Foreword from the Chair of Council

Dr Jenny Pyper, Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council

Good governance is at the heart of the Higher Education sector, and we rely on the experience and commitment of our governing body members to ensure that our institution runs effectively and reaches its full potential for Northern Ireland and on a global stage.

Council members play a key role in the governance of the University as set out in the Statement of Primary Responsibilities. As Council, we care deeply about the University’s mission to transform and unlock the potential of people, place and partnership, alongside building sustainable futures for all. That commitment has only been strengthened by the challenges of recent years and post covid, Ulster University’s transformational impact on individuals, societies, the economy and the environment is more vital than ever.

Our Council works in collaboration with the Vice-Chancellor and his Executive Team to support the delivery of our shared mission. It is a rich and stimulating environment with many opportunities for personal and professional development that may be availed of throughout your term.

At Ulster we know that diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We therefore seek Council members from a wide range of backgrounds to ensure that the Council is reflective of the diversity of the University community. We are committed to improving the gender balance on the Council, and the membership from among Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds and people with a disability.

All applications are welcome, and appointment will be made on merit.

Ulster University’s strategy, People, Place and Partnership, underpins all Council activity. Developed in close collaboration with Council, this vision and plan is guiding us to achieve continued innovation and impact for this treasured institution and is evident in our recent award as Times Higher Education University of the Year 2024, placing us among the top higher education institutions in the UK and Ireland.

I encourage you to join us as we embark on the next exciting chapter at Ulster University.

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Ulster University is extraordinary

A vibrant student experience

We are committed to the delivery of campus-based higher education.

Learning, teaching, and research are social activities where people come together to create and share knowledge through collaboration and partnership.

We are committed to the creation and nurturing of interactive shared spaces where people can benefit from research and industry-led learning across each of our campuses.

The aspirations of our vibrant student community are met across our three campuses, each offering a student experience unique to its location and subject areas.

We are recognised for our outstanding impact on student outcomes due to the excellence of our committed teaching community; delivering a learning experience that develops skills, raises ambitions, and prepares future leaders.

We enjoy a national and international reputation for excellence in teaching and research, while simultaneously playing a leading role in the enrichment of the social, economic, and cultural life of Northern Ireland and beyond.

We believe in equality; we celebrate diversity, and we foster inclusion.

Through our critical role in fulfilling our global civic commitment and transforming lives, we are delivering Sustainable Futures for All.

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Ulster University Fast Facts

Times Higher Awards 2024 Winner University of the Year
Over 30000 students - HESA (2022/23)
Over 245,000 Alumni Worldwide
International - welcoming students from over 70 countries
Top 50 universities Complete Uni Guide
2500 work placements

Ulster University's Values

Our Values set the tone for our University, where we are and where we want to get to.

Integrity image


We are open, honest and transparent with each other.

The Values
Collaboration image


People and relationships are central to everything we do.

The Values
Enhancing Potential image

Enhancing Potential

We strive to be the best that we can be.

The Values
Inclusion image


We promote a place to work and study where everyone is accepted.

The Values

Regional Impact

Ulster University is driving innovation across multiple sectors in Northern Ireland, with a lead role in the delivery of over £1.3 billion of City and Growth Deal initiatives in AI, Healthcare, Advanced Manufacturing, Agri-Food and Screen Industries.

In Belfast, we have developed a world-class virtual production studio, Studio Ulster in partnership with the global film and television industry. Our Centre for Digital Healthcare Technology will build upon our internationally renowned work in the medical device industry to revolutionise healthcare across the region.

Our Coleraine campus is an internationally recognised centre for the Biomedical Sciences on which we are creating a new Centre for Food and Drug Discovery.

In Derry~Londonderry, the University is a catalyst for economic renewal, spearheading multiple projects, including the state-of-the-art Smart Manufacturing Data Hub, the CADRIC project, which focuses on robotics, automation, AI, and digital technologies; and the School of Medicine which is not only training the next generation of doctors but leading extensive research in Personalised Medicine.

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University Council

The Powers of Council

Council is the governing body of the University, deriving its powers from the University Charter, Statutes and supporting Ordinances. The Charter, and accompanying Statutes, set out the powers and purpose of the University and define how it is governed. The Charter and Statutes also form the basis of the University’s Ordinances and Regulations, which set out, in detail, the rules of conduct for University business.

