a breaching the terms and conditions of your tenancy contracts.

If LIV student staff conduct cleaning of unkept communal areas within cluster apartments, the cost of this will be invoiced to the tenants of the cluster. Please keep your shared areas clean and tidy.

Studio apartments, the sole responsibility for cleaning is the tenant. LIV staff will conduct quarterly checks to ensure safe use of kitchens and equipment checks. Studio residents can borrow cleaning equipment from reception to use and return after use.

Residential services and facilities services employ a team of staff to carry out maintenance and cleaning of all residential areas on campus, you will see your maintenance team and cleaners out and about on a regular basis.

A full walk of the building and all corridors are carried out daily to ensure your comfort and safety, paying particular attention to fire safety and health & safety.

All maintenance issues must be logged via the My Support section in your My Liv App.

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Please make sure that all your kitchen rubbish is placed in the kitchen bins. Do not use these bins for dry household rubbish (e.g. paper, packaging, clothing), which you and your flat mates will be responsible for disposing to the bin store.

Our bin stores are located on the ground floor behind reception via the middle stair core entrance, the second bin store is located beside the laundry room via stair core 3, clear signage for bin stores is visible throughout the building.

When disposing of rubbish to the bin store bins, make sure that you put your rubbish INSIDE the bin, not beside it.

You have been provided with 3 recycling bins & a food waste bin.

Please do NOT put plastic bags in the food or recycling bins and please break down all boxes until flat before disposing in the bin store bin.

Also, ensure that the lid of the bin closes fully, as the council will not empty bins if the lids do not close snugly!

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Circuit Laundry

Our Laundry room is located on the ground floor beside the Cinema room available 24/7. We source our laundry services from Circuit Laundry for all your washing drying needs.

If you have any issues you need to contact Circuit laundry directly. For a guide of how to use the machines, buy a card/top it up or pay using the app.

View Circuit Laundry guides

There is a small charge for using the machines.

If you wish to use the laundry machines, don't forget to bring some washing powder or fabric conditioner with you, and please keep the laundry area clean.

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Repairs & Maintenance

Do not try and fix or repair any maintenance issues, we have a dedicated team on site to deal with any problems.

If you have or noticed anything that has been damaged or broken please report immediately via My support section in You My Liv App. Do not try and repair anything yourself please.

We will always do our very best to repair any damages without cost. If we are unable to repair the damage you and your apartment will be responsible for any charges or replacements.

Repairs of an emergency nature should be reported to the front desk team immediately or phone our duty phone on 07596378956.

For routine maintenance please contact reception and a member of our facilities team will be available Monday – Friday (9am – 4pm) only.

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Light Bulbs

Please report any faulty lights via the My Liv App ( “My Support” Section) .  Do NOT attempt to replace bulbs yourself, as they are specialised fittings.

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Closed circuit television cameras monitor 81-107 York street, BT15 1AT  LIV student accommodation.

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Security is available every night between 7pm – 8am to assist with all aspects of Health, Safety and Security.

They have a responsibility to uphold the Rules of Residence and report any breaches.

If you need to contact them, please call the duty phone number 07596378956.

From time to time, we will require access to your bedroom & or apartment for routine maintenance checks.

You will be given a 24 Hours’ notice but in the event of an emergency we may need to access your room without notice.

You do not need to be there but of course can be if you wish.

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Emergency Phones

An emergency telephone please call our Duty phone on 07375540252. A team member on site will be carrying this phone at all times.

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Fire Safety

On hearing an alarm (continuous sounding for more than 30 seconds), you should follow the “Fire/ Emergency Procedure” as detailed in your my liv app and pre arrival communications.

Watch our fire safety information video

If you encounter a fire, no matter how small, you should also follow this procedure.

The alarms are routinely tested every Tuesday around 12pm, so don’t panic.

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First Aid

For emergencies call 999.  All injuries and incidents must be reported to onsite team member.

Guests & visitors

We are delighted to welcome all guests to LIV Student Accommodation, for everyone’s comfort we ask you to follow house rules on guests.

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Your postal address will be:

  • First name Family name
  • Apt/room number
  • 81 -107 York Street
  • Belfast
  • BT15 1AT

Your post will be delivered to your post box on the ground floor.  Larger parcels will be kept behind reception for a maximum of 1 month. Parcels will be available for pick up from 8am – 10pm.

Post box keys are kept behind reception, when you need to collect post items e.g. letters please ask staff on reception for your post key and return after use.

Please always keep these safe, if you lose or break a key you will be charged for a replacement.

£30 for a post box key.

Nearest post office is:

Inside York Gate shopping centre

York Gate shopping centre post office Google map

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Getting about

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Takeaway Deliveries

If you are ordering deliveries, please use your full name and room number. You will need to come to reception and pick up the delivery from the driver in person. We do not accept any responsibility for any deliveries.

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Shopping and Eating

Being in the Belfast city centre you will be spoilt for choice for all your shopping needs.

York Gate Shopping centre is our closest shopping centre for food, homewares etc

York Gate Shopping centre directions

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