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Each year, the Trust awards four or five small grants, on a competitive basis, to support projects across Ulster University Departments, Schools and Faculties.

The project application asks project leads to set out how their project will meet the GWT aims and to demonstrate how it will deliver impactful results in a meaningful and timely manner”.

Over the years the GWT has funded several innovative projects, for example:

  • 25@25 Leadership programme: Leading Northern Ireland’s Future
  • Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) Conference & Workshops
  • Ulster Molecular Biology
  • Showcasing and Empowering Women in STEM
  • Strategies to Tackle Mental Illness and Suicidality among Students.

For further information on the application process, please see the F.A.Q below, or contact Paul Sampson, Garfield Weston Trust Secretariat, by email to


  • What is the project criteria
    Each year the GWT Board receive a wide range of project applications for consideration, from these applications they will fund several projects which most closely align with the funding criteria, which are as follows:
    a) Promote education and research
    b) Contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of the community benefitting from the project
    c) Assist the University in widening access to Higher Education
    d) Contribute to or associate with the University strategy: People, Place and Partnership which seeks to unlock our collective potential to deliver Sustainable Futures for All and to the core values of "inclusion, integrity, collaboration and enhancing potential"
  • What is the funding range

    While there is no set funding range for projects, the Trust will usually fund three to five projects per year with allocations of  £3000-7000 and  £12,000-20,000.

  • is there a time limit in which the project should be completed

    Funded projects will usually run within the Academic year,  starting the September after the funding award and ending by the following May. However, longterm projects will also be considered.

  • How are projects selected

    All submitted projects are presented to the  Garfield Weston Trust Board in their June meeting. At this meeting, the applications are  scored against the criteria set out above. Innovative, impactful projects that would not normally be funded by the University are welcomed by the Board. The Board would like to see clear impacts on participants, that are measurable and will have a lasting legacy.

  • Can I get a copy of the application form in Word format?

    Yes, please send an email to '' where the Trust Sectraist Paul Sampson will provide you with a Microsoft Word version of the application form. Please note, that only applications submitted via the MS Forms link will be considered.