The Council also operates under a comprehensive Delegated Authority Framework, which codifies where responsibility for key decisions rests across the institution.

Council’s role is set out in a comprehensive Statement of Primary Responsibilities

Charitable Status

The University, as a unified entity, is registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland. As a result, all members of Council are trustees of the charity “University of Ulster”.

As charity trustees, Council members are collectively responsible for all the activities of the charity and must observe the requirements of the Charities Act, trustee and other relevant legislation, and have a shared duty of care for the charity.

Composition of Council

  • Chair of Council

    Council is chaired by Dr Jenny Pyper – one of the University’s two Pro-Chancellors. The Chair is responsible for the leadership and effective operation of the governing body.

  • Ex Officio Members
    • Pro-Chancellors/Honorary Treasurer

    The Chair of Council is supported by a further Pro-Chancellor and by the Honorary Treasurer – all three of whom are ex-officio members of Council.

    • Vice-Chancellor

    The Vice-Chancellor is an ex officio member of Council reflecting his roles of President, CEO, Chief Academic Officer and Chief Accounting Officer of the University.

    • Student Representation

    The President of the Students’ Union is an ex officio member of Council representing the student voice on the governing body.

  • Staff Members

    Council has provision for four Staff Members – two from the academic and two from the non-academic communities. One academic position is currently filled and steps are being taken to appoint Staff members to the remaining three positions for an initial period of four years.

  • External Members

    Council has provision to appoint a number of External Lay Members, to bring valuable skills and expertise to the work of the governing body.

    Further information about the University Council, along with profiles of current Members, can be found on the Council website.

  • Secretary to Council

    Under the Statutes of the University, the University Secretary is Secretary to Council – any queries relating to the constitution and governance of the University are handled directly through the Office of the University Secretary.

    The University Secretary can be contacted at

Role Description

Roles and Responsibilities


Council Members play a vital role in ensuring that the business of Council is carried out efficiently, effectively, and in a manner appropriate for the proper conduct of public affairs. They are expected to make rational and constructive contributions to debate and to make their knowledge and expertise available to the Council as opportunities arise.

Council Members are required to accept collective responsibility for the decisions reached by the Council. Council reaches its decisions generally by consensus, or on occasion, by a majority vote of those present at quorate meetings. Appointed Staff Members are full Board members and should not be bound in any way by mandates given to them by others.

Council Members must also recognise the proper separation between governance and executive management, and seek to ensure that their contributions are focused on governance, rather than on the day-to-day executive management of the University.


All Council Members have a responsibility for ensuring that the Council conducts itself in accordance with accepted Nolan Principles of Public Life, embracing selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. They must, at all times, conduct themselves as members of the Governing Body in accordance with these standards. Members must also strive at all times to embody the attributes articulated in the University’s BRAVE Leadership Framework.

All Council Members must make a full and timely disclosure of any conflict of interests. On appointment, members will be asked to complete a Register of Interests Form, held in the Office of the University Secretary. They must, as soon as practicable, disclose any interest which they have in any matter under discussion and accept the ruling of the Chair in relation to the management of that disclosure, in order that the integrity of the business of the Council and its Committees may be maintained.


All Council Members must have a strong personal commitment to Higher Education and the values, aims and objectives of the University.

They will at all times act fairly and impartially in the interests of the University as a whole, using independent judgement and maintaining confidentiality as appropriate.

Personal qualities include:

  • Integrity, sound judgement and an inquiring mind.
  • The ability to support and challenge constructively and work effectively with other Council Members and the Vice-Chancellor and his Executive Team
  • An understanding of, and willingness to adhere to the Nolan Principles of Public Life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
  • A strategic and forward-thinking approach.

Attendance at Meetings

Members are expected to attend all meetings of the Council and of Committees of which they are a member, or give timely apologies if absence is unavoidable.

Council meets a minimum of five times each year, for approximately six hours on each occasion. Meetings are normally (but not always) held on campus on Mondays and dates and venues are notified in advance.

Core Committees

Members may also be required to contribute to the work of at least one of the Council’s core Committees. Where this is the case, committees normally meet by Microsoft Teams four to five times each year.

Other Engagements

Throughout the year, members are given the opportunity to attend/participate in many aspects of University life – this will include celebratory and ceremonial occasions, such as dinners and graduation ceremonies.

