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The Allstate NI Undergraduate Student of the Year Award will be made to an undergraduate student who, at the time of nomination is currently registered at Ulster University and during their time here has demonstrated 'significant personal achievement or a substantial contribution to  University life, its students or the community.'

Nominations can be made by staff, students or other interested parties, must be seconded by an academic member of staff and must come from a third party i.e. students cannot nominate themselves.

The deadline for 2025 applications is Friday 16 May 2025.

Award Eligibility

To be eligible for the award, the student must demonstrate achievement in at least one of the following areas.

1.  Voluntary/Community Work

Example 1: The student undertook work with a voluntary/community organisation which made a substantial difference to the lives of the client group/community.

Example 2: The student contributed to improving study/living conditions for international students within the University. This could take the form of initiatives to improve cultural awareness, organising social events, setting up clubs/societies/community events.

2. Overcoming a Disability/Personal Adversity

Example: The student overcame a disability or personal adversity which allowed them to become a role model for other students or they made a contribution to improving the opportunities for students with a disability to achieve their personal objectives. The latter could be by lobbying, representation, advocacy or way paving.

3. Personal Endeavour

Example: The student won a major academic prize

In order to choose the winner the selection panel will give consideration to the following:

  • The impact of the contribution made
  • The significance of the achievement
  • The level of disability/adversity overcome, and resulting impact on others.

The panel may ask for short listed students to attend an interview or give a presentation where there is insufficient information in the initial nomination form to make a final decision.

Previous Winners
2023April Canning
2022Belle Stevenson
2021Barry McLaughlin
2020Jenny Lynsey
2019 James Gibson
2018 Michael Jennings
2017 Luke Marshall
2016 Bernadette McGee
2015 Seanin Smith
2014 Mark O'Hara
2013 Duncan McGregor
2012 Stephen Campbell
2011 Ashish Mathur
2010 Elaine Shivas
2009 Deirdre Doherty
2008 Lisa Law
2007 Ruth Mein
2006 Rebecca Leonard
2005 Kathleen Graham
2004 Steven McQuitty