Circulation of Papers

The agenda and supporting papers for each meeting are circulated one week in advance – this allows members time to familiarise themselves with the matters under consideration and to fully contribute to discussion/debate. All papers are also available online and access and relevant training will be provided on appointment.

Induction, Training and Development

All new members of Council are required to participate in Council induction programmes and the ongoing programme of Council briefings and site visits. The University operates in a particularly complex environment, and it is important that Council members have a full understanding of the key priorities and challenges facing the institution and the wider higher education sector.


Membership of Council does not attract remuneration, but expenses properly incurred, in respect of any activities carried out on behalf of the University, will be reimbursed.

Review of Council Effectiveness

In line with the Committee of University Chair's (CUC) Code of Governance, Council keeps its effectiveness under regular review.  Effectiveness is measured against the CUC Code and other emerging best practice, within and without the sector, on corporate governance.

All Council members are also required to meet with the Chair of Council, on a one-to-one basis, every year.  The purpose of these meetings is to enable the Chair and members to reflect on their contribution to the work of Council and ways in which this could be enhanced/supported going forward.

Selection Process

Application is by way of submission of a supporting statement (maximum three pages) that outlines your interest in the University and role, and your fit against the essential and desirable experience criteria.

Process details:

  • A Selection Panel has been established to review all applications for this post.
  • Short-listing will take place during week commencing 24th March 2025.
  • Structured conversations with the Vice-Chancellor and other Council representatives as appropriate are scheduled for the week commencing 7th April 2025.

The closing date for applications is 12 noon (GMT) on Monday 24 March 2025.

At Ulster we know that diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We therefore seek Council members from a wide range of backgrounds to ensure that the Council is reflective of the diversity of the University community. We are committed to improving the gender balance on the Council, and the membership from among Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds and people with a disability.

All applications are welcome, and appointment will be made on merit.

Applications should be submitted to

All applications will be acknowledged. Please check spam filters to ensure no communication is lost.

Should you require any further information in relation to this appointment, or should you wish to discuss your application in confidence, please contact Mrs Clare Jamison, University Secretary by email at

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Ulster University remains committed to several national Charter Marks that demonstrate our continued enhancement of equality for all at Ulster University; Advance HE’s Athena SWAN (AS) Charter - a framework which is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE) and research. The University is proud that currently eleven Schools, one Faculty and one Professional Services hold application awards. We are now working towards all areas of the University being an Athena Swan award holder and for an institutional Gold Award application.

We have also signed up to Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter (REC), which helps institutions in their work to identify and address the barriers facing minoritised ethnic staff and students, while also providing a framework for action and improvement. We plan to submit for our first REC Bronze Award by the end of 2025.

Our commitment to creating an inclusive and diverse workplace where all employees can feel valued, safe and respected is further evidenced by achieving a Diversity Mark Bronze accreditation in 2022, and a Disability Positive AAA+ accreditation by Employers for Disability NI in2023. We are also signatories to Age Friendly University, a global Network that aims to shape how we live and work by increasing educational opportunities across the life span.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Please complete our equal opportunities monitoring questionnaire and return to

Please note this form is regarded as part of your application and failure to complete and return it will result in your application not being considered.

This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and protected from misuse and stored and processed within the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018. It will not be shared with the Panel and will be used only for the purpose of monitoring implementation of our equal opportunity policies.

People, Place and Partnership

The University's Strategy

Delivering Sustainable Futures For All

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Brave Leadership Competencies

Collective growth and development are vital in Achieving Excellence Together. Embedding our values will enable a culture where staff feel appreciated and motivated to give their best. In addition, enhancing leadership potential and capability as leaders who equip and inspire, will help us achieve our ambitions together.

BRAVE encompasses a central ambition to nurture Bold, Resilient, Authentic, Versatile and Empowering leaders, across four levels of leadership, and is underpinned by our organisational values.

Bold image


You recognise that having the courage to challenge is fundamental to the role of leading yourself, our people, your teams...

Versatile image


You use your experience and expertise to shape the future of the university, ensuring that we continue to respond to...

Resilient image


You demonstrate perseverance and tenacity directed towards the achievement of goals despite pressure or adversity. You can adapt your behaviour...

Empowering image


You provide your team members with the space and authority to deliver well defined set objectives. You create clarity around...

Authentic image


You are values-driven, genuine, real and ethical. You demonstrate a sound awareness of your strengths and limitations, and your emotions....